What Is A Backhand In Tennis?

A backhand is a tennis stroke in which the tennis ball is hit with the reverse side of the racket. The backhand is often considered the weakest shot in tennis.

The Backhand

A backhand is a tennis stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. It is considered one of the most important and versatile strokes in tennis. There are two main types of backhands: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. In this article, we will focus on the one-handed backhand.

How to Grip the Racquet

There are two main ways to grip a tennis racquet: the continental grip and the eastern forehand grip. The continental is appropriate for all strokes except serves, while the eastern forehand is most often used for Strokes hit with an eastern backhand grip are very different from those hit with a continental or western backhand grip.

The main difference between the continental grip and the eastern forehand grip is that thecontinental grip is held further from the body, while the eastern forehand grip is held closer to the body. The continental grip is also rotated counter-clockwise, so that the knuckles on the left hand are facing up when you hold the racquet. The eastern forehand grip is rotated clockwise, so that the knuckles on the right hand are facing up when you hold the racquet.

To execute a backhand stroke with a continental grip, you will need to use a semicircular motion. Start with your racket hand close to your body and swing it out away from your body as you hit the ball. You can also use a backhand stroke with an eastern forehand grip, but it will be more of a slicing motion than a semicircular one.

How to Hit the Ball

The backhand is a tennis stroke that is hit by swinging the racket behind you and across your body. It is considered one of the most difficult strokes to master, but once you have the hang of it, you’ll be able to hit the ball with power and control.

There are two types of backhands: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. The one-handed backhand is more difficult to master, but it gives you more power and control. The two-handed backhand is easier to learn, but it doesn’t give you as much power.

Here are some tips on how to hit a one-handed backhand:

Step 1: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced.

Step 2: Hold the racket in your non-dominant hand and place your dominant hand in the middle of the grip.

Step 3: Swing the racket back behind you and across your body. As you swing, transfer your weight from your dominant foot to your non-dominant foot.

Step 4: Make contact with the ball in front of your non-dominant shoulder. As you make contact, snap your wrists and follow through with your swing.

The Backhand Drive

The backhand drive is one of the most important strokes in tennis. It is a very versatile stroke that can be used both offensively and defensively. When hit correctly, it can be a very powerful shot. The backhand drive is hit with the back of the hand facing the direction of the shot. It is a two-handed stroke for most players, but some players may use a one-handed backhand.

How to Grip the Racquet

The backhand is a tennis stroke used to hit balls that are out of reach of the forehand or to hit balls that bounce off the court on the opposite side from where the player is standing. The backhand can be hit with one or two hands, and it can be a forehand or backhand depending on how you grip the racquet.

To hit a backhand with one hand, you will need to use an eastern backhand grip. To do this, hold the racquet in your dominant hand and place your other hand underneath it so that your palm is facing up. Grip the racquet tightly with your fingertips and make sure that your pinky finger is touching the side of the racquet. Now, raise your racket arm so that it is parallel to the ground and swing the racket backwards so that it hits the ball at an upward angle.

If you want to hit a two-handed backhand, then you will need to use a Continental grip. To do this, place your dominant hand on top of the racket handle and position your other hand underneath it so that your thumb and first two fingers are wrapped around theside ofthe racket. Both ofyour palms should be facing upYou should be grippingthe racket with yore palms, notyour fingersNow, raise both arms upso they are parallelto groundand swingthe racketbackwardsand upwardsin one smoothmotionto hitball

How to Hit the Ball

There are two main ways to hit a tennis ball: the forehand and the backhand. The forehand is executed by swinging the racket across the body, while the backhand is done by swinging the racket from behind the body and across.

The backhand can be further divided into two types: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. As you might expect, the one-handed backhand is executed with only one hand on the racket, while the two-handed backhand is done with both hands.

The backhand drive is a stroke in tennis where you hit the ball with your backhand. It is generally considered to be less powerful than a forehand shot, but it can still be very effective if executed correctly.

Here are some tips on how to hit a proper backhand drive:

– grip the racket with your dominant hand at the base of the handle, and place your other hand around midway up the handle
– start with your racket behind your head, and then swing it forward and across your body to make contact with the ball
– make sure to follow through with your swing after making contact with the ball

The Backhand volley

How to Grip the Racquet

To execute a proper backhand volley grip, simply reverse your forehand grip. So, if you normally grip the racquet with your left hand at the bottom and your right hand at the top (known as a “eastern” or “semi-western” grip), then for a backhand volley you would hold the racquet with your right hand at the bottom and your left hand at the top (a “western” grip).

How to Hit the Ball

When you hit the ball with a backhand, your arm and racket move across your body from the rear, or back, to the front. The backhand is sometimes taught as a two-handed stroke, but most players prefer to use one hand. You can use either an eastern or continental grip for your backhand stroke. The eastern grip is when you hold the racket with your thumb and first two fingers; the continental grip is when you hold it with your thumb and last two fingers.

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