What Is NFL Preseason?

American football fans are looking forward to the upcoming NFL season. But before the regular season starts, there’s the preseason. What is the NFL preseason?

What Is NFL Preseason?


The National Football League preseason is when professional American football teams play exhibition games before the regular season starts. Preseason games are not generally considered as important as regular season or playoff games, so teams mostly use them to try out new players and give playing time to backups.

What Is NFL Preseason?

NFL preseason is a series of exhibition games played by the National Football League teams before the start of the regular season. The preseason games give each team the opportunity to evaluate their players and make necessary changes to their rosters. The preseason games also give the fans a chance to see their favorite players and teams in action before the regular season starts.

What Happens During Preseason?

During preseason, teams play four exhibition games. The NFL preseason typically kicks off in early August, with the first full slate of games happening the weekend after Labor Day. Most starters play limited minutes in the first two games, if at all, as coaches ease them back into action after their six-month break. Backups and players vying for a spot on the roster see more extensive playing time in these games. The third game of the preseason is often considered a dress rehearsal for the regular season, as starters play for about a half. Many teams rest their starters for the fourth and final game of the preseason.

How Does Preseason Affect the Regular Season?

The preseason generally has a direct bearing on how a team will do in the regular season. In general, the more games a team wins in the preseason, the better that team will do once the regular season starts. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, but it is generally true. The preseason is also important because it gives teams a chance to evaluate their rosters and decide which players will make the final cut and which ones will be released.


So, now that we know what the NFL preseason is, let’s answer the million-dollar question: Is it worth watching?

For die-hard fans, the preseason offers a sneak peek at how their favorite team is shaping up for the regular season. It’s an opportunity to see new players in action and get a sense of what the team’s strengths and weaknesses might be. And for fantasy football fans, preseason games are a chance to scout out potential sleeper picks for their draft.

On the other hand, many fans find the preseason to be a snooze fest. The games don’t count towards the regular season record, so there’s not as much at stake. Plus, starters usually only play for a few series before giving way to backups and low-level players who are fighting for a spot on the roster. As a result, the level of play is often not as high as it is during the regular season.

In the end, whether or not you choose to watch preseason games is a matter of personal preference. If you’re a hardcore fan who can’t get enough football, then they may be worth checking out. But if you’d prefer to wait for the regular season to start before tuning in, that’s perfectly understandable too.

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