What Helmets Do NFL Players Wear?

Learn about the different types of helmets that NFL players wear and the reasons why they choose the helmet that’s right for them.


In the National Football League (NFL), players are required to wear helmets that protect them from serious head injuries.Players have a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing their helmets, as long as the helmet meets certain safety standards set by the NFL.There are many different types and brands of helmets, and each player has his own preference. Some of the most popular brands worn in the NFL are Riddell, Xenith, and Schutt.

The Different Types of Helmets

The National Football League has certain requirements for the helmets that are worn by its players. The helmets must be certified by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment and they must be made of certain materials. There are also restrictions on the colors that can be used on the helmets.


Most NFL players wear a traditional football helmet, which is made of hard plastic and has a face mask to protect the player’s face. These helmets are designed to protect the player’s head from impact during a game.


Composite helmets are made of different kinds of plastics and synthetic material bonded together. They are popular in the NFL because they offer a good fit and are very lightweight. Composite helmets also have a lot of give, so they absorb some of the impact when a player is hit.


A hybrid helmet has a hard outer shell with softer, denser padding in the crucial areas around the sides and back of the head. The idea is to provide more protection against impact and penetration than a traditional soft helmet while still having the flexibility that many players prefer. Hybrid helmets are worn by players at all positions, but they’re especially popular with defensive backs and wide receivers who want the extra protection without sacrificing mobility.

The Pros and Cons of Each Type of Helmet

There are four main types of helmets that NFL players can choose from. They are the Riddell Speedflex, the Xenith Shadow, the Schutt Air XP, and the Vicis Zero1. Each helmet has its own pros and cons. In this article, we will take a look at each type of helmet and see what the pros and cons are.


Traditional football helmets have a hard plastic outer shell with thick padding on the inside. They are designed to protect the head from repeated impact and to absorb some of the force from a collision. Traditional football helmets usually have a faceguard that wraps around the front of the helmet and protects the player’s face from injury.

-Hard outer shell protects against repeated impact
-Thick padding absorbs force from collisions
-Faceguard protects player’s face

-Can be heavy and bulky
-Does not always protect against concussions


Composite helmets are made from several different materials, usually Kevlar, carbon fiber and fiberglass. They offer a good balance of durability, weight and cost. Many of the higher-end composite helmets are very lightweight and can be as much as 50 percent lighter than their polycarbonate counterparts. Composite helmets also tend to have better venting systems and offer more protection against rotational forces (which can cause concussions). However, they are not as good at protecting against linear forces (such as those caused by a direct hit), so they may not be ideal for certain positions.


The “hybrid” helmet is a relatively new development, and it’s designed to address the concerns that have been raised about the previous generations of helmets. The hybrid helmet has a hard outer shell, but it also has a number of soft pads inside the helmet. These pads are designed to compress on impact, and they’re supposed to help reduce the amount of force that’s transmitted to the head and neck.

The hybrid helmet is still being developed, and it hasn’t been widely adopted by NFL players yet. There are some concerns about whether the hybrid helmet will be as effective as the older style helmets, but it’s possible that the hybrid helmet will eventually replace the older versions.

Which Type of Helmet Is the Safest?

There is a lot of debate over which type of helmet is the safest for NFL players to wear. The two main types of helmets are the traditional leather helmet and the more modern plastic helmet.

The leather helmet was the standard for many years, but there has been a shift in recent years to the plastic helmet. The plastic helmet is believed to offer more protection against concussions and other head injuries. However, some studies have shown that the leather helmet may actually offer more protection against certain types of impacts.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which type of helmet they feel most comfortable wearing. Some players prefer the traditional look and feel of the leather helmet, while others prefer the extra protection that the plastic helmet offers.


Overall, it is evident that the type of helmet worn by an NFL player can vary depending on position and personal preference. However, the most popular brands among NFL players are Riddell and Schutt, with each company providing a variety of helmet models to choose from. In terms of specific models, the Riddell SpeedFlex and the Schutt Air XP Pro VTD seem to be favored among many NFL players. Ultimately, the decision of which helmet to wear comes down to each individual player and what they feel provides the best level of protection and comfort on the field.

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