What Does Lob Mean In Baseball?

Lob means to throw the ball high in the air. It’s a common play in baseball, and it can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes. If you’re wondering what does lob mean in baseball, you’ve come to the right place!

What Does Lob Mean In Baseball?


A “Lob” is a low, soft throw. It is usually used when the defensive team is trying to prevent the offensive team from getting a hit. The term can also be used as a verb, as in “to lob the ball.”


A lob in baseball is a high, soft arc of a pitch that is meant to be difficult for the batter to hit. Pitchers will often use a lob when they are facing a particularly strong hitter, or if they want to deliberately avoid giving up a home run. Lob pitches are often used as an intentional walk, since it is very difficult for the batter to hit the ball out of the park on such a high, soft pitch.


Lob pitches were once a staple of baseball, particularly in the Deadball Era. Managers such as John McGraw and Connie Mack employed the lob as part of their overall strategy, which revolved around manufacturing runs with small ball. The theory behind the lob was that it would be more difficult for hitters to get on top of the ball and drive it for extra bases, thus leading to more singles and outs on the bases.

Lob pitches began to fall out of favor in the 1920s as baseball evolved into a power game. Hitters such as Babe Ruth and Jimmie Foxx made a mockery of pitchers who tried to lob the ball over the plate, hitting towering home runs that changed the complexion of games. By the end of the Deadball Era, very few pitchers were still using the lob as part of their repertoire.

How to Lob

Lobbing the ball is a skill that every baseball player should know how to do. It can be the difference between getting an out and giving up a run. In this article, we’ll show you how to lob the ball like a pro.


There are a couple different techniques that can be used when lobbing the ball in baseball. The most common way is to use your index and middle finger to grip the baseball seam while holding the ball in the palm of your hand. You will then throw the ball using a three-quarters arm motion while keeping your elbow close to your body. Another way to grip the baseball when lobbing is to use your index and ring finger to grip the seam while holding the ball in the palm of your hand. You will then throw the ball using a sidearm motion while keeping your elbow close to your body.

When to Use

In baseball, a lob is a soft, high-arcing pitch. It is the polar opposite of a fastball, which is thrown as hard as possible with little regard for accuracy.

Lobs are usually thrown to deceive the batter or to take advantage of the fact that the hitter is expecting a fastball. For example, a pitcher might throw a fastball and then follow it up with a lob to catch the batter off-guard.

Lobs are also used to get out of tough situations. For example, if there are runners on base and the batter is up, the pitcher may opt to lob the ball instead of risk throwing a wild pitch or giving up a home run.

Lobbed pitches are easy for infielders to catch because they have time to position themselves under the ball. Outfielders also have an easier time catching lobs than they do fastballs.

The best time to use a lob is when you need to buy time or create space. For example, if you’re being chased by someone, you mightthrow a lobbed object behind you in order to give yourself time to get away. You might also use a lobbed pass in football to give your receiver time to get open.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lobbing

Lobbing is when the pitcher throws the ball high in the air so that the batter can hit it. This is usually done when the batter is far away from the pitcher. The advantage of lobbing is that it gives the batter more time to hit the ball. The disadvantage is that it is easier for the fielder to catch the ball.


Lobbing allows the pitcher to disrupt the batter’s timing and rhythm.

Lobbing also makes it more difficult for base runners to steal bases.

Finally, lobbing can be used to deceive the batter, making it more difficult to hit the ball.


Lobbing can be very effective when trying to get bases loaded or when the fielder is far away, but it does have its disadvantages. Pitchers who constantly lob the ball are very easy to hit off of because the batter has all the time in the world to adjust to the speed and trajectory of the ball. Lobbed balls are also more likely to be caught by outfielders because they have time to run under them.

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