What Does Heel Mean In WWE?

Heel is a term used in professional wrestling to describe a wrestler who is villainous or a “bad guy.”

What Does Heel Mean In WWE?

WWE Basics

In WWE, heel is a term used to describe a wrestler who is playing the part of a villain or a bad guy. Heels are typically disliked by the fans and often get booed when they come out to the ring.

What is WWE?

WWE is an American professional wrestling promotion based in Stamford, Connecticut. WWE staff consists of professional wrestlers, managers, play-by-play and color commentators, ring announcers, interviewers, referees, trainers, producers, script writers, and other positions. Executives and board members include co-presidents George A. Jirschuk and Michelle D. Wilson, chief brand officer Stephanie McMahon Levesque, and chief financial officer Frank A. Riddick III.

What is a heel?

In wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre) is a wrestler who is villainous or antagonistic, who behaves in a rude and unsportsmanlike manner, who breaks the rules, or who otherwise takes measures to build heat (with the fans).

The Meaning of Heel

Heel is a term used in professional wrestling to describe a villainous or anti-hero character. A heel can be a wrestler who is simply disliked by the fans, or one who actively works against babyface characters.

In WWE, a heel is a wrestler who is villainous or antagonistic.

In wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in Mexican wrestling, or a villain) is a wrestler who portrays themselves as a villain or a “bad guy” and acts as the hostility towards the babyface wrestlers, who are the heroic fan favorites.
Heels are commonly portray themselves as dishonest, underhanded or unfair, often acting like bullies. They may cheat to win matches and will frequently disobey the rules. On the other hand, babyfaces are commonly portrayed as fair and just.
In many cases, heels may encompass characteristics of both real-life villains and bullies, such as acting impulsively without any regard to consequences, being mendacious for their own gain or amusement, having an inflated ego and being obstreperous.

Heels are often involved in cheating and underhanded tactics to win matches.

In professional wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre) is a wrestler who portrays a character that is villainous, despicable or otherwise antagonistic, usually acting like a bully. Many heels are boom-or-bust characters, which means they either win championships or languish in the midcard for most of their careers.

Notable Heels

In professional wrestling, a heel is a wrestler who is portrayed as being dishonest, underhanded or Motor city Madman aggressive. They are the opposite of faces, who are the heroic or virtuous protagonists. A heel can be either a villain or an antihero.

Some of the most famous heels in WWE history include The Undertaker, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar.

In professional wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre) is a wrestler who is villainous or antagonistic, who acts as the protagonist’s opponent. A heels’ goal is usually to gain fan support and heat through the use of tactics such as taunting and cheating.

heels are often portrayed as commanding or demanding, and they tend to treat the fans and other wrestlers with disrespect. Heels typically gain an advantage over their opponents through illicit means, and they are often viewed as cowards when they refuse to fight fair.

The Undertaker:
The Undertaker is one of the most famous heels in WWE history. He is a 7-time world champion and has held numerous other titles during his illustrious career. He is known for his dark persona and his trademark gong entrance. The Undertaker has been a heel for most of his career, but he has also been a babyface on occasion.

Triple H:
Triple H is another one of the most famous heels in WWE history. He is a 14-time world champion and has held numerous other titles during his illustrious career. Triple H is known for his arrogance and his elitist attitude. He has been a heel for most of his career, but he has also been a babyface on occasion.

Brock Lesnar:
Brock Lesnar is another one of the most famous heels in WWE history. He is a former UFC Heavyweight Champion and was the youngest WWE Champion in history when he won the title at the age of 25. Brock Lesnar is known for his brutal strength and his ferocious fighting style. He has been a heel for most of his career, but he has also been a babyface on occasion.

Why Do Fans Love Heels?

Heels are the villains of WWE. They disregard the rules, they cheat, and they do whatever it takes to win. Fans love to hate them. But why do we love to hate them? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons.

Many fans enjoy watching heels because they are often more entertaining than babyfaces.

Many fans enjoy watching heels because they are often more entertaining than babyfaces. Heels usually have better mic skills and can generate more heat with the crowd. In addition, they often use underhanded tactics to win matches, which makes for more exciting television.

Heels often have more personality than babyfaces and are more likely to get involved in physical altercations.

Fans love heels because they are the bad guys of professional wrestling. Heels often have more personality than babyfaces and are more likely to get involved in physical altercations. This makes them more entertaining to watch and helps to create a more exciting environment at live events.

While some heels are simply disliked because of their arrogance or playing up to stereotypes, others are loved by fans because they are so good at being bad. This can be due to their in-ring abilities, their charismatic persona or a combination of both. Ultimately, fans enjoy watching heels because they provide a foil for the babyfaces and help to create an emotionally-invested viewing experience.

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