What Happens in Overtime in the NFL?

The NFL overtime rules are simple. Each team gets one possession. If the score is still tied, the game ends in a tie.

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In the National Football League (NFL), overtime is a method of extending the game to resolve a tie. Overtime shall not be used during the regular season except: (1) to break ties during regulation play; or, (2) if both teams have had their bye week and one team has an extra game to play. If a game is tied at the end of regulation, a coin toss shall be used to determine which team will possess the ball first. The loser of the coin toss will then have the option to either: (1) possess the ball first or, (2) defer possession of the ball to the start of overtime.

What Happens in Overtime in the NFL?

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. Each team gets one possession to score. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, the game ends in a tie. In the playoffs, there is no overtime.

The Coin Toss

The overtime coin toss is conducted at the start of overtime. The visiting team gets to call the coin toss, and they can decide whether to receive the ball or defer their choice to the second half. The winner of the coin toss can choose whether to receive or kick off, or they can choose which goal to defend. If they defer their choice to the second half, they will kick off to start overtime and their opponent will get to choose which goal to defend.

Each Team Gets Possession

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game will go into overtime. During overtime, each team will get a chance to possess the ball and score. The game will keep going until one team scores and the other doesn’t. Overtime in the NFL is like a mini-game.

Sudden Death

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. The overtime period is 10 minutes long, and each team gets one possession to score. If neither team scores, or if both teams score on their first possession, the game ends in a tie.

If one team scores a touchdown on its first possession of overtime, it wins the game. If it scores a field goal, the other team gets a chance to possess the ball. If that team also scores a field goal, the game continues in sudden death fashion. This means that the first team to score wins, regardless of whether it’s a touchdown or field goal.


In conclusion, while the sudden death aspect of NFL overtime may seem unfair, it is a fair system that has been put in place to ensure that both teams have a fair chance to win the game. With that said, both teams should be aware of the rules and regulations regarding overtime before they take the field.

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