What Is A Diamond Tennis Bracelet?

A diamond tennis bracelet is a bracelet made of diamonds, typically worn by women. It is usually made with round diamonds set in a prong setting, and the diamonds may be set in a line or in a cluster.

What Is A Diamond Tennis Bracelet?


A diamond tennis bracelet is a piece of jewelry that consists of diamonds set in a slender metal band. It is worn on the wrist, similar to a regular bracelet, and is usually made with precious metals such as gold or platinum.

The name “tennis bracelet” comes from the fact that it was once popular among tennis players. Many players believed that wearing a diamond tennis bracelet would give them good luck on the court. Today, the diamond tennis bracelet is still a popular piece of jewelry, although it is no longer restricted to tennis players. It can be worn by anyone who wants to add a touch of glamour to their outfit.


The tennis bracelet first appeared on the scene in 1987. It was designed byFrench jeweler Simon Montagut and worn by tennis champion Chris Evert during the US Open. The bracelet became so popular that other jewelers began to design their own versions and the style quickly caught on. Today, diamond tennis bracelets are worn by celebrities and everyday women alike and are available in a wide range of prices.

Early History

While the specific origins of the diamond tennis bracelet are unknown, we do know that this iconic piece of jewelry has a long and storied history. It is believed that the first diamond tennis bracelets were created in the late 19th century, with early examples appearing in Europe and America. These early bracelets were often made with pearls or other gemstones, and it wasn’t until the 20th century that diamonds became the gemstone of choice for this style of bracelet.

It is believed that the tennis bracelet got its name in 1987, when tennis legend Chris Evert lost her diamond bracelet during a match at the U.S. Open. After the match, Evert’s husband called a halt to the game so that they could look for her bracelet, and the media coverage of this event helped to propel the popularity of the diamond tennis bracelet skyward. Today, this style of bracelet is one of the most popular and iconic pieces of jewelry in the world.

Modern History

Popularized by celebrities and athletes in the 1980s, diamond tennis bracelets are now a staple in many women’s jewelry collections. But how did this iconic bracelet come to be?

The history of the diamond tennis bracelet can be traced back to 1987, when American tennis player Chris Evert lost her diamond bracelet during a match at the US Open. Evert was leading in the match when her bracelet caught on her racket and snapped, falling off her wrist. Though she went on to win the match, Evert was so distraught over losing her bracelet that she asked for a stoppage in play so that she could find it. Unfortunately, the bracelet could not be found, and Evert lost not only her jewelry but also the match (she was defaulted for taking too much time to find the bracelet).

The incident made headlines around the world, and soon everyone wanted their own “diamond tennis bracelet.” The popularity of the diamond tennis bracelet soared in the 1990s as more and more celebrities began wearing them, including Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, and Sharon Stone. Today, diamond tennis bracelets are more popular than ever and can be found in a variety of styles to suit any taste.

How It’s Made

A diamond tennis bracelet is a bracelet that contains diamonds. The diamonds are usually set in gold or platinum. The bracelet is made with either prongs or bezel settings. The most common type of diamond tennis bracelet is the prong setting.

The Four C’s

Diamonds are judged using the “Four C’s” system, which was first developed by De Beers in the early 20th century. The Four C’s stand for Carat, Cut, Clarity and Color. When you’re shopping for a diamond, it’s important to keep these characteristics in mind in order to find the best stone for your needs.

-Carat weight is how a diamond is measured and is the size of the stone.1 carat is equal to 200 milligrams.
-Cut is how well the diamond has been cut and includes the height, depth, angles and other factors. It affects the diamond’s symmetry, brightness, fire and how sparkly the stone appears.
-Clarity is how many blemishes or inclusions and is judged on a 6 point scale from included to flawless.FL – flawlessIF – Internally flawlessVVS1 – very very slightly includedVVS2 – very very slightly includedVS1 – very slightly includedVS2 – very slightly includedSI1 – slightly includedSI2 – slightly includedI1 – includedI2 – includedI3 – included
-Color is judged on a scale from D (no hue) to Z (a yellow hued diamond). Most diamonds used in jewelry are between D-J on the scale.

When you’re shopping for diamond jewelry, it’s important to keep these Four C’s in mind in order to find the best quality stone for your needs.

The Manufacturing Process

After the initial mined rough is assessed for quality, it is then cut into smaller more uniform pieces. The cutting process is performed by a skilled craftsman called a diamond cutter or lapidary. They use a specialized set of tools and techniques to cleave, saw, or grind the rough diamond into the desired shape and then finally polish it to achieve the maximum beauty and brilliance.

The most common shapes are round, marquise, pear, oval, emerald, cushion, and heart. Once the cutter has finished shaping the diamond it is then handed over to a setter. A setter uses a small hammer to tap each diamond securely into place on the bracelet setting. The last step in creating a tennis bracelet is known as “mounting” where a skilled jeweler joins all the pieces of metalwork together.

Buying Tips

A diamond tennis bracelet is a type of bracelet that features diamonds. The bracelet is usually made with precious metals such as gold or platinum. Diamond tennis bracelets are a popular type of jewelry and are often given as gifts. If you’re thinking about buying a diamond tennis bracelet, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Buying Online

When you are ready to buy a diamond tennis bracelet, it is important to do your research to find a reputable dealer that you can trust. With the vast selection of online jewelers, it can be difficult to know where to start. To narrow down your search, look for online jewelers that are accredited by the Better Business Bureau or a similar organization. You should also look for customer reviews and testimonials before making your final purchase.

Once you have found a few potential dealers, compare prices and policies to find the best deal. When comparing prices, be sure to take shipping costs into account. Some jewelers offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount, so this can save you money if you plan on purchasing multiple items. Be sure to read the fine print before making your purchase, as some jewelers have strict return policies.

If you are not sure what size bracelet to buy, most jewelers offer sizing charts or guides that can help you choose the perfect fit. When measuring your wrist, it is important to use a flexible tape measure so that you get an accurate measurement. Once you have chosen the perfect bracelet, enjoy wearing it and showing it off to your friends and family!

Buying In Person

There are two main ways to buy a diamond tennis bracelet: in person or online. Buying in person allows you to see the bracelet up close and try it on for size, but it can be more expensive. Online retailers may offer lower prices, but you won’t be able to see the product in person before you buy it.

If you’re buying in person, it’s important to work with a reputable jeweler who can help you choose a quality bracelet. Make sure to inspect the diamonds closely and ask about the quality of the metal and the clasp. You should also get a certificate of authenticity from the jeweler to ensure that your bracelet is made with real diamonds.

When buying online, look for retailers who offer free shipping and returns, so you can be sure you’re getting the right size and style for your wrist. It’s also important to check customer reviews before making a purchase to ensure that you’re working with a reputable retailer. Finally, make sure the website has a secure checkout process and that your personal information will be protected.


A diamond tennis bracelet is a timeless piece of jewelry that can be worn for any occasion. It is a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down. Diamond tennis bracelets are usually made with round brilliant cut diamonds, but they can also be made with other shapes and cuts of diamonds. The most important thing to consider when purchasing a diamond tennis bracelet is the quality of the craftsmanship. Make sure to choose a bracelet that has been expertly crafted with quality materials.

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