What Is A Serve In Tennis?

A serve in tennis is a shot to start a point. The server stands behind the baseline on one side of the court. The receiver stands on the other side of the net.


In tennis, a player serves the ball to start a point. The serve is a shot that must be hit into the diagonally opposite service court. The server gets one point if the opponent can’t return the ball or if the ball hits the net. If the opponent does return the ball, then he or she gets to hit it back and try to win the point.

When it’s your turn to serve, you get to decide where you want to put the ball. You can try to put it in the corners of the court, or you can try to make it go over the net so that it lands right in front of your opponent. It all depends on what you think will give you the best chance of winning that particular point.

There are different types of serves that you can use in tennis. The most common type is called a flat serve, where you hit the ball with a flat surface on your racket. This type of serve is usually used when you want to put a lot of power behind your shot. Another type of serve is called a slice serve, where you hit the ball with an angled surface on your racket. This type of serve is usually used when you want to make the ball spin or move around in a different way than usual.

No matter what type of serve you use, though, remember that you need to make sure that your shots are consistent and accurate if you want to win points and games!

The Basics of a Serve

In tennis, the serve is a shot used to start each point. You can serve from anywhere behind the baseline on your side of the net, as long as you stay within the singles sideline boundaries. The main purpose of the serve is to get the ball over the net and into your opponent’s service box so they have a difficult time returning it.

A good serve will have both power and accuracy and be difficult for your opponent to return.SERVESThere are two main types of serves in tennis: the flat serve and the spinning serve. A flat serve is a serve that does not spin and is hit with power and accuracy. A spinning serve is a serve that spins, making it more difficult for your opponent to return.

There are also different types of spins you can put on the ball: topspin, slice, and kick. Topspin servers try to get the ball to bounce high into their opponent’s service box so it’s more difficult to return. Slice servers hit the ball with a slicing motion so it spins away from their opponent, making it more difficult to return. Kick servers hit the ball with topspin so it bounces high and then suddenly drops down into their opponent’s service box, making it even more difficult to return.

The important thing to remember is that you can mix up your serving speeds, directions, and spins to keep your opponents guessing and increase your chances of winning a point!

The Types of Serves

In tennis, a serve is a shot used to start a point. A player will hit the ball into the other player’s service box to begin the point. There are different types of serves that a player can use, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The Flat Serve

The tennis flat serve is the most commonly used serve in tennis. The aim of the flat serve is to hit the tennis ball with pace and accuracy into the service box. The best way to generate pace on the flat serve is to use a continental grip and swing the racket up above your head. The aim is to make contact with the ball at around shoulder height. A good tip for hitting a consistent flat serve is to try and keep your eyes on the ball until your racket has made contact with it.

The Slice Serve

The Slice Serve is a tennis serve where the ball spins from right to left when viewed from the front (a topspin or slice backhand follows the same path). For a right-handed player, this motion hustles the ball away from an approaching left-handed opponent. Unfortunately, the same characteristics that make the Slice Serve effective against a lefty make it relatively easy for a right-handed player to control.

The Kick Serve

A kick serve is a type of tennis serve in which the ball bounces high and to the right (for a right-handed player) after it hits the ground. The kick serve is often used to surprise opponents who are expecting a flat or slice serve.

Players who use a kick serve usually have a strong serve, as the kick requires a lot of power to generate the extra bounce. However, this type of serve can be unpredictable and difficult to control, so it is not used as often as other types of serves.


In conclusion, a serve in tennis is a very important shot. It can be a difference maker in a match. A player must have good control and power to win points with their serve.

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