What Is Cs In Baseball?

If you’re a baseball fan, you’ve probably heard people talk about the “cs” stat. But what is it, and what does it mean? Read on to find out!


In baseball, the catcher is the player who is responsible for receiving pitches from the pitcher and returning them to the infielders so they can put out runners. The catcher also has to be very good at blocking balls that are thrown in the dirt, as well as foul balls that are hit behind home plate. In addition to these duties, the catcher is also responsible for calling pitches, which means he has to know what each pitcher on his team is good at throwing and what each hitter is bad at hitting.

The History of Cs in Baseball

The history of Cs in baseball is a long and complicated one. There is no one definitive answer to the question, but there are a few key points that can give some insight into the matter.

The origins of Cs in baseball are believed to date back to the late 19th century. It is believed that the first use of the term occurred in 1887, when it was used by sportswriter Henry Chadwick in an article about baseball statistics. Chadwick is also credited with inventing the term “ERA,” which is still used today to measure a pitcher’s effectiveness.

The use of Cs in baseball continued to grow throughout the early 20th century, and by the 1950s, it had become an accepted statistical category. Today, Cs are used to measure a number of different things, including a pitcher’s effectiveness, a hitter’s batting average, and a team’s defensive efficiency.

While the origins of Cs in baseball are somewhat murky, there is no doubt that they have become an important part of the game. Whether you’re a fan of using them or not, they’re here to stay.

What is Cs in Baseball?

In baseball, the catcher is responsible for preventing opposing players from successfully stole a base. If the catcher throws out a runner while he is attempting to steal a base, it is called a caught stealing (CS). The statistic is kept for both catchers and pitchers.

How is Cs in Baseball Used Today?

In baseball, Cs is short for catcher. The catcher is the player who squatting behind home plate, who catches pitches thrown by the pitcher and also throws out runners who try to steal bases.

The catcher is considered one of the most important defensive players on the field, as their primary job is to help prevent runs from scoring. In addition to catching pitches, the catcher also calls for different pitches from the pitcher based on the batter and situation.

While the role of catcher has evolved over time, it remains an important part of baseball today.


So, what is CS in baseball? A caught stealing is when a baserunner attempts to steal a base, but is thrown out by the catcher. A successful stolen base is denoted by a “SB” in the statistics, while a caught stealing is denoted by a “CS.”

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