What Goes Into Feeding an NFL Team?

What goes into feeding an NFL team? It’s a question that many fans may not think about, but it’s an important one.

The team’s nutritionist has to take into account the players’ individual dietary needs, as well as the overall team’s performance.

There are a lot of factors to consider, but ultimately, the goal is to make sure the players have the energy and nutrients they need to perform at their best.

What Goes Into Feeding an NFL Team?

Training Table

An army marches on its stomach, as the old saying goes, and the same could be said for a football team. fueling the big boys on the gridiron takes more than slapping some burgers and hot dogs on the table. It requires a well-oiled machine of a kitchen staff, led by a talented and passionate head chef, to ensure that each player is getting the optimum nutrient-rich meals to help them perform to the best of their abilities on game day.


Each day during the season, there are three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Players are typically given about an hour to eat each meal.

Breakfast is either served at the facility before morning meetings or on the way to the stadium. It consists of eggs, oatmeal, toast, fruit, and yogurt.

Lunch is usually a buffet with a variety of sandwich options as well as chicken, pasta, salad, and fruit.

Dinner is typically the largest meal of the day and is similar to lunch in terms of variety.


Players have access to a state-of-the-art kitchen that is open 24/7. They can eat as many meals as they want and as often as they want. All of the food is free of charge. And they are not eating just any old food, but rather meals that are specifically tailored to their individualized nutritional needs.

The team’s nutritionist works with the players to come up with meal plans that will help them perform at their best. This involves taking into account the player’s position, weight, and activity level. For example, a offensive lineman is going to have different nutritional needs than a wide receiver.

The nutritionist will also work with the team’s chefs to make sure that the food tastes good and is satisfying for the players. After all, if the players don’t like the food, they’re not going to eat it.

So what exactly do NFL players eat? Here are some examples of typical meals:
– Grilled chicken breast with steamed vegetables and brown rice
– Turkey burger with sweet potato fries
– Salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables
– BBQ chicken pizza on whole wheat crust
– Cobb salad with grilled chicken

Game Day

When an NFL team steps onto the field on game day, they’re representing not just their city or their franchise, but their entire league. It’s a responsibility that the team takes seriously, and one that requires years of preparation. So, what goes into feeding an NFL team on game day?


On game day, NFL teams eat a pregame meal about four hours before kickoff. The meal is carefully planned by team dietitians to give the players the energy they need to perform at their best.

Breakfast is the largest and most important meal of the day for NFL players, so it’s no surprise that many teams choose to have their pregame meal early in the day. A typical breakfast might include eggs, oatmeal, toast, fruit, and juice. Some teams also like to include a steak or other sources of protein to help keep their players full throughout the game.

Lunch is usually a lighter meal than breakfast, and it’s often served closer to kickoff. Players might have a turkey sandwich with fruit or a salad with chicken or fish. These meals are designed to give players a boost of energy without feeling too full or weighed down.

Dinner is typically the smallest and lightest meal of the day for NFL players. They might have a small salad or soup and some bread before heading to bed early to rest up for the game.

Snacks are an important part of an NFL player’s diet on game day as well. Players will often have fruit or granola bars as snacks before and during the game. Gatorade and other sports drinks are also available to players during games to help them stay hydrated.


proper nutrition is critical for any athlete, but it’s especially important for NFL players. These athletes are bigger, faster and stronger than ever before, and they need the right fuel to perform at their best.

An average NFL player consumes between 3,000 and 6,000 calories per day. That’s about double the amount of a sedentary person. Most of these calories come from carbohydrates, which are converted into energy by the body. Players also need protein to build and repair muscle tissue, and fat for essential body functions.

Players typically eat several small meals throughout the day to keep their energy levels up. Meal options might include lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Many teams also have nutritionists who work with players to ensure they are eating the right foods to meet their individual needs.

During training camp and the regular season, players typically consume about two pounds of food per day. This includes snacks and drinks like sports drinks or protein shakes. On game day, they eat a hearty pre-game meal that is high in carbs to give them energy for the game ahead.


After an NFL game, the team’s chef works to quickly feed the players a filling and nutritious meal. This is no small feat, as the players are often ravenous after a game. The post-game meal typically includes a protein, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable.


Eating a nutritious and well-balanced meal is crucial for athletes, especially those who are trying to perform at their best. Professional football players need to consume a lot of calories and protein in order to maintain their muscle mass and energy levels. Here is a look at what goes into feeding an NFL team.

The average NFL player consumes between 3,000 and 6,000 calories per day. That’s about twice the amount of calories that the average sedentary person eats in a day. NFL players need all of those calories just to maintain their weight. They burn even more calories during practices and games.

Because they need so many calories, NFL players have to eat several times throughout the day. They typically eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between meals. Some players even wake up in the middle of the night to eat!

Players consume a lot of protein in order to build muscle mass and repair damaged tissues. The average NFL player eats 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. That means that a 200-pound player would need 200-400 grams of protein per day. That’s about twice the amount of protein that the average sedentary person needs in a day.

Players get their protein from a variety of sources, including meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, and seeds. They also consume protein supplements, such as whey protein powder or amino acids.

In addition to getting enough calories and protein, NFL players also have to make sure that they are getting enough essential nutrients from their diet. They need vitamins A, C, D, and E for healthy skin and eyesight; vitamin B12 for energy production; iron for blood health; and calcium for strong bones and muscles. Players can get these nutrients from eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and meats. They can also take supplements if they feel like they are not getting enough nutrients from their diet.


When it comes to professional football, peak performance is key. That’s why nutrition is such an important part of the game. Players need to fuel their bodies with the right mix of nutrients to help them on the field.

The average NFL player consumes around 3,000-5,000 calories per day. This is much higher than the average person, as they need the extra energy to power through long practices and games. To meet their calorie needs, players typically eat a diet that is high in protein and carbohydrates. They also need to make sure they are getting enough healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Players typically eat several smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. This helps them to better manage their energy levels and avoid feeling sluggish on the field. Breakfast is often a bigger meal as it provides players with the energy they need to power through a morning practice or workout.

Lunch and dinner are usually lighter meals, as they are eaten closer to game time. snacks are also important for players to grab before or after practices or games. These can include items like fruit, granola bars, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or even protein shakes.

It’s important for players to stay hydrated throughout the day, so they often drink lots of fluids like water, Gatorade, and milk. Coffee and energy drinks are also popular among NFL players as they help to improve focus and boost energy levels.

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