What Does Love Mean In Tennis Terms?

When two people love each other very much, they often express their feelings by playing tennis together. But what does love mean in tennis terms?


Tennis is a lot like love- there are many ups and downs, emotional outbursts, and sometimes it can be really frustrating. But, when it’s good, it’s really good. You feel on top of the world, like you can do anything. Just like love, tennis can be a great teacher. It can teach you how to be patient, how to persevere through tough times, and how to always keep going, no matter what.

What is love?

When we talk about love in tennis terms, we are referring to the score of zero. In other words, when both players have yet to win any points in a game. This can also be thought of as “starting a game from scratch.”

The etymology of the word “love”

The word “love” has many different meanings in English, from a deep feeling of affection to simply liking someone a lot. In tennis, the meaning is very specific: it refers to the score of zero.

When tennis players say they love the game, they usually mean that they’re very fond of it and enjoy playing it. However, the term can also be used more literally to describe someone’s score in a match. If a player’s score is zero (also known as “love”), that means they haven’t won any points yet.

The Meaning of Love in Tennis

The four points of the love score

The four points of the love score represent different stages in a tennis match. The first point is when the server wins the game. The second point is when the receiver wins the game. The third point is when the server loses the game. The fourth point is when the receiver loses the game.

The love game

Love in tennis means having zero points in a player’s score. When a player’s score is zero, it is represented as “love.” The term “love” likely comes from the French word for egg, which is “l’oeuf.” This may be because the zero shape resembles an egg.

The love set

This rare set score occurs when the players in a set are tied at zero games apiece. In order to avoid a lengthy and potentially frustrating tiebreaker, one player will simply concede the set to their opponent. While this may not seem like the most romantic gesture, it does show a deep commitment to avoiding a lengthy and possibly pointless game.

The love match

In tennis, “love” means zero. It’s the lowest possible score you can have in a game. When you hear someone say that a tennis player “lost love,” it means they lost the game without scoring any points.


Love means nothing in tennis terms. In tennis, love is the score of zero. When the score is tied at zero, it is said to be “love all”, hence the name. In other words, when both players or teams have the same score, it is called “love”.

The true meaning of love

In tennis, the term “love” means zero. That’s why we say “love all” when the score is 0-0.

Of course, in life the term “love” has a much richer meaning. We use it to describe our deepest attractions and affection for others. We also use it to express our caring and support for friends, family, and causes.

So what does love mean in tennis terms? It’s simply a score of zero. But in life, it’s so much more than that.

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