What Is A Forehand In Tennis?

If you’re new to tennis, you may be wondering what a forehand is. A forehand is a type of stroke that is hit with the front of the hand facing the target. It’s a fairly simple stroke to execute, but it can take some time to master. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on how to hit a forehand in tennis.

The forehand is a groundstroke shot

The forehand is a groundstroke shot played with the front of the hand leading. It’s hit from the middle of the court back to the opponent’s backcourt, and can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes. The forehand is often used as an approach shot, or a way to get to the net quickly after hitting a deep ball. It can also be used as a lob shot or a drop shot.

It is hit by the player across their body

In tennis, a forehand is a groundstroke hit with the player’s dominant hand. For right-handed players, the forehand is a stroke that begins on the right side of their body, continues across their body as contact is made with the ball, and ends on the left side of their body. The corresponding stroke for left-handed players is the backhand.

The player swings their racket around their head and hits the ball

A forehand in tennis is a shot made by swinging the racket around your head and hitting the ball with the front of the racket. This is the most common type of shot in tennis and is used to hit the ball from anywhere on your front court.

The ball should be hit in front of the player

A forehand is a groundstroke played with the player’s dominant hand, typically from the baseline. The forehand is hit by swinging the racquet in an arc from low to high and across the body, providing power, accuracy and depth. It is considered one of the most important strokes in tennis as it is generally used to set up a point or put away an opponent.

The stroke starts out low and then rises as it makes contact with the ball. The player’s grip on the racquet will determine how high the ball will go; a Continental grip results in a higher shot, while an Eastern grip will result in a lower shot. There are also different variations of the forehand that can be used to create different outcomes, such as topspin, slice or flat.

The player should follow through with their swing after they hit the ball

When performing a forehand, the player should start with their feet shoulder-width apart, and then take a small step forward with their dominant foot as they swing their arm forward and hit the ball. The player should follow through with their swing after they hit the ball, ensuring that their dominant arm finishes across their body.

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