What Does RKO Mean in WWE?

We all know that WWE is full of abbreviations and acronyms, but what does RKO mean in WWE?

In WWE, RKO stands for the finishing move of WWE Superstar Randy Orton. The move is a leaping clothesline-type move, where Orton jumps up and hits his opponent with both arms extended.

RKO is a move that can be used on any opponent, regardless of size, and it is often used as a surprise move to

What Does RKO Mean in WWE?


RKO is a move that was popularized by WWE wrestler Randy Orton. The move is a jump from the top rope and then an RKO, which is a variation of a bulldog. The move is very impressive and is one of the most popular moves in the WWE.

What is WWE?

WWE is an American wrestling entertainment company. It stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. There are two main branches of WWE, WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown.

What is RKO?

RKO, which stands for “Randy Knows Only,” is a finishing move in professional wrestling performed by WWE Superstar Randy Orton. The move consists of an inverted facelock, where the wrestler grabs his opponent from behind and wraps his arms around the opponent’s head, and then brings him down to the mat while falling backwards.


The RKO is a professional wrestling maneuver. It was popularized by Randy Orton, who has used it as his finishing move throughout his career. The move involves an attacker jumping up and grabbing their opponent’s head/neck, and then driving them down to the mat back-first.

What is RKO?

RKO is a finishing move in WWE used by wrestler Randy Orton. The move is a variation of a cutter, and is considered one of the most devastating and popular moves in WWE.

What does RKO mean in WWE?

RKO is a move in WWE that is used by wrestler Randy Orton. It is a variation of the traditional wrestling move known as a “clothesline.” The move has been popularized by Orton and has become one of his signature moves.


In conclusion, “RKO” is a finishing move in WWE that is used to get a quick victory. It can be performed from either the top rope or the ground, and is one of the most popular moves in the WWE. Thanks for reading!

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