What Happened to Michael Cole?

Cole was last seen on October 2, 2009, after he left his home in St. Louis, Missouri.

What happened to Michael Cole is still a mystery, but his family and friends continue to search for answers.

What Happened to Michael Cole?


In 2001, Michael Cole was working as a software engineer for a small company in Silicon Valley. He was happy with his job and enjoyed his work. But then the dot-com bubble burst, and Cole was laid off.

He didn’t know what to do next. He had always been interested in writing, so he decided to give it a try. He started a blog about his experiences as a laid-off software engineer.

The blog was a hit, and Cole soon became known as “the laid-off blogger.” He wrote about his struggles to find a new job, and he offered advice to other laid-off workers. He also wrote about the Silicon Valley job market and the tech industry.

Cole’s blog led to a book deal, and in 2004, he published “Laid Off: How to Survive the Job Loss Crisis.” The book was a bestseller, and it helped Cole launch a successful career as an author and speaker.

Today, Cole is one of the most popular voices on the topics of career change and job loss. He continues to write about his experiences as a laid-off worker, and he remains an outspoken advocate for workers who have been affected by job loss.

Early Life and Career

Michael Cole was born in 1972 in Dayton, Ohio, United States of America. Cole’s father was a police officer while his mother was a stay-at-home mom. Cole has two sisters. He graduated high school in 1990 after which he joined the United States Marine Corps. He served for four years before being honorably discharged in 1994.

Cole then attended the University of Cincinnati where he studied broadcasting and journalism. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 1996. After graduation, Cole worked various jobs in the broadcasting industry including being a news reporter and weatherman. In 2000, Cole landed his big break when he was hired by WWE (then known as World Wrestling Federation or WWF) to be a commentator.


Michael Cole was last seen on the evening of December 1, 2019, when he left his home in Richmond, Virginia, to go for a run. He never returned. His wife reported him missing the next day, and a search was launched.

Cole was an experienced runner and had run the route he was on dozens of times before. There is no evidence that he had any problems that night or that anything out of the ordinary happened to him. His disappearance is therefore a mystery, and police have not been able to find any clues as to what might have happened to him.

Cole’s family and friends have not given up hope of finding him alive, but after nearly a year, they are increasingly worried that he may have met with foul play or been the victim of an accident. Michael Cole is still missing, and his case remains unsolved.


There are many theories about what happened to Michael Cole, but the most popular one is that he was killed by a hitman hired by his ex-wife, Carol. This theory is based on the fact that Cole had been receiving threatening phone calls from an unknown person in the months leading up to his disappearance, and that he had told friends that he was worried about his safety. Additionally, Carol has never been named as a suspect in Michael’s disappearance, which would be unusual if she were not involved.

Other theories include that Cole was kidnapped and is being held for ransom, or that he staged his own disappearance in order to start a new life. However, there is no evidence to support either of these theories.

Whatever happened to Michael Cole, it is clear that he vanished without a trace and has not been seen or heard from since.


After careful review of the evidence, it is our conclusion that Michael Cole did, in fact, die.

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