What Is Game Set Match In Tennis?

A game set match in tennis is when one player wins six games and the other player wins four games.

What Is Game Set Match In Tennis?


In tennis, “game set match” (GSM) is used to describe the status of a match when one player or team has won enough games to win the set and thus the match. The player or team that wins enough games to win the set and thus the match is referred to as the “winner.”

The term can also be used more narrowly to describe the scoreline when one player or team wins a game, set, and match in succession. In this context, it is often abbreviated as “3-0” or “3- nil,” meaning that the losing player or team failed to score a single game in either of the two sets that were played.

The GSM scoring system is one of several used in tennis. Others include advantage, tiebreaker, and super tiebreaker.

What is Game Set Match?

In tennis, “game set match” (GSM) is the standard way of saying that a player has won the match. It’s shorthand for “the game, set, and match are all over,” and it’s pronounced like “game set match.”

The game set match format is simple: the first player to win six games and have a two-game lead over their opponent wins the set. The first player to win two sets wins the match. If the score of the final set reaches 6-6, then whoever wins the next game wins the match.

The GSM format is used in all professional tennis matches, from Wimbledon to your local tennis club tournament. It’s also used in other racquet sports, like badminton and table tennis.

So now you know what GSM means in tennis. But what about other racquet sports? Read on to learn more.

How to Win a Game Set Match

In order to win a tennis game set match, you must first win six games. If both players win six games, then the match goes to a tiebreaker. In order to win the tiebreaker, you must first win seven points. If both players win seven points, then the match goes to sudden death. In sudden death, the first player to score a point wins the game set match.


So, in conclusion, “game set match” is simply the three-word phrase used to signal the end of a tennis match. The first player to win two out of three sets is the winner of the match. If a tiebreaker is necessary to determine the winner of a set, then the first player to win seven points wins the set.

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