What Is A Double Result Bet In Baseball?

A double result bet is a type of bet where you pick two outcomes for the game. If either of those outcomes happen, you win the bet.

What Is A Double Result Bet In Baseball?


A double result bet in baseball is a bet where you pick the winner of the game, and also whether or not the winning team will win by two runs or more. This type of bet is also known as a “run line” bet.

The odds for a double result bet are usually +150 for a team to win by two runs or more, and -200 for a team to lose by two runs or more. These odds can vary depending on which sportsbook you use, but these are typical odds.

What is a double result bet?

A double result bet is a bet where you predict the outcome of two events, usually in baseball or basketball. For example, you might bet that the Yankees will win their game against the Red Sox, and that the Knicks will beat the Lakers. If both teams win, you would win your bet.

How does a double result bet work?

In baseball, a double result bet is a bet on the outcome of two divisions in a league. For example, you could bet on who will win the American League East and West. If you bet on the Baltimore Orioles to win the AL East and the Seattle Mariners to win the AL West, then you have a double result bet.

What are the benefits of betting on a double result?

There are a few benefits of betting on a double result. First, it allows you to hedge your bets. If you think a team is going to win but you’re not sure by how much, you can bet on the double result. This way, you’ll still win if the team wins by less than you thought.

Second, it offers better odds than betting on a team to win outright. This is because there are two outcomes instead of one, so the bookmakers have to offer better odds to entice people to bet on a double result.

Finally, it’s a great way to get involved in live betting. If a game is close and you think the underdog has a chance to come back and win, you can bet on the double result and stand to make a profit even if they don’t end up winning outright.

What are the risks of betting on a double result?

While a double result bet can be a great way to potentially win big, there are also some risks involved. Because you are essentially betting on two separate outcomes, you are multiplying your risk by two. This means that if either one of your bets does not come through, you will lose your entire wager.

Another thing to keep in mind is that double result bets are often offered at reduced odds, since the bookmakers are essentially hedging their bets. This means that even if both of your bets do come through, you may not necessarily win as much as you would have if you had bet on each outcome separately.

Before placing a double result bet, be sure to do your research and weigh the potential risks and rewards.


In baseball, a double result bet is a bet that the batter will get a hit and the team will score a run. This type of bet is also known as a home run bet. Double result bets are typically made by fans of the team who are betting on their team to win, but they can also be made by fans of the opposing team.

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