What Is Baseball Whip?

Wondering what baseball whip is? It’s a stat that measures the number of pitches a pitcher needs to throw to get one out. The lower the number, the more efficient the pitcher is.


In baseball, whip is a statistic that measures the effectiveness of a batter or pitcher at giving their team an advantage on the basepaths. Whip is calculated by adding the number of walks and hits divided by the number of innings pitched. The lower the whip, the better the pitcher is at preventing runs from scoring. A pitcher with a high whip may be more likely to give up home runs or extra-base hits, while a pitcher with a low whip is more effective at keeping runners from scoring.

The term “whip” can also be used to describe the motion of a pitcher’s arm as they release the ball. A pitcher with a good whip will have a smooth, fast motion that makes it difficult for hitters to time their swings. A pitcher with a poor whip may have a herky-jerky motion that makes it easy for hitters to time their swings and make solid contact.

What is Whip?

Whip is a stat in baseball that stands for “walks and hits per inning pitched.” The higher the number, the more baserunners the pitcher is allowing. A higher whip can be indicative of a pitcher who is struggling to keep batters off base and/or giving up a lot of hits.

The definition of Whip

In baseball, whip is a measure of the speed of the pitch as it reaches the hitter, and therefore includes both the velocity at which the ball travels and the time it takes to reach home plate. Velocity alone is not a good measure of how fast a pitch appears to be because a pitch thrown with more spin will appear to slow down as it approaches the hitter. Likewise, a pitch thrown with less spin will appear to speed up. The formula for whip takes into account both velocity and spin.

The other metric by which pitchers are judged is ERA, orEarned Run Average. This stat measures how many runs a pitcher gives up per nine innings pitched, and is also used to compare pitchers across different eras. However, ERA does not take into account the speed of the pitches that a pitcher throws, only how many runs are scored off of them. This makes whip a more accurate measure of how fast a pitcher’s pitches appear to be.

How is Whip calculated?

Whip is the average number of runs allowed per game by a team’s pitching staff. It is calculated by adding the total number of earned runs allowed by the team and dividing by the number of innings pitched.

What is a good Whip?

Whip is an important stat in baseball that measures the number of times a runner advances to the next base divided by the number of times the batter gets a hit. A higher whip means the batter is more likely to advance the runner. A good whip is around 1.0.

Why is Whip important?

Whip is important because it is a measure of a pitcher’s effectiveness. Pitchers with a high whip are more likely to give up runs and hits, while pitchers with a low whip are more likely to get outs. Whip is also a good indicator of how hard a pitcher throws. Pitchers with a high whip usually throw harder, while pitchers with a low whip tend to throw softer.

How to improve your Whip

Whip is a stat in baseball that stands for walks plus hits divided by innings pitched. The higher your whip, the more baserunners you’re allowing per inning, and the worse you’re doing. There are a few ways to lower your whip, and we’ll go over a few of them here.

Drills to improve Whip

One of the best ways to improve your Whip is to perform regular drills. Here are some drills you can do to help increase the speed and accuracy of your Whip:

-Walking lunges: This exercise helps to improve both leg strength and balance. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a large step forward with your right leg, then lunge forward, lowering your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Push off with your right leg and return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg.

-Side shuffle: This drill helps improve movement and coordination. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.Keeping your feet in contact with the ground, move sideways to your right for 10 yards, then return to the starting position. Repeat going to your left for 10 yards.

-Squats: This exercise helps improve lower body strength. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart andyour knees bent. Slowly lower yourself down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your knees over your ankles. Return to the starting position and repeat.


To put it simply, the baseball whip is the energy that’s transferred from the pitcher’s arm to the ball. This energy can be used to help the ball travel faster and further. A pitcher with a good whip will be able to generate more velocity on their pitches, which can be a big advantage in pitching matchups.

There are a few factors that affect the amount of whip a pitcher has. The size and mass of the baseball, the length of the pitcher’s arm, and the speed at which they’re throwing all play a part. Pitchers with long arms tend to have an easier time generating whip, as do those who throw with higher velocity.

If you’re interested in learning more about the baseball whip and how it works, check out this video from Major League Baseball:

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