What Happens If an NFL Game Is Canceled?

Get all your questions answered about what happens if an NFL game is canceled due to weather or any other reason.


An NFL game can be canceled for a number of reasons, including bad weather, player safety concerns, or schedule changes. If an NFL game is canceled, ticket holders may be entitled to a refund, and the team may have to reschedule the game. In some cases, an NFL game may also be postponed to a later date.

Reasons for Cancellation

There are a number of reasons why an NFL game might be canceled. For example, if there is a severe weather event, the game may be canceled in order to protect the safety of the players and fans. If there is a power outage, the game may be canceled in order to prevent any potential injuries.


One of the most common reasons for an NFL game to be canceled is due to weather.extreme weather conditions can pose a threat to player safety, as well as the safety of fans in attendance. If a game is canceled due to weather, it will usually be rescheduled for a later date.

Other reasons for an NFL game to be canceled include:
-Labor issues (strikes or lockouts)
-Unforseen circumstances ( Terrorism, natural disasters)
-Health and safety concerns
-Player misconduct
-Poor field conditions

Player Safety

The most common reason for an NFL game to be canceled is due to player safety concerns. If there is a major weather event, such as a hurricane, that is threatening to impact the game, then the league will often make the decision to cancel the game in advance. This allows players and fans to make alternative plans and ensures that everyone stays safe.

Another reason why an NFL game might be canceled is due to a player strike. If the players on one or both teams go on strike, then the game will obviously not be able to take place. This is a rare occurrence, but it has happened in the past. In 1982, for example, several players went on strike during the season and several games had to be canceled as a result.

Finally, another potential reason for an NFL game to be canceled is because of field conditions. If the field is not in good enough condition to play on, then the game will simply not be able to take place. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as if there has been heavy rain or snow in the days leading up to the game.

Poor Field Conditions

One of the most common reasons for an NFL game to be canceled is due to poor field conditions. If the field is deemed too dangerous for players to compete on, the game will be postponed or canceled. This can be due to a number of things, including bad weather or poor maintenance of the field.

Another reason for cancellation might be player safety. If there is a risk of injury to the players, the game will be postponed or canceled. This could be due to severe weather conditions, like if there is a hurricane or tornado warning in the area.

The final reason an NFL game might be canceled is if there is some sort of security risk. If there is a heightened threat of violence or terrorism, for example, the game will likely be canceled.

All of these reasons are fairly common and have led to the cancellation of numerous NFL games over the years.

What Happens to the Tickets?

If an NFL game is canceled, it’s usually because of severe weather conditions. If the game is canceled before kickoff, all ticket holders will receive a full refund. If the game is canceled after it has started, ticket holders will not be refunded.


If an NFL game is canceled, all tickets are refunded in full. If the game is rescheduled, tickets already purchased are valid for the new date and time. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled game, you may request a refund.


If a game is canceled, it will be rescheduled for a later date, most likely on a Monday or Thursday night. If a significant number of games are postponed or canceled, the NFL has the option of expanding the playoffs or moving the Super Bowl to a later date.

How Does It Affect the Teams?

An NFL game can be canceled for a variety of reasons, including weather, poor field conditions, and player safety. If a game is canceled, it’s not just the players and fans who are affected – the teams are, too. Canceling a game can have a significant impact on a team’s season, both good and bad.


The NFL regular season is 16 games long, and if a game is canceled, it is not made up. The game is considered a “non-event” and teams are not penalized for it in the standings. In most cases, if a game is canceled because of weather or some other unforeseen circumstances, it is simply not played and both teams’ records reflect that.


The NFL prides itself on being a league that is able to weather any storm, but the reality is that bad weather can have a significant impact on the league. If an NFL game is canceled, it can have a ripple effect on the entire schedule for the rest of the season.

For example, if a game is canceled due to snow, it may be rescheduled for later in the season. But, if there are already games scheduled for that time slot, then those games will have to be rescheduled as well. This can create a domino effect that can impact the entire schedule.

Additionally, if a game is canceled due to weather, it may not be able to be made up at all. This could lead to teams missing out on critical divisional games or even playoff games. In extreme cases, it could even lead to the Super Bowl being impacted.

While the NFL does its best to avoid having any games canceled, the reality is that it does happen from time to time. When it does, it can have a major impact on the league as a whole.


The bottom line is that if an NFL game is canceled, it’s not the end of the world. There are a number of different ways that the league can reschedule the game, and most importantly, the safety of the players and fans is always the top priority. So if you’re ever wondering what happens if an NFL game is canceled, now you know!

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