What Is Poaching In Esports?

Poaching is the act of a team or organization signing a player who is currently under contract with another team. This can happen in any sport, but it’s especially common in esports.

What is esports?

Esports is a form of competition using video games. Players from all around the world can compete in tournaments for games such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, League of Legends and many more. These tournaments usually have large prize pools and are watched by millions of people online.

There are many different types of games that are popular in the esports world. Some of the most popular include:

-League of Legends
-Dota 2
-Counter Strike: Global Offensive
-Rocket League

What are the biggest tournaments?

The biggest tournaments are the FACEIT Major, The International, and the League of Legends World Championship. These tournaments have prize pools of over $1 million.

What is poaching?

Poaching is the illegal hunting or capturing of animals, usually for food or trophies. In the esports world, poaching refers to the recruiting of players from another team, most often without that team’s permission. This can happen in a number of ways, but the most common is when one team offers a player a better contract than the one they currently have.

What is the difference between poaching and signing?

The main difference between signing and poaching is that signing is when a player is still contractually obligated to their team, while poaching is when a player is free to sign with any team. Poaching can also refer to when a team signs a player who is still under contract with another team, which can lead to legal action.

What are the consequences of poaching?

Esports poaching has been around for years, but it seems to be coming to a head in recent months. For those who don’t know, poaching is the unethical practice of convincing another organization’s player or staff to leave their current position and join your own. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can have a significant impact on the competitive landscape of an esport.

Poaching can often lead to huge pay disparities between teams, as well as create an environment where players feel they need to be constantly on the lookout for new opportunities. This can foster a sense of distrust and unease within an organization, and ultimately lead to a decline in performance.

Additionally, poached players or staff may not be properly integrated into their new team, which can lead to further problems down the line. And finally, if a team is caught poached players or staff, they may face sanctions from leagues or other organizations.

How to avoid being poached

In esports, “poaching” is the practice of a team signing another team’s players without their permission. This usually happens when a player is under contract with one team, but is lured away by another team with the promise of more money or a better position on the team. While poaching can be a problem in any sport, it’s especially common in esports because the contracts are often not as binding as they are in traditional sports.

What are the signs that you are being poached?

There are a few key signs that you are being poached by another organization. First, you may receive communication from an individual who is not part of your organization, either through social media or other channels. This person may reach out to you directly, or they may contact your manager or another member of your organization on your behalf.

Second, you may be offered benefits or compensation that are significantly higher than what you are currently earning. This can be in the form of a salary increase, bonus, or other perks such as travel and accommodation stipends.

Third, the organization that is poaching you may try to get you to sign a non-compete clause in your contract. This clause would prevent you from working for a competing organization for a period of time after you leave your current organization.

Finally, you may be given an ultimatum by the organization that is poaching you. They may ask you to make a decision within a short period of time, or they may threaten to release confidential information about your organization if you do not agree to their terms.

What should you do if you are being poached?

Being poached is when another team or organization tries to convince one of your players or staff to leave your team and join theirs. This usually happens by offering them a better salary, more benefits, or a bigger role on the new team. While it can be flattering to have someone want to poaching your employees, it can also be frustrating and disruptive to your team.

If you are being poached, the best thing you can do is try to keep calm and level-headed about the situation. It can be difficult to not take it personally, but remember that it’s just business. Your main priority should be protecting your team and keeping them together.

The first step is to have a conversation with the person who is being poached. Listen to their concerns and see if there is anything you can do to address them. If they are primarily interested in a higher salary, see if you can match or exceed the offer from the other team. If they are looking for more responsibility, see if there are any positions open on your team that they could fill. If there is nothing you can do to keep them from leaving, thank them for their contributions to your team and wish them luck in their future endeavors.

It can be difficult to deal with employees leaving your team, but remember that poaching is a part of business. By handling the situation calmly and professionally, you can minimize the impact on your team and protect your interests.


While poaching may not be the most bushido of practices, in the world of esports it’s par for the course. Players move from one team to another all the time in search of better offers, and there’s nothing wrong with that. What is important is that teams are up front about their intentions and don’t try to misled or take advantage of players.

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