What Do NFL Refs Wear on Their Hands?

You may have noticed that NFL referees wear black and white striped uniforms, but did you know that they also wear special gloves? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what NFL referees wear on their hands and why.

The History of NFL Referee Uniforms

NFL referees are easily identifiable with their all-black uniforms. But, what do NFL refs wear on their hands? It’s actually a fascinating history. Let’s take a look.

How NFL referee uniforms have changed over time

Founded in 1920, the National Football League (NFL) is the oldest professional American football league. Throughout its 100-year history, the NFL has undergone many changes, including those to the uniforms worn by its referees. Here is a look at how NFL referee uniforms have changed over time.

1920s-1930s: During this time period, NFL referees wore black and white striped shirts with black pants and hats. They also wore black and white shoes.

1940s: In the 1940s, NFL referees started to wear all-black uniforms. They also began to wear black shoes with white stripes.

1950s: In the 1950s, NFL referees continued to wear all-black uniforms. However, they began to wear white shoes with black stripes.

1960s: In the 1960s, NFL referees continued to wear all-black uniforms. However, they switched back to wearing black shoes with white stripes.

1970s: In the 1970s, NFL referees continued to wear all-black uniforms. They also began to wear white socks with black stripes.

1980s: In the 1980s, NFL referee uniforms underwent a major change as they began to adopt a more “professional” look. Referees started to wear navy blue blazers with gold buttons, white shirts, and striped ties. They also began to wear navy blue pants with a gold stripe down the side. Black shoes were still worn with white socks that had black stripes.

1990s: In the 1990s, NFL referee uniforms did not change much from the 1980s style. The only major change was that referees began to tuck their shirts into their pants.

2000s: In the 2000s,NFL referee uniforms underwent another major change as they adopted a more “modern” look. Referees started to wear fitted black or navy blue shirts with gold stripes down the sides of their pants . Black or navy blue shoes were still worn with white socks that had black stripes .

Why NFL referee uniforms have changed

The history of NFL referee uniforms is a long and varied one. While the officials on the field today may not look too different from their predecessors of a few decades ago, there have been many changes to the uniform over the years. Some of these changes were made for practical reasons, while others were simply aesthetic.

The most obvious change to the uniform is the switch from all-white to all-black. This change was made in the early 2000s in order to make the officials more visible on television. Previously, they had been wearing white shirts with black stripes down the sleeves and black pants. The all-black look is now standard for all officials, regardless of what level of football they are working.

One notable change that was made specifically for referees was the addition of a pocket on the shirt for holding a pencil and scorecard. This change was made in the 1970s and has been a staple of referee uniforms ever since.

Another change that has been made in recent years is the addition ofSponsorship patches to jerseys . While this may seem like a minor change, it represents a major shift in how NFL teams generate revenue. In the past, teams relied primarily on ticket sales and television rights fees to generate income. Now, however, teams are looking for new ways to generate revenue, and sponsorship patches are one way that they are doing so. It remains to be seen how long this trend will continue, but it is certainly one that has changed the landscape of NFL referee uniforms over time.

What Do NFL Refs Wear on Their Hands?

NFL refs wear black and white stripes on their hands. The stripes are there to help the refs keep track of penalties and other important information during the game. NFL refs also wear gloves to help protect their hands from the cold weather.

The benefits of wearing gloves

Many NFL refs wear gloves to keep their hands warm during winter games, but the benefits of wearing gloves extend beyond just keeping your hands warm. Wearing gloves can help you maintain your grip on the ball, keep your hands from getting sweaty, and protect your hands from getting cuts and scrapes.

The drawbacks of wearing gloves

There are several reasons why NFL referees don’t wear gloves while officiating games. The main reason is that wearing gloves can limit an official’s ability to feel and grip the football. This could lead to an official not being able to properly throw a penalty flag or Administering proper hand placement for a proper tackle. Additionally, gloves can make it more difficult for an official to handle other items that they need during a game, such as a down marker or bean bag.

The different types of gloves worn by NFL referees

NFL referees wear a variety of gloves on their hands depending on the weather conditions and the level of play. In general, there are three different types of gloves worn by NFL refs: cold weather gloves, fieldmaster gloves, and leather palms.

Cold weather gloves are typically made from a waterproof and breathable material such as Gore-Tex. They are designed to keep the ref’s hands warm in cold conditions while still allowing them to grip the ball. Fieldmaster gloves are similar to cold weather gloves but are not as thick and are meant for use in moderate temperatures. Leather palms are the thinnest type of glove worn by NFL referees and are typically only used in warm weather conditions.

How Do NFL Refs Choose Which Gloves to Wear?

The gloves that NFL referees wear are black with white stripes running down the back of the hand. There are different brands that make these gloves, but the most popular one is the Nike Vapor Jet 3.0.

The factors that go into choosing the right gloves

There are a few factors that go into choosing the right gloves for an NFL referee. The first is the weather. If it’s cold outside, the ref will want to choose a glove that will keep his hands warm. The second factor is the surface of the field. If the field is wet, the ref will want to choose a glove that will help him maintain a good grip on the ball. The third factor is personal preference. Some refs prefer a certain style of glove or material, while others simply go with whatever feels comfortable to them.

The process of choosing the right gloves

When it comes to choosing the right gloves, NFL referees have a few options. They can go with the classic black leather look, or they can opt for a more modern synthetic material. Either way, the gloves need to provide a good grip on the football and protect the ref’s hands from the cold weather.

The officials also have to be able to hear well while wearing the gloves, so they need to be tight-fitting but not too snug. Often, the refs will experiment with different types of gloves during training camp and preseason games before settling on a pair for the regular season.

Once they find a pair of gloves that meets all their criteria, the refs will usually stick with that style for the rest of their careers.

How Do NFL Refs Care for Their Hands?

The officials in the National Football League are some of the most important people on the field. They are responsible for making sure the game is played fair and that all the rules are followed. But have you ever wondered what do NFL refs wear on their hands? Let’s take a look.

The importance of hand care

An NFL referee’s job is to officiate the game of football making sure that the rules are followed. Because they are constantly on the field with the players, they are also susceptible to injury. One of the most common injuries that referees suffer from is turf burn. Turf burn is a condition that is caused by friction and it can be very painful. In order to prevent this, NFL referees wear special gloves on their hands that help to protect them from this type of injury.

In addition to protecting their hands from turf burn, NFL referees also need to make sure that their hands are clean and free of any cuts or scrapes. This is because they will be handling the ball during the course of the game and they need to make sure that they do not transfer any bacteria or viruses to the players. One way that they can make sure their hands are clean is by using hand sanitizer before and after each game.

NFL referees also need to take care of their nails. This is because long nails can get in the way when they are trying to handle the ball. They also need to make sure that their nails are not too long because if they are, it can cause them to scratching players when they are making a tackle.

The different methods of hand care

Different refs have different methods for taking care of their hands. Some use hand lotion after every game, some use a mixture of aloe vera and Vaseline, and some refs even get manicures. Ultimately, it’s up to the ref to decide what works best for them.

One commonality between all refs is that they wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after each game. This is to remove any dirt, grime, sweat, or other potential irritants that could cause problems down the line. In addition, many refs will also use an antibacterial hand wash or sanitizer just to be extra safe.


To sum things up, NFL refs wear black and white stripes on their hands. Each ref has a different way of wearing them, but they all have the same colors. The stripes help the refs keep track of penalties and other important calls during the game.

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