What Is A Break In Tennis?

Did you know that there is a difference between a break and a set in tennis? If you didn’t, then you’ve come to the right blog post! In this post, we’ll be discussing what a break is in tennis and how it can affect your game.


In tennis, a player earning a break is said to have broken their opponent’s serve. This happens when the player who was previously serving is unable to win a point, thus losing their turn to serve. When this occurs, the score is said to be “one break,” meaning that the player who just won the point has won one more game than their opponent. If this player goes on to win the next game as well, they will have “two breaks” and be up by two games.

What Is A Break?

A break in tennis is when one player wins a game against their opponent, thereby earning a “break” point. If the player who wins the game is serving, then they are said to have won the “advantage”. If the player who wins the game is receiving, then they are said to have broken their opponent’s serve.

How To Win A Break Point

When returning service, a player hits the ball with the intent of putting it in play so that their opponent cannot win the point immediately. A return that causes the server to miss their shot gives the receiver a chance to set up and hit a winning shot of their own. In order for this to happen, the return must be deep enough and land within the boundaries of the court. If the receiver is able to hit a shot that forces their opponent to miss, they are said to have won the point.

When returning service, there are three main objectives:

-To make your opponent miss their shot
-To force them into an error
-To win the point outright

If you are able to do any of these things, you will have won the point. However, if you only manage to do one or two of these things, your opponent may still be able to come back and win the point. This is where break points come into play.

A break point is a situation in tennis where the receiver has a chance to win the game if they can win the next point. If the server is leading by one point, they will need to win two more points in order to win the game. However, if the receiver is leading by one point, they only need to win one more point in order to win the game. This difference in pressure can be enough to cause even experienced players to crumble under pressure.

There are two types of break points: set points and match points. Set points occur during tennis matches that are played as best out of three or five sets. Match points occur during tournaments where players must win a certain number of games in order to advance. Match points are typically much more pressure-filled than set points because there is so much at stake.

In order for a player to win a break point, they must first understand what their opponent is trying to do and then adjust their own strategy accordingly. If your opponent is trying to hit winners, you should try to make them miss by hitting your shots just out of their reach. If your opponent is trying to make you miss, you should tryto stay calm and hit your shots with precision. Remember, if you can make your opponent miss just one shot, you will have won the point!


A break in tennis is when one player wins enough consecutive points to win a game, set or match. In professional tennis, a player must win by two clear points. In other words, if the score reaches deuce (40-40), the player must win the next two points to win the game, set or match.

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