What Does It Take To Be A WWE Diva?

In order to be a WWE Diva, you must have the whole package. You must be athletic, have a great look, be marketable, and be able to work well with others. You also have to be able to entertain the WWE Universe and have a good attitude.


The WWE Divas are an integral part of the WWE brand and have been so for nearly two decades now. From the days of Sable, Chyna and the original Nitro Girls to the Women’s Revolution of today, the WWE Divas have always been a crucial part of what makes WWE so special.

But what does it take to be a WWE Diva? It takes more than just good looks and a great body, that’s for sure. It takes someone who is athletic, charismatic, marketable and, most importantly, someone who is willing to put in the hard work required to succeed in such a competitive industry.

Here are just some of the things that it takes to be a WWE Diva:

The first and most obvious quality that it takes to be a WWE Diva is athleticism. Given that the majority of matches in WWE are contested between two women, it stands to reason that those women need to be able to go toe-to-toe in the ring and put on a good show for the fans. Thankfully, there are plenty of talented athletes out there who are more than capable of doing just that.

However, being athletic is not enough on its own; you also need to be able to capture the attention of the fans and get them invested in your character. This is where charisma comes in. A good WWE Diva needs to be able to connect with the fans and make them care about her and her story. After all, what’s the point in being a great athlete if no one is interested in watching you?

Of course, it’s not enough just to be athletic and charismatic; you also need to be marketable. In order for a WWE Diva to be successful, she needs to appeal to as many people as possible and be someone that people want to see on their television screens week after week. This can often be difficult given WWE’s family-friendly image, but it’s something that all successful Divas have been able to achieve.

What Does It Take To Be A WWE Diva?

To be a WWE Diva, you need to have a combination of beauty, brains, and athleticism. You need to be able to entertain the WWE Universe and be a role model for young girls. You must be able to work long hours, be physically fit, and have a positive attitude.

Physical Attributes

To be a WWE Diva, you don’t have to fit a certain mold, but you must have the right mix of physical attributes, charisma and athletic ability.

First and foremost, WWE Divas must be in excellent shape. They are required to maintain a fit and toned physique year-round, as they are constantly in the public eye and are often photographed in revealing outfits. They must also be comfortable performing in front of large crowds of people and must have the stamina to perform physically demanding stunts and maneuvers.

In addition to being physically fit, WWE Divas must also be strong performers. They must be able to memorize lines and deliver them with conviction, as well as execute complex wrestling maneuvers with precision. They must also have the presence to command the attention of the audience and make them want to watch.


While in-ring ability is certainly important, what really makes a WWE Diva is her charisma. This is the ability to connect with the audience and get them invested in your character. Charisma can be difficult to define, but you know it when you see it. There are some Divas who just have that “it” factor that makes them stand out from the rest.

Acting Ability

While actual wrestling ability is certainly a key component to becoming a WWE Diva, it is not the only aspect that the company looks for in its female talents. Acting ability is also extremely important, as WWE Divas are often just as involved in storylines outside of the ring as they are in it.

Many of the biggest and most successful WWE Divas of all time have been those who were not only great wrestlers, but great actresses as well. The likes of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin may have been some of the most popular stars in wrestling history, but they would never have been nearly as successful as they were if they could not have backed up their in-ring abilities with strong performances on the microphone. Similarly, while a wrestler like Bret Hart may have been one of the best technical wrestlers of all time, he was never considered to be on the same level as The Rock or Stone Cold when it came to his entertainment value.

In recent years, we have seen WWE move away from traditional wrestling and more towards entertainment. This has placed an even greater emphasis on acting ability for WWE Divas, as they are now required to not only be good wrestlers, but also good performers outside of the ring. While this has led to some criticism from traditional fans of professional wrestling, there is no doubt that it has made for some very entertaining television.

Wrestling Ability

In order to be a WWE Diva, you need to have great wrestling ability. This means being able to execute all of the different types of wrestling moves and holds in a safe and timely manner. You need to have good stamina so that you can wrestle for long periods of time without tiring. You also need to be able to sell your opponents’ moves, meaning that you need to make it look like you are in pain when they hit you. You should also be able to work well with your fellow wrestlers in order to make the match look as realistic as possible.


In conclusion, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and talent to be a WWE Diva. The women who make it to the top of this industry are truly amazing athletes and entertainers. If you have what it takes to be a WWE Diva, then go for it!

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