What Does A NFL Referee Make?

Ever wonder how much an NFL referee makes? Here’s a breakdown of what they earn.

What Does A NFL Referee Make?

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make?

With all of the action and intensity of a typical NFL game, it’s easy to forget the men and women in stripes who keep the players in check. referees are an important part of every football game, but how much do they get paid for their services?

According to Business Insider, the average NFL referee makes $173,000 per year. That’s not too shabby, but it’s worth noting that refs only work about 10 hours per week. So, when you break it down by hour, an NFL referee makes about $30 per hour.

Of course, there are always a few refs who make more than the average. For instance, Ed Hochuli, who is considered one of the best referees in the NFL, reportedly makes $205,000 per year. And veteran referee Bernie Kukar was reportedly making $149,000 in his final season before retiring in 2015.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make Per Game?

The average salary for a NFL referee is $173,000 a year, but they also get paid extra for each game they officiate. They make an extra $600 for a preseason game, $1,700 for a regular season game, and $7,000 for a playoff game.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make Per Year?

The average NFL referee salary was $173,000 in 2014, according to Forbes. However, salaries can range from $25,000 to $70,000 per year, based on experience and position. For example, first-year referees make less than veteran referees. Super Bowl-winning head referees can earn much more than the average NFL referee.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Total?

In total, an NFL referee makes an average of $205,000 per year. This figure includes their salary and any other bonuses that they may receive for working extra games or doing other tasks related to their job. NFL referees are some of the highest paid employees in the entire league.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Retirement?

In retirement, NFL referees are eligible to receive a pension from the league. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and average salary. For example, an NFL referee with 20 years of service and an average salary of $100,000 per year would receive an annual pension of $50,000 in retirement.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Bonuses?

In addition to their paycheck, NFL referees also receive bonuses. For example, they may receive a bonus for working a playoff game or a Super Bowl. Bonuses are not common, however, and most referees only receive them for working significant games.

The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000. However, the salary range for NFL referees varies widely. For instance, some NFL referees make as little as $70,000 per year while others make more than $200,000 per year. The highest-paid NFL referees can make up to $400,000 per year.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Salary?

NFL referees make an annual salary of $173,000, which breaks down to an average of $8,000 per game. However, their paychecks vary depending on factors such as how many games they officiate in a season and whether or not they make it to the playoffs. For example, the league’s top referees can earn up to $6,000 extra for working a playoff game.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Benefits?

In addition to their game checks, NFL referees also receive a retirement plan and other benefits. According to Business Insider, the average NFL referee made $173,000 in 2013 in salary and benefits. The publication also reports that the NFL contributes an average of $18,000 per year to each referee’s retirement plan. So, for a career lasting 20 years or more, a NFL referee could have a retirement package worth more than $700,000.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Taxes?

The IRS taxes NFL referees at a higher rate than the average American because they are considered “self-employed.” This means that they are responsible for paying their own Social Security and Medicare taxes, as well as state and federal income taxes.

According to Forbes, the average NFL referee made $173,000 in salary in 2013. However, their total tax bill is much higher than that.

According to America’s Tax CPA, the total tax bill for an NFL referee would be $40,835. This includes federal income tax (at a marginal rate of 28%), self-employment tax (15.3%), and state income tax (which varies by state).

This means that the NFL referee pays an effective tax rate of 23.6%. This is higher than the average American’s effective tax rate of 14%, but it is still lower than the top marginal tax rate of 39.6%.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make After Taxes?

The average NFL referee make about $173,000 per year, but the range in salaries is from $30,000 to $500,000. NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis and they only work during the NFL season, which is from September to December. They also may work in the playoffs and the Super Bowl, which is held in February. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee was $205,000 in 2015.

However, this does not take into account state and federal taxes, which will reduce their take-home pay. For example, if an NFL referee lives in a state with a 5% income tax rate and they are in the 25% federal tax bracket, their taxes would amount to 30% of their income. This means that their take-home pay would be $119,000 per year.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Expenses?

NFL referees are not paid an annual salary, but are instead paid on a per-game basis. The average salary for a NFL referee is $25,000 per year, though this number can vary depending on the individual’s experience and position. NFL referees are also paid a per-game fee for their expenses, which is typically around $1,500.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Savings?

The average NFL referee makes about $173,000 a year, which is a nice chunk of change.

However, what many people don’t realize is that NFL referees also get a pension and other benefits that can add up to over $1 million dollars in savings.

So, while $173,000 is nothing to sneeze at, it’s important to keep in mind that NFL referees make much more than just their yearly salary.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Investments?

NFL referees make an average of $173,000 a year in salary, but that’s not all they bring in. In addition to their game-day pay, they also receive an annual pension of $16,000. And like all NFL employees, they are eligible for 401(k) matching and other benefits.

But their pay doesn’t stop there. NFL referees also receive compensation for their appearances on television and radio shows, as well as for public speaking engagements. For those who have been in the league for a while and have built up a good reputation, these opportunities can be quite lucrative.

In addition to their salary and benefits, NFL referees also receive a per diem of $325 for each day they work. This per diem is used to cover expenses such as travel, food, and lodging.

Finally, NFL referees are also reimbursed for any expenses related to their uniforms and equipment. This includes the costs of laundry and dry cleaning, as well as the purchase or rental of any necessary equipment.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Deductions?

While the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000, they can actually make much more or less depending on their performance. Each game, they are able to earn bonuses, which are determined by the NFL Commissioner. For example, if a referee officiates a playoff game, they would receive a $11,900 bonus. In addition to this, they also get paid for working training camps and preseason games.

However, not all of an NFL referee’s salary comes in the form of a direct payment from the league. Because NFL referees are considered independent contractors, they are responsible for paying their own taxes and other deductions. This means that the amount of money an NFL referee actually takes home is significantly less than their annual salary.

For example, an NFL referee with an annual salary of $173,000 would likely have to pay around $40,000 in taxes. In addition to this, they would also have to pay for their own health insurance and other benefits. When all of these deductions are taken into account, an NFL referee’s take-home pay is closer to $100,000 annually.

How Much Does A NFL Referee Make In Take-Home Pay?

The amount of take-home pay for a NFL referee can vary depending on the year and their position. In 2017, the minimum salary for a NFL referee was $34,000, while the maximum salary was $201,000. The average take-home pay for all NFL referees that year was $149,000.

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