What Is A Kick Serve In Tennis?

A kick serve is a type of serve in tennis where the server hits the ball with a downward motion, causing it to bounce high and to the left or right.


A kick serve is a type of serve used in the sport of tennis. The main purpose of a kick serve is to create an unpredictable bounce, making it difficult for the opponent to return the ball. The kick serve is often used as an surprise element in a player’s arsenal and can be particularly effective on faster surfaces such as hard courts.

There are two main types of kick serves – the low kick serve and the high kick serve. The low kick serve is typically used to generate more spin, while the high kick serve is used to generate more power.

To execute a low kick serve, the player will toss the ball slightly higher than normal and hit it with an abbreviated backswing. The goal is to make contact with the ball just below its equator, causing it to spin rapidly and bounce low.

To execute a high kick serve, the player will toss the ball slightly higher than normal and hit it with a full backswing. The goal is to make contact with the ball just below its equator, causing it to spins less rapidly but generates more power and bounce higher.

What is a Kick Serve?

A kick serve is a type of serve used in the sport of tennis. The kick serve is usually used as an approach shot, meaning the player hits the ball with the intention of making it bounce high into the air so they can come to the net and put away a volley.

Thekick serve is often used on slow surfaces, like clay, as it is more difficult to generate pace on these types of courts. The ball usually bounces very high on a kick serve, making it difficult for opponents to hit an effective return.

A player who excels at using a kick serve is often very successful on clay courts, as this surface provides the perfect conditions for this specific type of delivery.

The Grip

A kick serve is a serve in tennis where the ball is hit with a lot of topspin, causing it to bounce high and to the right of the receiver. It is used as an.

The grip for a kick serve is similar to that of a regular serve, except that the index finger is not extended straight upward, but is instead curled inward so that it rests on top of the ball. This gives the player more control over the spin of the ball. The player may also use a Continental grip, which gives even more control over spin.

The Toss

The kick serve is a type of serve used in the sport of tennis. A player will hit the ball with an upward motion, using topspin to create a high bouncing ball. This serve is usually used to surprise opponents who are expecting a low bouncing ball. The kick serve can be used to set up other shots in a rally, or it can be hit for an ace.

The Swing

The swing for a kick serve in tennis starts just like a normal serve, with the server tossing the ball up into the air and hitting it with an overhand motion. However, instead of hitting the ball in the center of the strings, the server hits the ball off to one side. This makes the ball spin quickly and bounce off the court at a sharp angle, making it difficult for the receiver to return.

The Follow Through

After you have hit the ball, you will want to continue your swing and follow through all the way until your racket is pointing at the target. Following through will ensure that you have hit the ball with topspin and helped it clear the net. It is a good idea to practice your follow through without hitting any balls so that you can get a feel for what it should look and feel like.

The Types of Kick Serves

As the name suggests, a kick serve is a type of serve in tennis where the ball is hit with a mixture of topspin and side-spin, causing it to ‘kick’ up high off the court upon landing. This can make it difficult for opponents to return the ball and gain an immediate advantage in the point.

There are two main types of kick serves: the low kick serve and the high kick serve. The low kick serve is used when you want to make the ball bounce low and close to the net, while the high kick serve is used to make the ball bounce high and deep in your opponent’s court. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you’ll need to experiment with both to see which suits your game best.

One common variation of the kick serve is the slice kick serve, which is hit with extra sidespin to make the ball spin sideways through the air. This can be confusing for opponents who are expecting the ball to spin in a particular direction, making it more difficult for them to read where it will land. Another variation is the topspin kick serve, which is hit with extra topspin to make the ball spin forward aggressively after bouncing. This can be difficult for opponents to control if they don’t have good footwork, as they’ll need to move quickly backwards away from the net after making contact.

The Advantages of a Kick Serve

One of the main advantages of a kick serve is that it can be very difficult for opponents to read. The spin on the ball can make it appear as though it will land in one place, only to “kick” at the last second and end up in a completely different place. This can be extremely frustrating for opponents, who may find themselves chasing the ball all over the court.

Another advantage of a kick serve is that it can be used to effectively target an opponent’s weakness. For example, if an opponent has a hard time returning serves to their backhand, a kick serve to their backhand corner can be very effective.

Finally, a kick serve can also be used as a surprise weapon. If you typically use a flat or slice serve, your opponents may not be expecting a kick serve. This element of surprise can be enough to throw them off their game and give you an advantage.

The Disadvantages of a Kick Serve

While a kick serve can be very effective, it also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest disadvantages is that it is much harder to control than a flat serve. Because the ball is spinning so much, it is more difficult to keep it in the service box. This can lead to more double faults and ultimately, more lost points.

Another disadvantage of a kick serve is that it is easier for your opponent to predict. Because the ball bounces so high, your opponent will have more time to react and return your shot. This can lead to longer rallies and ultimately, more lost points.


A kick serve is a type of serve in tennis that results in the ball bouncing high and to the side of the court, making it difficult for the opponent to return. This serve is often used by professional players as it can be very effective when executed correctly. If you’re looking to add a bit of variety to your serves, or simply want to make things more difficult for your opponents, then learning how to execute a kick serve is a great idea.

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