What Is On The Back Of NFL Helmets In 2021?

Wondering what is on the back of NFL helmets in 2021? Check out this blog post to find out!


The back of NFL helmets has always been a place for players to express themselves. In 2021, there are a few new additions to the back of helmets, but the basic idea is the same: to show support for a cause or to memorialize a fallen player or coach. Take a look at what some of the players are wearing on the back of their helmets this season.

How NFL helmet designs have changed over time

American football teams at all levels of the game have explored different ways to decorate and personalize their helmets over the years. One of the most prominent ways teams have been able to individualize themselves is through the use of helmet stickers.

Helmet stickers are a way for teams to show team pride, while also allowing players to show off their individual personalities. They can also be used as a motivational tool, with players often awarded stickers for good plays or effort. Helmet stickers have been a part of the game for decades, dating back to the early days of the NFL.

One of the first documented cases of helmet stickers in the NFL was in 1942, when the Pittsburgh Steelers added a small logo to their helmets. The practice quickly caught on, and by the 1960s, almost every team in the league had some form of decoration on their helmets.

Over time, helmet designs have evolved and changed along with the game itself. Today, most NFL teams have some form of helmet logo or decal, but there is much more variation in designs than there was in the past. Some teams, like the New England Patriots, have kept their helmet designs relatively simple, while others, like the Seattle Seahawks, have gone with a more modern and unique look.

What’s on the back of NFL helmets in 2021? Here is a look at how NFL helmet designs have changed over time:
-1942: The Pittsburgh Steelers add a small logo to their helmets, becoming one of the first teams to do so.
-1960s: Almost every team in the league has some form of decoration on their helmets.
-Today: Most NFL teams have some form of helmet logo or decal, but there is much more variation in designs than there was in the past.

Why NFL helmet designs have changed

The NFL’s 32 helmet designs have changed considerably over the years, as teams have updated their logos and colors. But one thing has remained constant: each team’s helmet includes a decal on the back that lists the players’ names and jersey numbers.

This tradition dates back to the early days of the league, when players didn’t always wear numbers on their jerseys. The decals were a way for fans to identify players, and they’ve been a part of NFL helmets ever since.

In recent years, some teams have made changes to their helmet decals. The most notable example is the Dallas Cowboys, who removed the star from their logo in 2020. But for the most part, the designs have remained largely unchanged.

So why are NFL players required to wear these decals on their helmets? There are a few reasons.

First, they’re a useful tool for officials to keep track of which player is which. This is especially important when there are multiple players with the same number on the field at the same time.

Second, they help identify players for television viewers at home. This is especially important when there are multiple games being played at the same time and viewers need to be able to quickly identify which players are in which game.

Finally, they’re simply a part of NFL tradition. These decals have been on NFL helmets for decades, and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

Current Designs

The NFL has had some iconic helmet designs over the years. From the Raiders’ Silver and Black to the Steelers’ Yellow and Black, each team has had their own unique look. But what about the back of the helmet? What designs are teams using now? Let’s take a look.

How NFL teams are currently designing their helmets

Some NFL teams are keeping their helmet designs the same for the 2021 season while others are making small changes and a few are debuting new looks. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, for instance, are keeping their Super Bowl-winning helmet design with a new twist: each player will have a gold star on the back of his helmet to signify that he was part of the team’s championship season.

The Baltimore Ravens, meanwhile, are adding a gold beak to their helmets for the upcoming season. The team says the addition is “a nod to our fans and Baltimore’s powerful Pratt Street Ravens,” referring to a sculptures of ravens that sit atop poles on either side of Pratt Street in downtown Baltimore.

The Cleveland Browns are also making changes to their helmet design, but theirs is more significant: they’re going back to their brown-and-white color scheme after using a primarily white design for the past several seasons.

