What Is Esports And Why Do People Watch It?

Esports is a form of competition using video games. The most common video games in esports are first-person shooters (FPS), multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA), and real-time strategy (RTS).

What Is Esports And Why Do People Watch It?


Esports is a form of competitive gaming that is often organized into professional leagues and tournaments. The term “esports” is shorthand for “electronic sports,” and refers to the growing phenomenon of people playing video games against each other in organized competitions. Esports can be played on a variety of platforms, including personal computers, game consoles, and mobile devices.

While esports has been around in some form or another for decades, it has only recently begun to emerge as a legitimate spectator sport. Thanks to live streaming services like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, as well as the rise of professional leagues like the Overwatch League and the League of Legends Championship Series, esports has begun to pull in massive audiences from all over the world.

There are many reasons why people might watch esports. Some enjoy watching because they are fans of specific players or teams, while others simply enjoy the tactical spectacle of seeing skilled gamers competing against one another at the highest level. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that esports has quickly become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world.

What is Esports?

Esports, also known as electronic sports, is a form of competitive gaming that is typically played on a computer or video game console. The most popular games in esports include first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), and fighting games.

Esports competitions typically take the form of tournaments or leagues, and can be played either offline or online. Tournaments are usually organized by gaming companies or third-party esports organizations, while leagues are organized by professional gaming teams.

The first recorded esports competition took place in 1972, at Stanford University’s Space wars tournament. Since then, the popularity of esports has exploded, with competitions taking place all over the world and millions of spectators worldwide tuning in to watch live broadcasts of tournaments online.

The prize money up for grabs in esports competitions has also skyrocketed in recent years. The total prize pool for the 2018 International Dota 2 Championship was over $25 million, making it the largest ever for an esport tournament.

So why do people watch esports? For many fans, it’s simply because they enjoy watching others play video games at a high level. But there are also a number of other reasons why people tune in to watch esports competitions:

To learn from the best: Just like traditional sports, fans of esports can learn a lot by watching the very best players in action. If you want to get better at a particular game, watching top-tier players is a great way to see what strategies and techniques they are using and try to incorporate them into your own gameplay.

To support their favorite teams: Much like traditional sports fans, many people who watch esports also support one or more professional gaming teams. By tuning into tournaments and competitions, they can root for their team and see them play against some of the best teams in the world.

To feel part of a community: For many people who watch esports, being part of the community is just as important as the actual competition itself. Esports fans enjoy feeling like they belong to something larger than themselves and watching tournaments helps them feel connected to other members of the community.

The History of Esports

The idea of organized video game competitions goes back to the 1970s, when students gathered to play Spacewar at Stanford University. But it wasn’t until the 1990s that esports began to take off, with the rise of multiplayer games like Quake and Street Fighter II. gaming leagues organised competitions in which players could face off against each other in front of live audiences. The first major esports tournament was held in 1997, when Nintendo hosted a Spaceworld event for its Super Smash Bros game.

Since then, esports has grown rapidly in popularity. Today, there are multiple international tournaments for a variety of games, including first-person shooters, real-time strategy games, and even mobile games. And while most esports competitors are male (and white), the demographic is slowly changing as more women and people of color get involved in the scene.

Why do people watch esports? For many viewers, it’s simply entertainment. They enjoy watching skilled players compete in their favorite games. But for some fans, Esports is also about community and belonging. In a world where traditional sports are often seen as exclusive (and often alienating), Esports can be a welcoming place for everyone.

Why Do People Watch Esports?

Esports is a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games; the input of players and teams as well as the output of the Esports system is mediated by human-computer interfaces. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. Although organized online and offline competitions have long been a part of video game culture, these were largely between amateurs until the late 2000s, when participation by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events saw a large surge in popularity. esports tournaments commonly feature live broadcasts by commentators and sometimes live coverage of games in progress, with hundreds of thousands of people streaming games online to follow any number of esports competitions taking place at any one time.

The term “esports” covers a wide range of video games across all genres and platforms, from first-person shooters (FPS) to real-time strategy (RTS) games to mobile games such as Candy Crush and Clash Royale. While most people associate esports with PC gaming and console gaming, mobile gaming is actually the most popular platform for esports, with tournaments for mobile games such as Arena of Valor, Clash Royale and PUBG Mobile drawing tens of millions of viewers.

How to Get Involved in Esports

Now that you know what esports is, you might be wondering how you can get involved. If you’re a fan of traditional sports, there’s a good chance you already have everything you need to get started!

Many of the same companies that sponsor traditional sports teams also sponsor esports teams, so you can support your favorite brands while watching your favorite players compete. In addition, many esports events are streamed live online, so you can watch from the comfort of your own home.

If you’re interested in playing competitively, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. There are amateur and professional leagues for almost every game, so you can compete at whatever level you’re comfortable with. You can also join a team or start your own!

Whether you’re a fan or a competitor, there are plenty of ways to get involved in esports. So what are you waiting for? Start watching or start playing today!


Esports is a form of competitive gaming that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. While the majority of esports fans are young men, the audience is becoming increasingly diverse. People watch esports for many reasons, including to support their favorite players and teams, to enjoy the excitement of competition, and to learn from the best gamers in the world.

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