What Is Going On With WWE?

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What Is Going On With WWE?

The current state of WWE

WWE is in a bit of disarray right now. There is a lot of backstage politics and infighting going on, and it is causing problems with the product. The athletes are not happy, and the fans are not happy. WWE is in a bit of a downward spiral at the moment.

WWE’s declining ratings

WWE’s ratings have been on a decline for the past few years. The company has been relying heavily on part-timers and legends to draw in ratings, but even that has not been working as of late. WWE will need to make some changes if they want to start seeing an increase in their ratings.

WWE’s financial troubles

In recent years, WWE has been mired in financial troubles. In 2016, the company posted its first quarterly loss in over a decade. This was attributed to WWE’s decreased popularity and slumping ratings.

In 2017, WWE’s stock prices hit an all-time high of $32.87 per share. However, by 2019, the stock had fallen to $19.68 per share. This is a decrease of 40% in just two years.

WWE has also been losing money due to declining viewership. In 2015, WWE’s average viewership was 3.9 million viewers per week. By 2019, that number had fallen to 2.4 million viewers per week. That is a decline of 38% over just four years.

The company has also been facing increased competition from other wrestling promotions, such as All Elite Wrestling (AEW). AEW was founded in 2019 by several former WWE employees, including Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks ( Matt and Nick Jackson).

All Elite Wrestling has quickly gained popularity, and its weekly television show, Dynamite, regularly beats WWE’s flagship show, Raw, in the ratings. In October 2019, Dynamite had an average viewership of 1.4 million viewers, while Raw had an average viewership of 2.1 million viewers.

WWE has responded to the increased competition by signing some of AEW’s top stars, including Chris Jericho and Pac (formerly known as Neville). WWE has also started its own rival promotion called NXT UK.

The cause of WWE’s decline

Many wrestlers and observers have noted that WWE has been in decline for the past several years. While the company was once the undisputed leader in professional wrestling, it has now been eclipsed by its chief rivals, All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW). So, what is the cause of WWE’s decline?

WWE’s stale product

As of late, WWE has been on a decline in terms of ratings, viewership, and interest from the general public. There are many factors that have led to this decline, but the main one seems to be WWE’s stale product.

For years now, WWE has been relying on the same old formula of PG-13 wrestling mixed with over-the-top storylines and characters. This formula worked for a while, but it’s no longer enough to keep people interested. WWE needs to change things up and offer something new and fresh if they want to turn things around.

Another factor that has contributed to WWE’s decline is their treatment of female wrestlers. For years, the women’s division has been treated as an afterthought and has not been given the same attention or respect as the men’s division. This needs to change if WWE wants to win back the support of female fans.

Finally, WWE has also been facing increased competition from other wrestling companies such as All Elite Wrestling (AEW). AEW offers a more hardcore style of wrestling that has been appealing to many fans who are tired of WWE’s PG-13 product.

If WWE wants to turn things around, they need to make some changes. It’s going to be a long road back to the top, but it can be done if they’re willing to make the necessary changes.

WWE’s bad booking

WWE’s bad booking is the number one cause of WWE’s decline. The company has been creatively bankrupt for years, relying on past stars and nostalgia to bring in viewers. This is not a sustainable business model, and it has caught up to WWE.

The current product is stale, unimaginative, and often just plain bad. The storylines are convoluted and nonsensical, the matches are often shorter and less interesting than they could be, and there is very little content that is truly must-see. This has led to declining ratings and viewership, as well as dwindling live event attendance.

WWE needs to make some major changes if it wants to reverse its decline. This includes hiring new creative talent, giving more power to wrestlers who are actually over with the fans, and making bolder choices in terms of booking and storylines. Otherwise, WWE will continue to lose viewers and eventually become irrelevant in the world of professional wrestling.

WWE’s lack of competition

In the early 2000s, WWE was the dominant wrestling promotion in the world. They had little to no competition and their wrestlers were household names. However, over the past few years, WWE has been struggling. Ratings are down, live event attendance is down, and many fans are wondering what is going on with WWE.

There are many factors that have contributed to WWE’s decline. One of the biggest factors is WWE’s lack of competition. In the early 2000s, WWE’s main competition was WCW (World Championship Wrestling). However, WCW was bought by WWE in 2001 and since then, WWE has been the only major wrestling promotion in the world. With no real competition, WWE has become complacent and lazy. They are no longer trying to put on the best product possible because they know that there is no one else to challenge them.

