What Is Your WWE Finisher?

What’s your WWE finisher? The move you always bust out when you’re in the ring and ready to lay the smackdown on your opponent? Let us know in the comments below!


A WWE finisher is a professional wrestling move that is used to score a pinfall or submission, and is usually the culmination of a wrestler’s offensive offense. While any move can technically be used as a finisher, wrestlers typically have one or two signature moves that they use more often than others, and which they rely on to finish off opponents.

The most common type of finisher is a grappling move, such as a powerbomb or DDT, though strikes (such as Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Stone Cold Stunner) and aerial maneuvers (such as The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver) are also popular. In some cases, a wrestler will use an opponent’s move against them as their own finisher (such as when Mick Foley hit The Rock with The Rock’s own People’s Elbow).

While finishing moves are usually only used to finish off opponents, in some cases they are also used for dramatic effect in other situations. For instance, The Rock once used his signature People’s Elbow on an inanimate object (a stack of cinderblocks), and Triple H has been known to use his Pedigree on opponents who have already been knocked out.

What is your WWE Finisher?

What is a WWE Finisher?

A WWE Finisher is a move that is used to finish off an opponent and usually results in a pinfall or submission. Finishers are often the most exciting part of a WWE match, as they are meant to be the climax of the bout. There are many different types of finishers, and each Superstar has their own unique move that they use to finish off their opponents.

The Attitude Adjustment

The Attitude Adjustment, formerly known as the F-U, is a professional wrestling move used by WWE superstar John Cena. It is a variation of a fireman’s carry takeover where the opponent is dropped onto their back while leaning over the top rope.

The move was first used by Cena in his match against Chris Jericho at Judgment Day in May 2005. It has since become Cena’s signature move, and he has used it to defeat several prominent WWE superstars, including Triple H, Edge, The Rock, and Randy Orton.

While the Attitude Adjustment is typically used as a finishing move, it can also be used as a transition move or to set up another maneuver. For example, Cena has been known to use the Attitude Adjustment to transition into his submission hold, the STF.


One of the most popular and devastating finishing moves in WWE today is the RKO, which is performed by WWE Superstar Randy Orton. The RKO is a leaping clothesline that connects with the opponent’s jaw, driving them backwards and down to the mat. The move is so powerfully that it has KO’d numerous opponents, hence its name.

The Stone Cold Stunner

One of the most popular and devastating finishing move in WWE history is the Stone Cold Stunner. The move was created by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and has been used by many other Superstars over the years.

The Stunner is a very simple move to execute. The attacking wrestler first grabs their opponent by the neck with both hands, lifts them up slightly, and then drops them down to the mat, driving their opponent’s head into the mat.

While the Stunner looks like it would be incredibly painful, it is actually a very safe move to perform. This is because the majority of the impact is absorbed by the mat, rather than the opponent’s head.

While the Stunner is a very popular move, it is also one of the most controversial. This is because, as mentioned before, it can be quite dangerous if not performed correctly.

In 2012, WWE Superstar Tyson Kidd suffered a serious neck injury after taking a Stone Cold Stunner from WWE legend Sting. Thankfully, Kidd made a full recovery and was able to return to in-ring action just a few months later.

How to Choose the Right WWE Finisher for You

Your WWE Finisher is the one move that will define you as a WWE Superstar. It’s the move that you will use to put your opponents away and become a champion. But how do you choose the right finisher for you? Let’s take a look at some factors you should consider when choosing your WWE Finisher.

Consider your strengths

In order for a finisher to look believable, it must be something that suits your character’s strengths. For example, a WWE Superstar like Braun Strowman who is known for his brute strength would not use a submission move like the Yes Lock as his finisher. Instead, he uses moves that reflect his strengths, such as the Running Powerslam or the Running Powerslam to the outside of the ring.

Consider your opponent’s strengths

When you become a professional wrestler, one of the first things you need to do is create a finishing move. This is the move you will use to end matches, and it needs to be both flashy and effective. It should also be something that you are physically capable of executing on a regular basis.

There are a few things you need to consider when choosing your finisher. First, you need to think about your opponent’s strengths. What are they good at? What are their weaknesses? You want to choose a move that will take advantage of their weaknesses and allow you to finish the match quickly.

Second, you need to consider your own strengths and weaknesses. What moves can you execute effectively? Are there any moves that you should avoid because they put you at risk of injury? You want to choose a move that you can execute safely and one that will give you the best chance of winning.

Finally, you need to consider the type of match you are in. Is it a standard wrestling match, a street fight, or something else? Each type of match has different rules and regulations, so you need to make sure your finishing move is legal in the type of match you are in. Otherwise, you will not be able to use it and it will not help you win the match.

Keep these things in mind when choosing your WWE finisher and be sure to practice it until you have perfected it. Your finishing move is one of the most important tools in your arsenal, so make sure it is something that can help you succeed in the ring.


As you can see, there are many different types of WWE Finishers, and each one has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. It’s important to choose the right finisher for your wrestling style, and to practice it until you have it perfected. Remember, the key to a successful WWE career is becoming a finishing machine!

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