What Does a Suspended Tennis Match Mean?

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When a tennis match is suspended, it means that the match has been interrupted and will resume at a later time. The reason for the suspension could be due to bad weather, darkness, or other factors. If the match is suspended, the players will resume the match from the same score and game situation as when the match was interrupted.

What Does a Suspended Tennis Match Mean?


Suspended matches are a common occurrence in lawn tennis. In most cases, a match is suspended due to bad weather conditions. However, there are other reasons why a match may be suspended, such as light failure or an injury to a player.

When a match is suspended, the players stop playing and leave the court. The match is then resumed at a later time, from the same score and with the same serve. If the conditions that led to the suspension of play cannot be improved, then the match may be abandoned and declared void.

In some tournaments, such as Wimbledon, there is a rule that states that if a match is suspended due to bad light, then it must be played to completion the following day. However, this rule is not universal and there are many tournaments where matches can be left unfinished if play is suspended due to bad light.

It is also important to note that if a player retires injured during a match, then the match will also be considered abandoned and void.

What is a Suspended Tennis Match?

In tennis, a suspended match is one that has been postponed due to bad weather or other reasons and can be resumed at a later date. This can be a frustrating situation for both players and spectators alike. Let’s take a look at what a suspended tennis match is and how it works.

Definition of a Suspended Tennis Match

A suspended tennis match is a match that has been stopped due to bad weather or poor light conditions, and can be resumed at a later time. The match can also be suspended due to an injury, or player retirement. If a match is suspended, the players will usually finish the game at a later date.

If a match is suspended due to bad weather, the players will usually try to finish the game as soon as possible. If the weather does not improve, the match may be postponed until the following day. If a match is suspended due to poor light conditions, the players will usually try to finish the game within 30 minutes. If they are unable to do so, the match may be postponed until the following day.

If a player is injured during a match and is unable to continue, the match may be Suspended. The player will often receive medical treatment and will try to resume play as soon as possible. If the player is unable to continue, the match may be awarded to their opponent.

If a player retires during a match, the match may be Suspended. The player may retire due to an injury or illness, or for personal reasons. If the player is able to resume play at a later date, they may do so, but if they are unable to continue, The match may be awarded to their opponent

Examples of a Suspended Tennis Match

There are several examples of a suspended tennis match. One example is when a player is injured and can no longer continue the match. Another example is when bad weather causes the match to be postponed. Finally, a match may be suspended if there is a problem with the court or another issue that needs to be resolved.

How to Resume a Suspended Tennis Match

At some point during a tennis match, play may be suspended due to inclement weather or poor light conditions. When this happens, the chair umpire will suspend play and the players will go to their respective locker rooms. The match will resume at a later time, with the same score and server.

The Score When the Match is Suspended

If a tennis match is suspended, the score reverts back to what it was at the start of the most recent completed game. Any games that were in progress when play was suspended do not count.

The Server When the Match is Suspended

The player who was serving when the match was suspended will resume serving when play resumes. The same player will serve for each odd game until the end of the match, with the other player serving for each even game. If, for example, play is suspended with one player ahead 6-5 in a best-of-13-game match, that player would serve first when play resumes and would serve for each odd-numbered game the rest of the way. The other player would serve second and for each even-numbered game.

The Receiving Player When the Match is Suspended

The player who was receiving when the match was suspended shall resume serving at the commencement of play on the resumption of the match.

You may have seen a tennis match suspended due to rain or darkness and wondered what happens next. It can be confusing, but it’s actually pretty simple. The player who was receiving when the match was suspended shall resume serving at the commencement of play on the resumption of the match. If Rainrupted your game, don’t worry, you can resume where you left off.


A suspended tennis match is one that has been stopped due to poor weather or light conditions, and has not yet been resumed. If a match is suspended, the current score and all statistics are reset, and play will resume from the beginning once the conditions have improved.

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