What Is Race Norming in the NFL?

The National Football League has come under fire in recent years for its lack of diversity. One way the league is hoping to address this issue is by race norming its player personnel evaluations. But what exactly is race norming?


In the NFL, race-norming is a process where a player’s scores on cognitive tests are compared to average scores for members of the same race. The idea behind race-norming is that some races may score lower on average than others, so the NFL wants to level the playing field by taking race into account.

The problem with race-norming is that it can lead to discrimination against certain players. For example, if a white player and a black player both score poorly on a cognitive test, the black player may be more likely to be diagnosed with a concussion because his score is being compared to other black players’ scores, which are lower on average.

Race-norming is just one of many factors that the NFL uses to diagnose concussions, but it has come under fire in recent years as critics argue that it is unfair and discriminatory.

What is race norming?

In the NFL, race norming is the practice of using different thresholds for players of different races when evaluating them for concussion. The justification for this practice is that, because certain cognitive tests are affected by race, using different thresholds will result in a more accurate evaluation.

There are two main cognitive tests that are used in the NFL concussion protocol: theKing-Devick test and the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS). The King-Devick test is a quick test of eye movements and attention that can be administered on the sideline. The BESS is a measure of balance and can be administered with or without equipment.

The cognitive testing is just one part of the concussion protocol, which also includes a symptom checklist and a biomechanical assessment. However, it has been shown that the cognitive testing is not effective at diagnosing concussions in players of all races. In fact, studies have shown that black players are more likely to be misdiagnosed with a concussion than white players.

Race norming was implemented in an effort to improve the accuracy of concussion diagnosis in NFL players, but it has come under fire from some who feel that it is unnecessary and divisive. Critics also argue that race norming could lead to more concussions being missed, as players who would otherwise be diagnosed may now fall below the threshold for their race.

How does race norming work in the NFL?

In 2016, the NFL implemented a new policy called “race-norming.” This policy was designed to level the playing field for minority players, who were disproportionately affected by concussions and other brain injuries.

Under race-norming, players are assigned different scores based on their racial background. For example, a black player with a concussion may be given a lower score than a white player with the same concussion. This is because research has shown that black people are more likely to experience more severe symptoms from concussions than white people.

race-norming has come under criticism from some who say it is unfair and perpetuates stereotypes about minorities. However, others argue that it is necessary in order to ensure that all players are treated fairly.

The NFL has not said whether or not it will continue to use race-norming in the future.

What are the benefits of race norming?

Race norming is a practice that has been used in the NFL for many years. It is a way of adjusting for the fact that different groups of people tend to perform differently on certain tests.

The benefits of race norming are that it allows for a more level playing field between different groups of people. It also allows for more accurate comparisons between people of different backgrounds.

One downside of race norming is that it can create an environment where people feel like they have to lower their standards in order to be successful. This can lead to a feeling of resentment and frustration among those who are affected by it.

What are the drawbacks of race norming?

There are several potential drawbacks to race norming in the NFL. First, it could potentially lead to discrimination against players of color, who may be more likely to be placed in the lower tier of norms. Additionally, it could create a situation in which players of color are less likely to be drafted or signed by NFL teams, as they may be perceived as less athletically gifted than their white counterparts. Finally, race norming could also lead to a decline in the overall quality of play in the NFL, as the pool of talent would be artificially divided into two tiers based on race.


In conclusion, race norming in the NFL is a system that takes into account a player’s race when evaluating their performance. This system is used in order to create a more level playing field for all players, regardless of race. While some people believe that this system is unfair, it is important to remember that all players are evaluated on the same criteria, and that no one player is given an advantage or disadvantage based on their race.

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