What Is A Tennis Set?

A tennis set is a sequence of games played with alternating service and return in each game. A set consists of a predetermined number of games, which is usually six.


A tennis set is a collection of games played in tennis. A player wins a set by winning at least six games and at least two more games than the opponent. If there is a tie, the player who wins the most sets wins the match. A set comprises of one or more tied games.

The Basics of a Tennis Set

A set in tennis is a unit of the game. It is the section of play between any two given points. A set comprises of a number of games, with games consisting of points. The first player to win six games and lead by two wins the set. If the score reaches six games all, then a player must win by two clear games.


In tennis, a player scores a point by winning a rally (a consecutive sequence of return and serve). The player who wins the most rallies in a set is the winner of that set. If the score reaches 6 games all, then a tie-break is played to determine the winner of the set. A tie-break is won by the player who scores 7 points (with a 2 point margin), or by the first player to reach 7 points if the score gets tied at 6-6.


The player who is unable to return the ball will lose the point. The game of tennis starts with a player serving the ball from behind the baseline. The server will hit the ball over the net into the diagonally opposite service box. If the serve is successful, meaning that it lands in the service box and is not touched by the receiver, then the server gets a point (15-love). If the receiver hits the ball back into play, then they get a chance to score points as well. The receiver can hit any shot they want, but their goal is to return the ball over the net so that their opponent cannot hit it back.


During a tennis match, players have a very short break between each point. They also have a longer break between each game. This longer break is called a changeover. Changeovers give players a chance to rest and to discuss strategy with their coaches.

At the start of each set, players choose which side of the court they want to start on. They then switch sides at the start of the next game. This is so that both players get an equal number of turns to serve from the same end of the court.

Players also switch sides during the changeover at 6 games all in a tiebreak set. The player who served first in the tiebreak will serve first in the next game.

Types of Sets

In tennis, there are different types of sets that can be played. The most common set is the best of three sets, which is what is normally played in professional matches. However, there are also other types of sets that can be played, such as the first to four sets or the best of five sets. In this article, we will discuss all the different types of sets that can be played in tennis.

Standard Sets

In a Standard Set of tennis, the winner is the first player to win 6 games by a margin of at least 2 games. If the score reaches 6-6, then a tiebreaker is played.

In a Standard Set tiebreaker, the first player to score 7 points by a margin of 2 points wins the tiebreaker (and thus, the set). If the score in the tiebreaker reaches 6-6, then only one more point is needed to win; this point is called a “set point.” The player who wins the next point wins the set.


A tie-break, also called a tiebreaker or breaker,[1] is a scoring format used in tennis and other sports. A tie-break game is played between two players who are tied at a set score of 6–6 until one player wins seven more points than the other. The concept was originally invented by Victor Lawrence Laurie in 1873 for when scores reached 6–6 so that matches would not go on for too long as to become too expensive due to the expense of buying tennis balls.[2][3][4] A tie-break game is usually composed of 11 points, but can be played with 10 (if both sides start at 5–5), 9 (if the loser of the previous game starts at 0–0), or 7 points (if both sides start at 6–6).[5] If the score reaches 12–12, a coin toss or draw of lots will decide which player serves next.


A tennis set is a series of games played by two tennis players, with each player trying to win enough games to take the set. In most professional matches, men play best-of-three sets, while women and juniors (players under 18 years old) play best-of-two sets. The first player to win six games wins the set, but if the score reaches 6-6, then a tiebreaker is played to determine the winner.

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