What Is the Average Salary for an NFL Referee?
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We all know that NFL referees are paid pretty well, but just how much do they make? We did some research to find out the average salary for an NFL referee.
In the National Football League (NFL), the game officials are the individuals who are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game. There are seven game officials who typically work on the field during NFL games, and these officiating positions include the referee, umpire, down judge, line judge, back judge, side judge, and field judge. The salaries for NFL game officials are determined by their experience level and position.
The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. NFL referees generally have many years of experience officiating football games at various levels, including high school, college, and professional. When NFL referees are not working during the football season, they often hold other full-time jobs.
What is the average salary for an NFL referee?
The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. NFL referees are paid on a scale, which is based on their experience and the number of games they officiate. The base salary for an NFL referee is $110,000, and the maximum salary is $205,000.
How do NFL referees compare to other professional athletes?
The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000. This is higher than the average salaries for other professional athletes such as Major League Baseball players, who earn an average of $3.2 million per year, and National Basketball Association players, who earn an average of $5.15 million per year.
How do NFL referees compare to other officials?
Including all benefits, the average NFL official made $205,000 for the 2017 season, according to ESPN. That’s just a little more than the average major league umpire, who earned $203,000 that same year. But it’s well short of the average NBA official, who pulls in $550,000 a year.
Still, being an NFL referee is not a bad gig. The job entitles you to some degree of celebrity — your face is shown on TV during every game — and you get to travel to various NFL cities. Plus, you get to wear a snazzy uniform.
Of course, the job also has its downside. For one thing, you have to deal with angry fans — sometimes even death threats — when you make a bad call. And you have to put up with constant criticism from armchair quarterbacks who think they know better than you do.
What are the benefits of being an NFL referee?
In addition to the game fee, which is determined by the NFL and typically falls in the $800 to $1,200 range per game, officials also receive travel expenses to and from the contest. That’s a nice perk considering most NFL referees live hundreds or even thousands of miles away from where they work.
In 2015, for example, Ed Hochuli worked seven regular season games as well as two playoff contests. According to public records, he grossed just over $134,000 that year. Although Hochuli is one of the most experienced and consequently highest-paid referees in the NFL, first-year officials earn a bit less. In fact, NFL referee salaries start at around $25,000 per season and max out at around $70,000 for those with 20 years of experience or more.
Keep in mind that these are only game fees and don’t include any money earned from clinics, camps or other training opportunities often available to officials during the offseason. According to one estimate, an NFL official could easily make an additional $10,000 to $20,000 per year giving lectures or working summer camps.
When all is said and done then, it’s not uncommon for veteran NFL referees to earn well over $100,000 per year.
What are the challenges of being an NFL referee?
Becoming an NFL referee is not an easy task. There are only a limited number of positions available, and the application process is very competitive. In addition, NFL referees must be able to handle the pressure of working in front of large crowds and making split-second decisions that can have a big impact on the outcome of a game.
NFL referees also need to be physically fit, as they are required to run up and down the field during games. They also need to have a good understanding of the rules of football, as they are responsible for enforcing them.
While the job of an NFL referee can be challenging, it is also very rewarding. NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of sports, with an average salary of $173,000 per year. In addition, they enjoy many perks, such as free travel and hotel accommodations, per diem payments for food and incidentals, and pension benefits.
The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year.