What Does A Esports Team Manager Do?

Ever wondered what an esports team manager does? In this blog post, we explore the duties, responsibilities and skills of an esports team manager.

What Does A Esports Team Manager Do?


As the esports industry continues to grow, so too does the demand for skilled professionals to manage teams and organizations. An esports manager is responsible for a wide range of tasks, from recruiting and managing players to overseeing training and operations. If you’re interested in a career in esports, here’s what you need to know about the role of an esports manager.

The Role of an Esports Team Manager

An esports team manager is responsible for the overall performance of the team. They manage players, schedules, and practice times. They also work with sponsors and organize events. A team manager needs to have a good understanding of the game their team is playing, as well as the ability to manage people.

Player Management

An important duty of any esports team manager is player management. This includes managing player schedules, making sure players are where they need to be, and helping players with any problems they may have. It also involves keeping an eye on player performance and providing feedback to help them improve. In some cases, the manager may also be responsible for booking travel and accommodation for players.

Contract Negotiations

An esports team manager is responsible for a wide variety of tasks, but one of the most important is contract negotiations. Players and coaches often have little to no experience in negotiating contracts, so it falls to the manager to get the best possible deals for their team.

Managers must be familiar with all aspects of the player or coach’s contract, including salary, benefits, appearance fees, and competition rules. They must also be able to negotiate on behalf of the team as a whole, in addition to individual players. In some cases, managers may even be responsible for finding sponsorships and other forms of outside funding for their team.

Marketing and Sponsorship

It is the Esports Team Manager’s job to help their team secure sponsorships and promotional partners. An effective manager will have a deep understanding of the Esports industry and know which brands would be a good fit for their team. They will also be able to negotiate favorable sponsorship deals that provide significant value for both the team and the sponsor.

A good Esports Team Manager will also be responsible for creating and executing marketing campaigns that promote their team to the wider world. This includes everything from social media posts to attending industry events. A successful marketing campaign can help to raise the profile of a team and attract new fans.

Social Media Management

Most esports team managers have a background in social media management. This means they are responsible for creating and curating content, managing schedules, and engaging with fans on various platforms. In some cases, they may also be responsible for managing the team’s website and other online properties.

The social media manager is the voice of the team. They are responsible for creating an online presence that represents the team’s brand and values. They must also be able to effectively communicate with fans, players, and other stakeholders.

The job of an esports team manager is constantly evolving. As the industry grows, so does the need for managers with more specialized skillsets. However, social media management will always be a core part of the role.

Event Management

An Esports team manager is responsible for the overall performance and image of their team. In order to succeed in this role, they must be able to effectively communicate with and motivate their team members, as well as manage the team’s finances and resources. They must also be able to effectively promote their team to potential sponsors and fans.

As the face of the team, an Esports team manager must be able to represent their team in a positive light at all times. They must be able to speak confidently about their team’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its chances of success in upcoming tournaments. Furthermore, they must be able to handle media relations in a professional manner.

In terms of event management, an Esports team manager is responsible for ensuring that their team is adequately prepared for all upcoming tournaments. This includes booking travel and accommodation for the entire team, as well as managing the logistics of getting the team to and from the event venue. Furthermore, the manager is responsible for ensuring that all tournament-related paperwork is completed correctly and in a timely manner.

Qualities of a Good Esports Team Manager

A Esports team manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the team. They handle everything from scheduling practices and tournaments to managing player morale and arranging travel. A good Esports team manager is someone who is organized, efficient, and has a good working knowledge of the game.


In order to be a good esports team manager, you must be passionate about the game and the scene. You need to have a good knowledge of the game mechanics, the metagame, and the strategies used by professional teams. You should also be up to date on the latest news and developments in the scene. Furthermore, you should be able to understand and analyze match replays. Finally, you should have a good feel for the team’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as for each player’s individual strengths and weaknesses.


An esports team manager has to be organized. They need to be able to handle all the paperwork, schedule practice times, book venues, and track players’ progress. They also need to be able to keep track of all the different moving parts of their team and make sure everyone is where they need to be.

Good Communicator

As the manager of an esports team, it is important that you are a good communicator. You will need to be able to communicate effectively with your team in order to help them improve and reach their potential. You will also need to communicate with other teams and organizations in the esports community in order to build relationships and create opportunities for your team.

Good with People

A good esports team manager is someone who is good with people. They need to be able to communicate effectively with their team and get along with everyone. They should also be able to handle conflict and solve problems.


As the leader of an esports team, it’s important for the manager to be creative in their approach to managing the team. A good esports team manager is able to come up with new and innovative ideas to keep their team motivated and focused. They are also able to think outside the box when it comes to problem-solving.


As an esports team manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team is prepared for competition. This involves managing both the logistics of travel and accommodation, as well as the training and practice schedule of your team. In addition, you will need to be able to effectively communicate with both your team and the opposing team in order to provide strategy and support during matches. As the manager, you are also responsible for maintaining the morale of your team and keeping them focused on their goals. If you are successful, you will find yourself at the forefront of a rapidly growing industry with immense potential.

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