What Does the Word ‘Love’ Mean in Tennis?

The word “love” is used in tennis to describe the score of zero. It comes from the French word “l’oeuf” which means “egg.” When you think about it, the shape of a zero on the scorecard does look like an egg!


When you watch a tennis match, you may hear the commentators refer to the score as “love-love,” “fifteen-love,” “thirty-love,” or “forty-love.” But what does the word “love” actually mean in tennis?

In tennis, the word “love” is used to describe the score when both players have zero points. In other words, “love” is the starting point for every game.

Once a player wins a point, their score will increase to 15, 30, 40, or game point. If both players have won three points each, then the score is referred to as “deuce.” From deuce, the first player to win two consecutive points wins the game.

So, next time you’re watching a tennis match and hear the commentators say “love,” just remember that they’re talking about the starting point for each game.

The Meaning of Love in Tennis

Love is often cited as one of the most important aspects of tennis. While the dictionary definition of love is “an intense feeling of affection,” in tennis, love has a very specific meaning. Love in tennis means having a zero score. In other words, when both players have won the same number of points and games, the score is said to be love.

The Four Types of Love

Love in tennis can have four different meanings depending on the score. If the score is 0-0, it is said to be “love all.” If one player has won one point and the other has yet to score, the score is called “15-love,” with “15” being the number of points the first player has earned. When both players have scored two points each, the score is referred to as “30-love.” And when one player has won three points and the other player has yet to score, this is called “40-love,” with “40” being the number of points earned by the first player.

The Etymology of the Word Love

Most people know that the word “love” is used in tennis to represent the score of zero, but few know the origins of this usage. The most popular theory is that it comes from the French word for egg, “l’oeuf.” This makes sense, as the shape of an egg is similar to that of a zero on a scorecard.

However, there is no definitive proof that this is the true origin of the word. Another theory is that it comes from the original scoring system for tennis, which was based on a points system. In this system, a player could only score if their opponent failed to return their shot. Therefore, a love (or zero) score meant that the player had not missed a single shot.

Whatever its origins, the word “love” has been used in tennis for centuries and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon.


In tennis, the word “love” means “zero”. It is used to indicate the score of a game when no points have been scored.

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