What Is the Long Tennis Game?

Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. If you’re new to the game, you may be wondering what the long tennis game is all about. Here’s a quick rundown of the basics.


In tennis, the “long game” is a term used to describe a playing style that emphasizes shots that land deep in an opponent’s court. This approach is designed to put pressure on an opponent by forcing them to retreat and defend rather than take the initiative and attack. The long game can be an effective strategy for players who have the stamina to sustain long rallies and the patience to wait for their opportunity to strike.

The Basics of Long Tennis

Long Tennis is a popular game that is often played outdoors. It is a great game for all ages and can be enjoyed by both genders. Long Tennis is a game that can be played singles or doubles. The aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponents court. The court is divided into two halves by a net.

The Court

A tennis court is the venue where the sport of tennis is played. It is a firm rectangular surface with a low net stretched across the center. The same surface can be used to play both doubles and singles matches. A variety of other tennis-related activities, such as practice, can also be conducted on a tennis court.

The dimensions of a regulation tennis court are defined by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the governing body for tennis. These dimensions apply to both singles and doubles courts.

The court is 78 feet (23.77 meters) long, and 27 feet (8.23 meters) wide for singles matches. For doubles matches, the court is 36 feet (10.97 meters) wide. The service line, which marks the boundary of the service area, is 21 feet (6.40 meters) from the back fence in singles matches and 23 feet (6.91 meters) from the back fence in doubles matches. The service line is parallel to the net.

The Equipment

In long tennis, there are three pieces of equipment that you will need: a racket, a ball, and a net. The racket is used to hit the ball back and forth over the net. The ball is made of rubber and is filled with air. The net is placed across the middle of the court and separates the two players.

The racket is made of different materials, such as wood, steel, or carbon fiber. The strings on the racket are also made of different materials, such as nylon or Kevlar. The type of racket you use will depend on your playing style. For example, if you are a power player, you will want a racket with a heavier head so you can hit the ball harder. If you are an accuracy player, you will want a lighter racket so you can control the ball better.

The balls used in long tennis are different than the ones used in other sports, such as basketball or football. Long tennis balls are made of rubber and have a felt covering. They are filled with air and must be 24 cm in circumference and weigh between 56 and 59 g.

The net is placed across the middle of the court and is 3 m high at the posts and 1 m high in the middle. The net is made of cord or tape and is attached to metal or plastic posts that are inserted into the ground.

The Scoring

In tennis, a player scores a point when the opponent fails to return the ball within the required dimensions of the court. The main aim of the game is therefore to keep the ball in play and force the opponent to make mistakes. The player who scores the most points wins the match.

A point is awarded if:
-The other player fails to hit the ball into play.
-The ball hits the net.
-The ball bounces more than once before it is hit by the other player.
-The ball hits outside of the court boundaries.
-The other player hits the ball before it has bounced.
-The other player hits the ball twice in succession.
-The other player hits the ball with any part of their body or clothing other than their racket.

If both players score 40, then this is called deuce and both players must win two consecutive points to win the game. If one player scores five points in a row, then this is called a set and that player wins that set. If a player wins two sets then they win that tennis match.”

Long Tennis Strategy

The long game in tennis is all about placement and patience. The player who can keep the ball in play and make their opponent run the most is usually the one who wins. This style of play can be very frustrating for your opponent, so it is important to have a good strategy. In this article, we will discuss the long game strategy and how you can use it to your advantage.

The Serve

In tennis, “long” refers to the distance between the baseline (the back line) and the service line. The deuce court is the court on which the player serving has two points. The other court is called the ad court. At the start of a new game, a player will serve from either the deuce or ad court. After each point, the server moves to the other side of the service line and serves again. This continues until a player loses a point, at which time they switch service courts.

The long game is used to take control of the point by forcing your opponent to defend their backcourt. It is an important strategy for both singles and doubles players. In singles, it can be used to set up an approach shot or put your opponent on the defensive. In doubles, it can be used to set up a lob or drop shot.

When serving in tennis, you want to hit your serve deep into your opponent’s backcourt. This will give you more time to get into position for your next shot. It will also make it more difficult for your opponent to return your serve.

There are different types of long serves that you can hit in tennis. The most common type is a flat serve. This is when you hit the ball without spin, so that it stays low and doesn’t bounce too high. This type of serve is good for hitting corners and making your opponent run side to side.

Another type of long serve is a topspin serve. This is when you hit the ball with spin so that it bounces high and spins toward your opponent’s backhand side. This type of serve can be difficult for your opponent to return because they will have to lift the ball over their shoulder.

A third type of long serve is a slice serve. This is when you hit the ball with spin so that it bounces low and spins toward your opponent’s forehand side . This type of serve can be difficult for your opponent to return because they will have trouble getting under the ball .

One way to practice hitting long serves is to set up practice cones orimaginary lines in different areas of your backyard or local park.;You can also usea bucket or laundry basket asyour target . Try hitting 10 serves into eachTarget Area ;Set Up ;before moving onto ;the next one . Asyou get better at this drill ,you can add more targets and reduce ;the size;of each target area .

The Return

In tennis, a return is a shot played after the ball has been hit by the server, but before it has bounced twice. The purpose of the return is to put the ball into play so that the server does not have an easy winner on the next shot.

The return can be played from anywhere behind the baseline, but most players choose to stand near the middle of the court so that they can reach all parts of the court with their shots. The return can be hit with any part of the racket, but most players use the sweet spot, which is the area around the center of gravity of the racket.

There are two main types of return: The forehand return and the backhand return. The forehand return is hit with the front hand, and most players use an Eastern or Continental grip. The backhand return is hit with the back hand, and most players use a Western or Semi-Western grip.

Players often use different types of returns depending on where their opponent is standing on the court. If they opponent is standing near the net, they may use a lob to get the ball over their head and into an open area of the court. If their opponent is standing near the baseline, they may hit a groundstroke to keep them from getting tothe ball.

The Volley

The volley is an important part of the long tennis game. It is a shot hit close to the net in an attempt to win the point before your opponent can get to the ball. Volleys can be hit with different strokes, but they all have one thing in common – they are hit before the ball bounces.

There are two main types of volleys:

The first is the standard volley, which is hit with a normal groundstroke grip and stroke. The second is the half-volley, which is hit with an abbreviated stroke and grip. Half-volleys are usually used as a last-ditch effort to keep the ball in play, and are not often used as a primary means of attack.

Volleys can be hit off of any type of shot, but they are most commonly used after a serve or a return of serve. They can also be used after any groundstroke, but this is less common. Volleys are typically hit with topspin or backspin, depending on what type of stroke you are using.

Volleys can be used for both offense and defense. When used for offense, volleys can be used to put your opponent on the defensive and force them to make mistakes. When used for defense, volleys can be used to stay in points that you might otherwise lose.

Volleys can be very effective when used correctly, but they require quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. They also require you to have good footwork so that you can get into position quickly. If you practice your volleys regularly, you will become more proficient at using them in matches.


In conclusion, the long tennis game is a great way to improve your skills and strategies in the sport. It is also a fun way to stay fit and active. If you have never played this type of game before, you should definitely give it a try.

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