What Happens If You Run On A Baseball Field?

If you’re caught running on a baseball field, you could be subject to a variety of penalties. You could be given a warning, ejected from the game, or even arrested.

You Will Be Arrested

You will be arrested. Running on a baseball field is trespassing, and if you do it during a game, you will be interfering with play. You could also get hurt if you run on the field while a game is going on.

You Will Be Trespassing

Running on a baseball field is considered trespassing, and you can be arrested and fined for doing so. If the field is owned by a school or other public entity, you may also be banned from the premises. In some cases, you may be charged with damage to property if you leave footprints or otherwise damage the playing surface.

You Will Be Fined

According to the Major League Baseball rulebook, any player, manager, coach or other person subject to the rules who “willfully and deliberately interferes with a ball in play” can be fined or suspended. The rule does not say how much the fine will be, but it is likely to be at least a few hundred dollars.

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