What Is An NBA Technical Foul?

A technical foul in the NBA is a personal foul that is committed by a player during the course of a game. Technical fouls can be assessed for a variety of reasons, including unsportsmanlike conduct, excessive arguing with officials, and dangerous or violent player behavior.

What Is An NBA Technical Foul?


In the National Basketball Association (NBA), a technical foul is any infraction of the rules that results in free throws being awarded to the opposing team. Technical fouls can be issued for a wide variety of offenses, including unsportsmanlike conduct, fighting, language, and excessive contact.

While technical fouls are fairly common in the NBA, they are typically not called for minor infractions. Instead, technical fouls are reserved for more serious offenses that result in an unfair advantage for the offending team. For example, a player who is assessed a technical foul for taunting an opponent after making a basket is providing his team with an extra point that they would not have otherwise earned.

Players can be assessed a technical foul for any number of different infractions, but some of the most common include:

Unsportsmanlike conduct: This can include taunting, trash talking, excessively celebrating, or any other action that is considered to be unsportsmanlike.

Fighting: Players who engage in physical altercations with each other or with game officials will be assesses a technical foul. In some cases, players may also be ejected from the game and/or suspended for fighting.

Language: The use of profanity or offensive language directed at opponents, game officials, or fans can result in a technical foul.

Excessive contact: If a player makes contact with an opponent that is deemed to be excessive (e.g., a push or shove), he may be assessed a technical foul.

What is a technical foul in the NBA?

A technical foul in the NBA is a foul that is committed by a player or coach that is not related to the physical play on the court. Technical fouls can be called for a variety of reasons, including unsportsmanlike conduct, delay of game, or arguing with the officials.


In the National Basketball Association (NBA), a technical foul is any infraction of the rules that warrants a penalty of free throws plus possession of the ball. There are three categories of fouls: personal, shooting, and technical. A personal foul is committed by a player when he/she contacts another player in a manner that is not permitted by the rules. A shooting foul is committed when a player who is in the act of shooting is contacted by an opponent in a manner that would otherwise be a personal foul. A technical foul is any infraction not covered in the first two categories.

The most common type of technical foul is for unsportsmanlike conduct. This can include taunting, swearing, or making obscene gestures. Technical fouls can also be called for illegal defenses, such as using an illegal screen, or for having too many players on the court. Each technical foul results in two free throws and possession of the ball for the opposing team.


A technical foul in basketball is any infraction of the rules that goes against the spirit of the game. Technical fouls can be given to players, coaches, or even teams. The most common technical fouls are for unsportsmanlike conduct, such as taunting or fighting. Technical fouls can also be given for delay of game, such as stalling or not getting the ball in play quickly enough.

Technical fouls result in free throws for the opposing team, and they also count as a personal foul for the player who committed the infraction. If a player commits five personal fouls in a game, they are automatically disqualified from playing any further. In addition, any player who commits two technical fouls in a game is automatically ejected from the contest.

Here are some examples of technical fouls that have been called in NBA games:

-Player taunts an opponent after making a basket
-Coach argues with a referee about a call
-Player punches an opponent
-Team delays the start of a game by not taking the court on time
-Player kicks the ball into the stands

When are technical fouls called?

Technical fouls in the NBA are personal fouls that are assessed to a player or coach for unsportsmanlike behavior. This can include things like arguing with the referee, fighting, or using profanity. Technical fouls can also be assessed for things like having too many players on the court, or for Delay of Game.

Flagrant fouls

In the NBA, a flagrant foul is any illegal physical act that is committed with both excessive and unnatural force. This includes, but is not limited to, hitting, kicking, choking, elbowing, or head-butting an opponent. A flagrant foul can be committed either during live game play or during a dead ball situation, and can be called on either an offensive or defensive player.

If a flagrant foul is committed during live game play, the fouled player is awarded two free throws and their team retains possession of the ball. If the fouled player was in the process of shooting when the foul was committed, they are awarded three free throws instead of two. If a flagrant foul is called on a defensive player during live game play and the fouled offensive player was in the process of shooting when the foul was committed, they are also awarded one free throw in addition to the two or three that they would already be entitled to.

In addition to being awarded free throws, the team of the player who was fouled by a flagrant foul is also given possession of the ball if they did not have it prior to the infraction. This is known as “awarding possession” and can happen either on made baskets or out-of-bounds situations.

The NBA has a specific set of guidelines that officials use to determine whether or not a flagrant foul has been committed; these guidelines are based on both the severity of the infraction and the intent of the player who committed it. For example, if a player takes an unusually hard swing at an opponent with their arm extended but doesn’t make contact, this would likely not be considered a flagrant foul because there was no actual contact made and it wasn’t done with malicious intent. However, if that same player followed through with their swing and made contact with their opponent’s head or neck area, it would almost certainly be considered a flagrant foul because it met both criteria for severity and intent.

The NBA also has a rule in place known as “the cumulative points system” which tracks flagrant fouls throughout the course of playoffs games; this system is designed to discourage players from intentionally trying to commit flagrant fouls in order to gain an advantage for their team. Under this system, each playoff game starts with each team being given five “points”; if aflagrant foul is committed by either team during that game, one point is subtracted from their total. If two flagrant fouls are committed by one team in the same game, two points are subtracted from their total; if three flagrant fouls are committed by one team in the same game, three points are subtracted from their total ,and so on. If a team reaches zero points under this system, they are automatically disqualified from that particular playoff series

Unsportsmanlike conduct

A technical foul is most commonly called for unsportsmanlike conduct. This can include arguing with officials, fighting, or using profanity. Technical fouls can also be given for things like delayed game play, or fouling a player who does not have the ball. Most technical fouls result in free throws for the opposing team, and the player who committed the foul may be ejected from the game.

Penalties for technical fouls

A technical foul in basketball is any infraction of the rules that is not a personal foul, a shooting foul, or a goaltending foul. Technical fouls can be assessed against either a player, a coach, or the team in general. The most common type of technical foul is for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Free throws

In the NBA, a player fouled while shooting a free throw is awarded one free throw. If the player misses the free throw, he is not allowed to reclaim possession of the ball. The other team is then given possession of the ball out of bounds.

A technical foul results in two free throws for the opposing team and possession of the ball. Technical fouls can be given for a variety of reasons, including unsportsmanlike conduct, excessive profanity, or arguing with a referee.

Player ejection

A player who is assessed two technical fouls in the same game is automatically ejected from the game. A player who commits six total technical fouls in one season is also subject to a one-game suspension. If a player or coach accumulates more than 14 technical fouls over the course of a season, they will be automatically suspended for one game for each additional technical foul.


Technical fouls in the NBA are designed to penalize players, coaches or even teams for infractions that are deemed to be unsportsmanlike or excessively physical. Technical fouls can be called for a variety of reasons, such as:

-Arguing with a referee
-Hitting another player
-Deliberately trying to damage property
-Failing to follow the dress code
-Physical altercations with fans

If a technical foul is called, the offending player or coach is automatically ejected from the game and is also subject to a fine. In some cases, multiple technical fouls can result in a suspension from the league.

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