What Is the NFL Concussion Protocol?

The National Football League concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are to be followed by NFL teams when a player is suspected of having a concussion.

What Is the NFL Concussion Protocol?


In 2017, the NFL concussion protocol was updated to include a number of new measures aimed at better protecting players from the risk of head injury. The changes were made in response to criticism that the league had not been doing enough to prevent concussions and other brain injuries.

The updated protocol includes both sidelines and locker room concussion evaluations, as well as independent neurotrauma consultants who have the final say on whether a player can return to the game. Players who are suspected of having a concussion are not allowed to return to play until they are cleared by an independent medical professional.

The concussion protocol has been controversial, with some player arguing that it is too strict and leads to players being held out of games unnecessarily. Others have praised the protocol for its efforts to improve player safety.

What is the NFL concussion protocol?

In order to understand the NFL concussion protocol, it is first important to understand what a concussion is. A concussion is a type of brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or a jolt to the body. Concussions can range from mild to severe, and can cause a variety of symptoms.

The sideline concussion assessment

If a player shows any signs or symptoms of a concussion, or if there is a suspicion that a concussion has occurred, he will be removed from the game for further evaluation in the locker room. He will not be allowed to return to the game that day.

The League has developed a computerized sideline concussion assessment tool, which all teams use, called the Standardized Concussion Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3). This is used by team medical personnel to help identify concussions. Once removed from the game, the player will be evaluated in the locker room by team physicians or other independent neurological consultants using both the SCAT3 and other standardized tests. If it is determined that the player has suffered a concussion, he will not be allowed to return to play that day.

The locker room concussion assessment

During the 2017 season, the NFL expanded its in-game concussion evaluation process to include sideline video review of all plays that may have resulted in a concussion. This was in addition to the on-field evaluation conducted by the Unaffiliated Neurotrauma Consultant (UNC) assigned to each game. Prior to the 2017 season, only certain items were reviewable via video, such as plays involving a helmet-to-helmet hit. Now, every play on which a concussion is suspected will be reviewed by the UNC and team physician(s). If they agree that a concussion may have occurred, the player will undergo further evaluation in the locker room.

The locker room concussion assessment includes:
● Balancing tests
● Memory tests
● Cardiovascular examinations
● Blood pressure and pulse checks
● Reflex tests
If a player is diagnosed with a concussion, he will not be allowed to return to practice or play until he is cleared by both his team physician and an independent neurological consultant.

Why was the NFL concussion protocol created?

The NFL concussion protocol was created to ensure the safety of players and to protect them from further injuries. The protocol is a set of guidelines that must be followed by all teams and medical staff in order to properly manage concussions.

The protocol includes several steps that must be taken in order for a player to be cleared to return to play. These steps include:
· A sideline evaluation by a team physician or certified athletic trainer
· A comprehensive assessment by an independent neurologist or neuropsychologist
· If necessary, additional testing with Impact or Computerized Axonal Injury Tomography (CAIT)
· Symptom-free at rest and with exertion, as well as normal neurological examination

Players who are diagnosed with a concussion are not allowed to return to play the same day. They must rest and avoid physical activity until they are asymptomatic. Once they are symptom-free, they can begin a gradual return-to-play process that includes light aerobic exercise, followed by increased activity level and finally full participation in practice.

The NFL concussion protocol has been refined over the years as more research is conducted on the effects of concussions. The goal of the protocol is to keep players safe and healthy so they can continue to enjoy the game of football.

How has the NFL concussion protocol evolved?

In recent years, the NFL concussion protocol has evolved to better protect players from the risks associated with concussions and other head injuries. The protocol now includes a number of steps that must be taken in order for a player to return to the field following a head injury.

The first step in the concussion protocol is for the player to be evaluated by a medical professional. If it is determined that the player has suffered a concussion, they will then be required to rest for a period of time. The length of this rest period will vary depending on the severity of the concussion.

Once the player has rested, they will then begin a gradual return-to-activity process. This process includes a number of steps, such as light aerobic exercise, followed by more intense activity levels as tolerated. Players will also be monitored closely during this time for any signs or symptoms of complications.

Once the player has completed the return-to-activity process and been cleared by a medical professional, they will then be able to return to all football activities.

What are the criticisms of the NFL concussion protocol?

There are several criticisms of the NFL concussion protocol, including that:
-The concussion protocol does not adequately protect players from concussions and other brain injuries.
-The concussion protocol is inconsistently applied and enforced, and there is no process for independent review of decisions made by team doctors.
-The concussion protocol does not do enough to prevent concussions from happening in the first place, and does not address the issue of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).


The NFL concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are designed to protect players from suffering further injury after a concussion. The protocol includes a number of steps that must be taken in order for a player to be cleared to return to play. These steps include:

1. Rest and recovery: The player must be completely symptom-free before they can progress to the next step of the protocol.

2. Light aerobic exercise: This can help to increase blood flow to the brain and promote healing.

3. Continued recovery: The player must continue to be symptom-free before progressing to the next step.

4. Heading training: This helps the player to learn how to properly protect their head when participating in contact sports.

5. Full contact practice: The player must participate in full contact practice without suffering any setbacks before they can be cleared to return to play in a game.

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