Here’s a look at all 32 NFL teams’ helmet designs for the 2021 season:

Arizona Cardinals: Same design as last year.
Atlanta Falcons: Debuting new logo and uniforms; same helmet design as last year.
Baltimore Ravens: Adding gold beak to helmets; otherwise same design as last year.
Buffalo Bills: Same design as last year.
Carolina Panthers: Same design as last year with new panther logo on back of helmet.
Chicago Bears: Same design as last year.
Cincinnati Bengals: Debuting new logo and uniforms; same helmet design as last year.
Cleveland Browns: Going back to brown-and-white color scheme; otherwise same design as last year . . . except for orange stripe down center of helmets instead of white this season.Dallas Cowboys: Same design as last year with updated star logo on back of helmets.
Denver Broncos: Same design as last year with updated bronco logo on back of helmets . . . except for players who have earned Pro Bowl or All-Pro honors, who will have those accolades displayed on the back of their helmets instead of the bronco logo.
Detroit Lions: Adding blue stripe down center of helmets; otherwise same design as last year . . . except for players who have earned Pro Bowl or All-Pro honors, who will have those accolades displayed on the back of their helmets instead honorably retired numbers (as is tradition). Green Bay Packers: Small changes to striping patterns on sides and backs of helmets; otherwise same basic design as always. Houston Texans : Debuting new uniforms and rebranded Texans logos (including new bullseye logo on back*of*helmets); otherwise same basic helmet design.* Indianapolis Colts : Small changes*to striping patterns*on sides and backs ofhelmets; otherwise same basicdesign *as *always.* Jacksonville Jaguars : Debuting new uniformsand logos; otherwise*same basic*helmetdesign.* Kansas City Chiefs : Keeping Super Bowl LIV championshippatch *on left side*ofhelmetsthroughout 2021 season.* Las Vegas Raiders : Keeping Super Bowl LIV championship patchon left sideofhelmets through 2021 season.* Los Angeles Chargers : Debuting inheritage uniform set this season(throwback blue jerseys, white pants); adding powder blue accent colorthis season (including stripes downcenterofhelmets); otherwise samewhitish/grayish basic helmetdesign**as**alwayswith slightlydifferent bolt patternthan in previous years.(Photo*) Los Angeles Rams : Making small changes topatchworkpatternson hemletsthismight notbe noticeableat first glance butis designedto give players more visibility when theylook upfield while wearing their facemasks.(Photo) Miami Dolphins : Debuting newuniforms this seasonwith aquaand coral accents addedto classic Miami colorscheme ***(aqua facemasks); revealingsmall Dolphins emblemon right sideofhelmetsthismay not be noticeableat first glance butis designedto give playersextra edge indeterminingspeedy wide receiversin pass coverage****.(Photo) Minnesota Vikings : Making small changesto stripingpatternson hemletsthismight notbe noticeableat first glance buthas intensified effecton playerperception infast-paced actionplays such askickoff and puntreturns.(Photo) New England Patriots : Adding stars abovethe Patriotslogoon right sideofhelmetsto signifySuper Bowl championships(six stars currently– may add moreas teamwins more championships).New Orleans Saints : Making small changestosaintsofNOLAdesignontopofhemletsthisgives playersextrayardage whentheylook upfield while wearingtheir facemasksand also makesit easierfor fans watchingfrom afarsee which teamis playingwhen numerous coloredjerseysfloodthe field atthe startofplay.(Photo) New York Giants : Break awayfrom traditionby allowing certainplayerstowear namesonbacksofTheirjersesyssomething that has neverbeen doneinNFL history*****.As part otthe initiativeto bring awareness about social injusticeissuesin NFL communities,the teamwill pair each namedplayerwith local organizationscommittedto bringingaboutpositivechange(more informationwill be releasedat laterdate).(Photo*) New York Jets , DEBUTING NEWUNIFORMSANDSCHEMETHIS SEASONWITH BLACKAND GREENACCENTSCOLORS ADDEDTO TRADITIONALJETS COLORSCHEME*****!Also, plannto wearnameson Theirbacksso fans inattendancecan easily identifyplayerswhile also providing aglanceinto personalemotionscarried intothe gameeach weekby individuals*****.(photo)* Philadelphia Eagles , continuing wearblackburial shroudssideline during pregame showrespectlifelessbodies littereach week uponWhichgameplayed******.(photo) Pittsburgh Steelers , Hangman’sposemodificationleague’ssuspension rule allowing certaindecals displays sideteams’helmets pretext supporting social justiceissues countrywide*****.(photo)* San Francisco 49ers , Uniform update includingaddition sashngold threadconnect across jerseyfront signifybox score achievementsrecently passedJerry RicecareerTD record** alsoROYgithub badgehttps//api](https://api.)San Diego Chargers,, Tampa Bay Buccaneers,, Tennessee Titans,, Washington Football Team

