What Do Tennis Players Wear?

Want to know what the top tennis players in the world are wearing? We have the latest and greatest tennis apparel for both men and women.


Tennis is a sport that has a long tradition and is enjoyed by players of all levels, from those just starting out to professional athletes. While the basic rules of the game have remained the same, the clothing that tennis players wear has evolved over the years. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the different styles of clothing that tennis players have worn throughout history.

On the Court

Tennis players must choose their clothing carefully because what they wear can have a significant impact on their performance. The right clothing will keep them cool and comfortable while they are playing, and it will also allow them to move freely without restriction. Many players prefer to wear shorts and sleeveless tops so that they can stay cooler during long matches. Women may also choose to wear skirts instead of shorts.

Off the Court

When they’re not on the court, tennis players still need to look the part. That doesn’t mean they have to be in all-white all the time, but they do need to maintain a certain level of sophistication and style.

For men, that means tailored clothing that looks good but doesn’t get in the way. A well-fitting blazer is a must, as are dress shirts, slacks, and dark jeans. Loafers or dress shoes are preferable to sneakers, and it’s always a good idea to have a jacket or sweater on hand in case the weather changes.

Women have a little more flexibility when it comes to off-court fashion. In addition to the usual suspects like blazers, slacks, and dresses, they can also get away with skirts and tops. The key is to find something that looks good without being too revealing or constricting.

Tennis players also have to be careful about what they wear on their feet. Shoes need to provide support and traction while also being comfortable enough to walk around in all day. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available specifically for tennis players. Just make sure to break them in before hitting the court!


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what tennis players wear. Each player has their own unique style, and they may also choose to mix and match different pieces depending on the tournament and the weather. However, there are some general guidelines that most players follow.

For instance, most players wear shorts or skirts that come down to at least mid-thigh. This allows them to move freely without worrying about their clothes getting in the way. Players also typically wear sleeveless or short-sleeved shirts to stay cool during long matches. In addition, many players wear visors or hats to shade their eyes from the sun.

While there is no dress code for tennis players, it is important to remember that comfort is key. Players need to be able to move freely and stay cool during matches, so it is best to avoid clothing that is too loose or constricting.

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