What Does an NFL Team President Do?

Get an inside look at what an NFL team president does on a day-to-day basis, from interacting with fans to handling the business side of the sport.


An NFL team president is the face of the franchise and is responsible for the overall operation of the team. He or she reports directly to the owner and is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the franchise. The president oversees all aspects of the team, from personnel decisions to marketing and sponsorship. He or she is also responsible for negotiating player contracts and managing the salary cap. The president works closely with the head coach to ensure that the team is competitive on the field and represents the franchise well off it.

The president of an NFL team is a demanding and high-pressure job, but it is also one of the most rewarding positions in professional sports. If you have a passion for football and a head for business, it might be the perfect career for you.

The Role of an NFL Team President

The president of an NFL team is responsible for the overall management of the team. He or she works closely with the head coach to ensure the team is run smoothly and efficiently. The president also represents the team in negotiations with other teams, the league office, and outside entities. He or she is the face of the franchise and is responsible for its public image.

General Manager

The NFL general manager, along with the head coach, is responsible for the overall direction of the team. They are in charge of putting together the roster and selecting which players will be active on game days. The GM also manages contracts and negotiates with free agents. In some cases, the GM may also be responsible for scouting new talent and preparing draft boards.

Head Coach

The head coach is the leader of the team and is responsible for the team’s performance on the field. The head coach is also responsible for hiring and firing assistant coaches and staff, and for managing player personnel. The head coach has final say over all decisions regarding the team, including game strategy, personnel decisions, and discipline.

Business Operations

The president of an NFL team is responsible for the business operations of the team. He or she works closely with the general manager and head coach to ensure that the team is run efficiently and profitably. The president also represents the team at league meetings and functions.

The position of president is not an easy one, and it requires a great deal of experience in both the business and football worlds. NFL team presidents are some of the most qualified and experienced executives in all of sports.

Other Responsibilities of an NFL Team President

An NFL team president oversees the business side of the team. He is responsible for the team’s finances, marketing, and ticket sales. He also negotiates the team’s TV contracts and handles other business dealings. The president is also responsible for hiring the team’s head coach and general manager.


An NFL team president oversees all aspects of the team’s business operations, including marketing, ticket sales, and fan experience. In addition to these responsibilities, the team president also serves as the face of the franchise and is responsible for representing the team at league meetings and conferences.

Community Relations

One of the most important, but least publicized, duties of an NFL team president is to serve as the face of the franchise in the community. Team presidents are responsible for all community outreach initiatives and programs, and they are typically the ones who attend community events on behalf of the team.

This is an important role, because it allows the team president to build relationships with local business leaders, government officials, and other important figures in the community. These relationships can be critical when it comes time to negotiate leases or stadium deals, or when the team needs support for a new initiative.

Community outreach also helps to build goodwill among fans, which can translate into increased ticket sales and merchandise revenue. In addition, many team presidents take an active role in charitable initiatives, using their platform to raise awareness and funds for important causes.

Player Personnel

The president of an NFL team has broad ranging responsibilities, but one of their most important jobs is overseeing player personnel. The president works with the general manager to ensure that the team has the best possible players and that those players are being used effectively.

The president also works with the coaching staff to make sure that they are using the players in the most effective way possible. This includes game strategy, player utilization, and playcalling.

The president is also responsible for managing the team’s salary cap. They work with the general manager to make sure that the team is not overspending on players and that they are staying within the league’s rules.

Finally, the president is responsible for representing the team to the league office and to other teams. They are the face of the franchise and are responsible for promoting the team in a positive light.


All in all, being the president of an NFL team is a big responsibility. From overseeing the operations of the team to maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, the president has a lot on his or her plate. But at the end of the day, it’s all worth it when you see your team succeed on and off the field.

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