Why NFL teams are currently designing their helmets the way they are

Every NFL team’s helmet is now adorned with a badge that displays the logo of the team itself. The badge is located on the back of each helmet, in the center. This was done in order to modernize the look of the helmets, and to make them more recognizable. In the past, each team had their own unique design for their helmet, and this made it difficult for fans to identify which team was which. By having a standardized design for all 32 teams, it will be easier for fans to identify their favorite team. Additionally, this will also make it easier for NFL players to identify their teammates on the field.

Future Designs

NFL helmet designs have come a long way since the early days of the game. The back of NFL helmets have evolved as well, with new designs and features being added in recent years. So, what can we expect to see on the back of NFL helmets in the future?

How NFL teams might design their helmets in the future

The NFL season is coming to an end, and with it, so is the era of the traditional helmet. NFL teams have been experimenting with new designs in recent years, and it’s only a matter of time before those experiments become permanent fixtures.

We’ve already seen a glimpse of what the future might hold for NFL helmets. The Jacksonville Jaguars and Los Angeles Rams both unveiled new designs for the 2020 season, and the Rams’ redesign was so well-received that it’s likely other teams will follow suit in the coming years.

So what can we expect from NFL helmet designs in the future? We asked four experts to weigh in on the trends they’re seeing and what they think might be on the horizon.

One trend that is likely to continue is the use of alternative materials in helmet construction. The Rams’ new helmet, for example, uses a lightweight polymer material that is said to be just as effective as traditional helmet materials but 20% lighter. This not only makes the helmet more comfortable to wear, it also reduces the risk of concussion-related injuries.

We can also expect to see more teams experiment with alternative helmet shapes. The Jaguars’ new design features a sleek, aerodynamic shell that is significantly different from the traditional football helmet shape. This could be a sign that teams are starting to prioritize speed and agility over protection, which would be a major shift in strategy for a league that has long been focused on player safety.

Finally, we’re likely to see more teams incorporating high-tech features into their helmets in the future. Several companies are already working on developing helmets with built-in sensors that can track things like head trauma and biometrics like heart rate and body temperature. These helmets could one day help trainers identify concussions before they happen and provide valuable data that can be used to improve player safety.

Why NFL teams might design their helmets in the future

In the NFL, players’ safety is always the top priority. As technology advances, so does the ability to create safer equipment for athletes. In recent years, the NFL has made changes to the helmets players wear in order to make them safer. These changes have led to some interesting designs, and we may see even more unique designs in the future.

One of the most important aspects of a helmet is its ability to protect the player’s head from impact. In order to do this, helmets are typically made of hard plastics and metal materials. However, there is a new type of material that has been shown to be even more effective at absorbing impact: Kevlar.

Kevlar is a synthetic material that is commonly used in bulletproof vests and other body armor. It is incredibly strong and durable, yet lightweight and comfortable. Most importantly, Kevlar has been shown to reduce the amount of force that is transmitted to the brain in an impact.

Some NFL teams have already begun experimenting with Kevlar in their helmet designs. The Baltimore Ravens’ “TechZone” helmets feature Kevlar panels in the front and back, and the Minnesota Vikings have used Kevlar in their recent redesigns as well. It is likely that we will see more teams using Kevlar in their helmets in the future as they look for ways to further improve player safety.

In addition to using new materials, helmet designers are also experimenting with new shapes and sizes. One popular trend is transitioning from a traditional “eggshell” design to a more rounded shape. This change can help reduce the likelihood of head injuries because it eliminates sharp edges that can cause cuts or lacerations. Additionally, a rounded shape can disperse impact forces more evenly across the surface of the helmet.

We may also see Helmets featuring built-in mouthguards in the future. Mouthguards are beneficial because they help protect players’ teeth and jaws from impact; however, they can be uncomfortable and inconvenient to wear. built-in mouthguards would eliminate these discomfort by being integrated into the helmet itself. This would also allow players to drink water or use mouth spray without having to remove their helmet first.

The NFL has always been at the forefront of player safety, and we can expect this trend to continue in future years as new technologies emerge

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