What Does Tc Stand For In Baseball?

A look at the definition of TC in baseball, and how this metric is used by scouts to evaluate pitchers.


Tc, or total bases plus walks, is a baseball statistic that measures a player’s ability to get on base and advance runners. It is a combination of two other statistics, total bases and walks.

Time clock

In baseball, the time clock (or “T.C.”) is a countdown clock that is used to track the amount of time between pitches. The clock is reset after each pitch, and if the pitcher does not throw a pitch within the allotted time, a “ball” is called. The time clock is an important part of baseball, as it helps to keep the game moving at a brisk pace.

Trade clause

A trade clause is a provision in a player’s contract that gives the player the right to veto any proposed trade. A limited no-trade clause allows a player to block a trade to a limited number of teams, while an unlimited no-trade clause allows the player to block any proposed trade.

In most cases, players with no-trade clauses must be notified of any proposed trades before they can veto the deal. For example, if a player has a no-trade clause that allows him to veto any trade to the New York Yankees, he must be notified of any proposed trade involving the Yankees before he can use his veto power.

Players with no-trade clauses typically have some level of job security, as they can be certain that they will not be traded without their consent. However, players with no-trade clauses can still be released by their teams at any time.

What Does Tc Stand For In Baseball?

Tc stands for the team captain. The team captain is responsible for the team’s on-field strategy and leadership.

Time clock

In baseball, the time clock is a countdown timer that is used to track the amount of time between pitches. The time clock is reset after each pitch, and the batter has a certain amount of time to get ready for the next pitch. If the batter does not swing at the pitch, or if the ball is not put in play, then the time clock will continue to count down until it reaches zero. At that point, the umpire will call a strike, and the batter will be out.

Trade clause

A trade clause is a condition that must be met in order for a trade to be completed. Trade clauses are typically used to protect a team’s interests in the event that a player is traded. For example, a team may include a trade clause in a player’s contract that requires the player to be traded back to the team if he is traded to another team.

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