Another factor that has contributed to WWE’s decline is their poor booking decisions. In recent years, WWE has made a lot of decisions that have confused and angered fans. For example, they created a women’s tournament called “The Mae Young Classic” named after a wrestler who passed away in 2014. This was seen as insensitive by many fans as it seemed like WWE was exploiting Mae Young’s death for publicity.

Lastly, another factor that has contributed to WWE’s decline is their lack of investment in new talent. In the past few years, many top wrestlers have left WWE for other promotions or retirements due to frustration with how they were being used by WWE. For example, CM Punk (one of the most popular wrestlers of all time) left WWE in 2014 due to creative differences and he has not returned since. Punk was frustrated with how he was being used by WWE and felt that his talent was not being appreciated.

WWE is clearly struggling right now but there is still hope for the company. If they can make some changes and invest in new talent, then maybe they can turn things around.

What WWE needs to do to improve

WWE is in a slump right now. The company is not connecting with its fans and the product has become stale. In order to improve, WWE needs to take some bold steps. The company needs to make some changes to its programming, start fresh with new storylines, and bring in some new blood.

WWE needs to freshen up its product

Over the past couple of years, WWE has been in a bit of a slump. The company has failed to create new stars, and its ratings and live event attendance have suffered as a result. WWE needs to freshen up its product in order to recapture its lost audience.

One way WWE could do this is by creating new storylines and characters. The company has become too reliant on part-time stars such as Brock Lesnar and Rey Mysterio, and it needs to focus on building up its full-time roster. Additionally, WWE should bring back some of its older talent, like The Rock and Triple H, for limited appearances. This would help add some star power to the show while also giving the younger wrestlers a chance to shine.

In addition to creating new storylines, WWE needs to also focus on improving its in-ring action. The matches have become too predictable and lack the excitement that they once had. By adding more high-flying moves and signature spots, WWE can make its matches more entertaining and improve the overall quality of the product.

Finally, WWE needs to do a better job of promoting its female wrestlers. The women’s division has become increasingly competitive in recent years, but WWE has failed to capitalize on this by giving the women’s matches adequate time on television and pay-per-view. If WWE can fix these three problems, then it will be well on its way to regaining lost ground.

WWE needs to make better booking decisions

WWE has been on a decline in recent years. Ratings are down, attendance is down, and many fans have grown tired of the product. There are a variety of factors that have contributed to WWE’s decline, but one of the biggest reasons is poor booking decisions.

There are a number of ways that WWE could improve its booking, but here are three of the most important:

1) Stop relying on part-time wrestlers: WWE has been increasingly relying on part-time wrestlers in recent years, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why the product has suffered. Part-time wrestlers don’t have the same commitment to WWE as full-time wrestlers do, and it shows. They’re often out of shape and their matches often lack the intensity that they had in their prime. This is not to say that part-time wrestlers can’t be used at all, but they should be used sparingly.

2) Stop forcing finishes: One of the most frustrating things about WWE’s booking in recent years is that they often force finishes that don’t make sense. This often happens when WWE tries to protect certain wrestlers from losing cleanly (often part-time wrestlers or aging legends). Not only does this create bad matches, but it also causes frustration among fans who can see what should be happening but isn’t.

3) Give more focus to up-and-coming wrestlers: In order for WWE to improve, it needs to focus more on up-and-coming wrestlers. These are the performers who are going to be carrying the company in the future, and they deserve more attention than they’re getting. Unfortunately, WWE often pushes these wrestlers aside in favor of older, more established performers. This needs to change if WWE wants to improve its product.

WWE needs more competition

While WWE may currently be the top wrestling promotion in the world, they could still stand to improve in a number of ways. One way that WWE could improve is by having more competition.

competitions forces companies to step their game up in order to stay ahead, and this can only be a good thing for the fans. More competition would also lead to more variety in wrestling, as different promotions would offer different styles and storylines.

Of course, WWE is not likely to see much competition anytime soon, as they are currently the dominant force in the wrestling world. Still, it would be nice to see them have to work a little harder to stay on top.

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