What Does a WWE Superstar Get Paid?

Find out what a WWE Superstar gets paid per match, and how that compares to other professional athletes.

What Does a WWE Superstar Get Paid?


WWE superstars are among some of the highest-paid athletes in the world. The average superstar earned $500,000 in 2018, but the top earners made significantly more. The highest-paid superstars can make over $1 million per year. In addition to their salaries, WWE superstars also receive a percentage of merchandise sales and pay-per-view earnings.

Base salary

Superstars’ base salaries are determined by their experience, notoriety, and drawing power. The salaries differ based on whether the Superstar is a full-time or part-time performer. Full-time Superstars receive a base salary of $500,000 per year, while part-time Superstars receive $250,000 per year. In addition to their base salary, Superstars receive a percentage of the pay-per-view revenue and live event ticket sales.


Pay-per-view bonuses

WWE superstars make the majority of their money from performing on TV and PPVs, which is why they are typically classified as independent contractors. They make a base salary as well as a cut of the company’s PPV revenue, and some stars also receive royalties for merchandise sales. In addition to their regular salaries, wrestlers also earn bonuses for appearing on main events and for winning championships.

Merchandise sales royalties

When it comes to salaries, WWE superstars make most of their money from merchandise sales royalties. Every time a WWE superstar’s merchandise is sold, they receive a royalty. The royalty rate varies depending on the item and the superstar, but it is typically around 10%. So, if a superstar has a t-shirt that selling for $25, they would make around $2.50 per shirt sold.

Travel and accommodation

WWE Superstars travel up to 270 days a year and are away from home for up to 250 days a year. WWE provides all travel and accommodation for its Superstars and their families. A typical WWE Superstar’s travel itinerary includes 30 to 40 live event dates per month.

Road agents

WWE employs a team of on-screen authority figures known as road agents. Road agents are tasked with helping to ensure the quality of WWE’s television product by coming up with ideas for matches, storylines and segments, as well as helping to train and advise WWE’s wrestlers in the ring. Road agents typically have a background in either professional wrestling or sports entertainment.

In addition to their on-screen roles, road agents also help with logistics backstage, such as coordinating travel and accommodation for WWE’s wrestlers and crew. Road agents are also responsible for setting up ring configurations and equipment backstage at WWE events.

Per diem

Superstars are given a per diem of $500 while traveling. This allows them to cover the costs of food and incidentals while on the road. If a Superstar is traveling with a spouse or child, they will receive an additional $100 per day for each dependent.

Medical insurance

All WWE superstars are given medical insurance through the company. This insurance covers all expenses related to medical treatment and surgeries.

In-patient care

In-patient care is when you stay overnight in a hospital or other medical facility. The facility will provide all your meals, as well as a place to sleep and receive treatment. You will be cared for by a team of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who will work to ensure you get better and recover from your illness or injury.

Out-patient care

Out-patient care is medical care you get without being admitted to a hospital. Examples include medical office visits, diagnostic testing, and injections administered in a doctor’s office. You usually pay a copayment for each out-patient visit. If you have met your yearly deductible, you may also have to pay coinsurance for some services.


Superstars are able to maintain their health insurance for up to 60 days after their in-ring career comes to an end. If a Superstar is injured during a match, WWE pays for all medical treatment related to the injury.

WWE also provides ongoing medical care and rehabilitation for any injuries that occurred during a Superstar’s time in the ring, regardless of whether they are still an active performer. This includes regular check-ups, MRIs, x-rays, and any necessary surgeries.

Other benefits

Of course, in addition to a basic salary, WWE superstars also get paid for things like appearances, merchandise sales, and pay-per-view Bonuses. Most of the top WWE superstars make millions of dollars per year. For example, Brock Lesnar reportedly made $5 million in 2018, while John Cena made $8 million.

WWE Network

In addition to their base salary, WWE Superstars also receive a cut of the pay-per-view buyrates, as well as royalties from the sale of merchandise with their likeness. And, of course, the more popular a Superstar is, the more they stands to make.

But one of the biggest sources of income for WWE Superstars comes from the WWE Network. Launched in 2014, the WWE Network is a streaming service that offers on-demand and live programming, as well as a comprehensive video library of past matches, pay-per-views, and TV shows. It currently has over 1.5 million subscribers.

Superstars are paid based on the number of subscribers they have to the Network. For example, someone with 1 million subscribers would earn a $1 million bonus on top of their salary. And because the WWE Network is only available in certain countries, international superstars can earn even more money based on their popularity outside of the United States.

WWE Performance Center

In addition to a base salary, WWE Superstars receive income from several other sources, including merchandise sales, live eventticket sales, and royalties from WWE Network and pay-per-view broadcasts. Superstars also receive a share of revenue generated by WWE’s business partners, such as corporations that sponsor WrestleMania or advertise on WWE programming.

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