What Gum Do Baseball Players Chew?

Do you ever wonder what gum baseball players chew? Or why they chew it? There’s actually a pretty interesting reason behind it. Read on to find out more!

The History of Gum in Baseball

The first professional baseball game was played in 1846, and since then, the game has changed a lot. One thing that has stayed the same, however, is the tradition of chewing gum. Baseball players have been chewing gum on the field for over 100 years, but have you ever wondered why?

Early use of tobacco products

The first recorded use of tobacco in baseball was by James Creighton, who, in 1858, chew tobacco during a game. By 1860, players were placing plugs of tobacco in their cheek to increase saliva flow (an aid to pitching). In 1880, local cigarette companies began sponsoring baseball teams and by the early 1900s most Major League teams had endorsements from cigarette companies. Since smokeless tobacco was not yet widely available, players would often cut up their cigarettes and chew on them while they played.

The switch to gum

In the early days of baseball, tobacco was the drug of choice for most players. This changed in the 1880s when a player named John Montgomery Ward advocated for a switch to chewing gum. His reasoning was that tobacco use made players groggy and that gum would help them stay alert.

Gum quickly became popular with players and by the early 1900s, most teams had banned tobacco use. Today, gum is an integral part of the game and there are even special flavors that are designed specifically for baseball players.

While chew may not be as popular as it once was, there are still a few holdouts who prefer it to gum. These players argue that gum is too easy to lose and that chew gives them a better flavor. Whatever their preference, there’s no doubt that gum has made a big impact on baseball over the years.

The Various Types of Gum Chewed by Baseball Players

Baseball players have been known to chew gum while playing the game. This is because gum can help keep their mouths moist and reduces the risk of getting a dry mouth. Chewing gum can also help keep baseball players alert and focused. There are a variety of different types of gum that baseball players chew.

Bubble gum

Bubble gum is a favorite among baseball players, and there are many different brands and flavors to choose from. Some of the more popular brands include Bubblicious, Hubba Bubba, and Bubble Yum. Bubble gum is often chewed for its flavor, but it can also help players relax and concentrate while they are on the field.

Sugarless gum

Sugarless gum is the most popular type of gum chewed by baseball players. It is available in many flavors, including mint, spearmint, fruit, and cinnamon. Sugarless gum is less likely to cause cavities than gum with sugar. It is also less likely to stick to teeth and dentures.

The Benefits of Chewing Gum for Baseball Players

Gum has been shown to have a number of benefits for baseball players. For one, it can help improve concentration and focus. Additionally, gum can help keep your mouth moist, which is important for preventing dryness and promoting healing. Chewing gum can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Improved concentration

It’s well-known that gum can help improve concentration, and this is especially beneficial for baseball players. The game of baseball requires split-second decisions, and being able to focus on the task at hand is crucial. Chewing gum can help players to stay focused and alert, giving them a competitive edge.

There are also other benefits of chewing gum for baseball players. For instance, chewing gum can help to keep the mouth moist, which is important for preventing drying out of the lips and tongue. This is especially important in hot weather conditions when players are at risk of dehydration. Chewing gum can also help to reduce stress and tension, which can be beneficial for players who are feeling the pressure of performing well.

Better oral health

Chewing gum can have a number of benefits for baseball players, particularly when it comes to oral health. The act of chewing gum increases saliva flow, which can help to wash away food and bacteria that can lead to cavities and tooth decay. In addition, chewing gum can also help to reduce plaque buildup on teeth.

Some studies have also shown that chewing gum can help to improve focus and concentration. This can be beneficial for baseball players who need to stay focused during long games. Chewing gum can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be helpful for players who are dealing with the pressures of the game.

The Drawbacks of Chewing Gum for Baseball Players

While baseball players may think that chewing gum can help them focus on the game, there are actually a few drawbacks to gum chewing. For one, gum can be a distraction. Players may find themselves fidgeting with the gum or playing with it instead of paying attention to the game. Additionally, gum chewing can lead to jaw pain and headaches. And finally, gum can be dangerous if a player swallows it.

Choking hazard

Chewing gum while playing baseball can be a choking hazard. If a piece of gum breaks off and lodges in your throat, it could block your airway and cause you to choke. Chewing gum can also be a distraction and can cause you to lose focus on the game.


There are a few drawbacks to chewing gum for baseball players. One is that it can be messy. Players often have to spit the gum out after each pitch, which can leave a sticky residue on the ground or their uniform. another downside is that chewing gum can lead to jaw pain or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems for some players. Finally, some coaches and managers believe that chewing gum can be a distraction for hitters and fielders, so they banned it from their team.

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