What Do They Do With Baseballs That Hit The Dirt?
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We all know that baseballs get dirty when they hit the ground. But have you ever wondered what happens to them after the game? Check out this blog to find out!
The Process
Baseballs that hit the dirt go through a process to be cleaned and reused. The process begins with the baseballs being gathered and then they are cleaned with a brush. After they are cleaned, the baseballs are put in a machine that buffs them. The last step in the process is that the baseballs are packed up and sent back to the teams.
Dirty baseballs are thrown into a bucket
Dirty baseballs are thrown into a bucket, and then a machine called a ball washer cleans them. The ball washer resembles a giant va-Ileyball net, and it has rotating brushes that scrub the balls clean. After they come out of the ball washer, the baseballs are dried in a large spin-dryer.
A machine then washes the baseballs
The process of getting a baseball ready for game-time is quite simple. Once the baseballs are collected from the previous game, they are sent to a machine that washes them. After the baseballs are clean, they are sent to a machine that rubs them with a special mud. This mud gives the baseballs their unique color and grip.
Once they are clean, the baseballs are sent to a storage container
After the game, the umpires collect all of the baseballs that were used and send them to a team of workers who are in charge of cleaning them. The workers start by sorting the baseballs by size and then inspecting them for any damage. The baseballs that are too damaged to be used again are thrown away.
The rest of the baseballs are put into a giant industrial washing machine where they are cleaned with a special detergent. Once they are clean, the baseballs are sent to a storage container where they will be kept until they are needed for another game.
The Materials
Baseballs that hit the dirt during a game are taken out of play and replaced with new balls. The used balls are then sent to a company called Rawlings, who cleans and reconditions them. After that, the balls are sold to collectors, memorabilia shops, and souvenir stands.
Water is used to keep the baseballs from drying out and cracking. The water also helps the mud to stick to the balls.
Soap is a natural cleaner that can be used to clean baseballs. Mix a solution of 1 part soap to 10 parts water. soak the balls in the solution for 20 minutes. Rinse the balls with clean water and dry them with a clean towel.
Bleach (optional)
Only game balls that have been used in a major league game are sent to the MLB for cleaning and sanitation. Most of these balls are simply cleaned with soap and water and then stored. However, there are some balls that go through a bleaching process as well. This is usually done to balls that have been hit into the dirt or have other stains that cannot be removed with soap and water.
Abrasive materials (optional)
Abrasive materials are often used to clean baseballs. In the MLB, a mixture of water and rubber beads is used. The mixture is put into a tumbler, which cleans the baseballs by removing the dirt and grass stains.
The Cost
The cost of a new baseball is about $5. If a baseball hits the dirt, it can be used again. It can also be sold as a souvenir for about $10. If a baseball is lost, the team has to pay $100 for a replacement.
The cost of the materials is minimal
The cost of the materials is minimal, and the process is relatively simple. Once the baseballs are gathered, they are clean and sanitized. Then, they are cut open and the inner core is removed. The core is then replaced with a new one made of rubber or cork. The ball is then sewn back up and returned to play.
The cost of the machine is the biggest expense
The machine itself is the biggest expense for a team, with some models costing as much as $100,000. The machines are used to clean the balls before they are sent out to be used in games, and they can last for years with proper maintenance.
Other costs include the cost of labor to operate the machine, which can be significant if a team has a lot of games. In addition, there is the cost of replacement balls, which can add up over time.