What Is Special Teams in the NFL?

Special teams is an important part of the game of football, but what exactly are they? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what special teams are and what they do in the NFL.

What Is Special Teams in the NFL?


Special teams is a unit of players on a football team that specializes in the kicking game. This unit is responsible for all kicking-related plays, including field goals, extra points, punts and kickoffs. The special teams unit also often includes the long snapper, who is responsible for snaps on punts and field goal attempts.

Many of the players on special teams are backups or reserve players who do not see much action on offense or defense. However, some starters, such as the kicker and punter, also play on special teams. In addition, many special teams players are key contributors to their team’s success and are considered integral parts of the roster.

The kicking game is an important part of football, and the special teams unit plays a vital role in the outcome of games. A successful field goal can change the momentum of a game and swing the momentum in favor of the kicking team. A well-executed punt can pin the receiving team deep in their own territory and put them at a disadvantage.

Special teams can make or break a game, and they are often crucial in determining the outcome.

What is special teams?

Special teams is a term used in American football to refer to units that focus on the kicking game. These units are usually responsible for things like punt and kickoff coverage, as well as field goal and extra point kicking. Special teams can be a big factor in winning or losing a football game.

Definition of special teams

In American football, special teams is the group of players on the field during kicking plays, such as kickoffs and punts. The special teams unit is often separate from the main team, and usually consists of backups to the starting lineup who see less playing time than the regulars.

During a punt, the special teams unit tries to tackle the punt returner to prevent him from gaining yardage. On a kickoff, they try to keep the opposing team from getting a good field position to start their drive. Special teams also include the players who handle kicking duties, such as the placekicker and punter.

The term “special teams” was coined by then-head coach Hank Stram of the Dallas Texans in 1963.[1] Before then, S

Special teams in the NFL

Special teams in the NFL are units that are responsible for specific tasks during kicking situations. These units typically consist of 11 players, but there may be more or fewer depending on the situation. The most common kicking situations are punts, field goals, and kickoffs.

Punt returners are responsible for catching the ball and either running it back for a touchdown or gaining as much yardage as possible. Field goal kickers are responsible for kicking the ball through the uprights for 3 points. Kickoff specialists are responsible for kicking the ball deep into the opposing team’s territory in order to give their team an advantage.

Special teams can be a very important part of a team’s success, as they can often change the momentum of a game.

Key players on special teams

Special teams are units in the sport of American football that are responsible for the kicking and punting game of a team. A typical special teams unit is composed of 11 players: the kicker, the punter, the long snapper, the up-backs, the gunners, the holders, and the personal protector. These units are often composed of the best athletes on the team because they require a high level of speed, agility, and strength.


Punters are the key players on special teams who kick the football to the opposing team on fourth down, when the team choosing to punt believes it is too far behind to catch up to the other team by continuing to try to advance the ball down the field.

Punters must have a strong leg to kick the ball a long distance, and they must be accurate so that the ball does not go into the end zone for a touchback, which would give possession of the ball back to the other team.

In addition, punters must be able to run downfield quickly to make a tackle if necessary, as they are often the last line of defense on special teams.


Kickers play a vital role in special teams, as they are responsible for scoring points by kicking the ball through the goalposts. Kickers must have a strong leg and accuracy to be successful, as they often need to make long field goals. In addition, kickers must be able to handle the pressure of kicking late in the game with the game on the line.

Punters are responsible for kicking the ball deep into enemy territory, which puts pressure on the opposing team’s offense to drive all the way down the field to score. Punters must have a strong leg to be successful, as they need to be able to kick the ball far and accurately. In addition, punters must be able to handle the pressure of kicking late in the game with the game on the line.

Long snappers

A long snapper is a member of the special teams who is responsible for snapping the ball on placekick and punt plays. A long snapper’s primary job is to deliver a quick, accurate snap to the holder every time.

Because of the nature of their job, long snappers must be among the most accurate and reliable members of the team. They must also be able to handle the pressure of performing in front of large crowds and in critical situations.

The long snapper is often one of the least recognized members of the team, but their impact on special teams can be huge. A bad snap can change the outcome of a game, so it’s important that long snappers are always on their game.


Gunners are the players on the outside of the formation who are responsible for running down the field to cover punts and kicks. They must be fast and agile to avoid being blocked by the opposing team, and they must be able to shed blocks quickly to get to the returner. Gunners typically line up on the far side of the field from the kicker or punter, so they have a long way to run downfield.

The gunner position is one of the most important positions on special teams, and it is often played by starters on offense or defense who want to get more playing time. Gunners must be able to run long distances without tiring, and they must be able to make quick cuts to avoid being blocked.

Punt returners

There are a few key players on special teams that can make or break a game. The punt returner is one of them. They are responsible for returning punts and often play a vital role in the field position battle. A good punt returner can give their team an advantage by giving them good field position or even scoring points. A bad punt returner can cost their team the game by fumbling the ball or making poor decisions.

Punt returners must have good vision and be able to make quick decisions. They must be able to catch the ball cleanly and make people miss in the open field. Some punt returners are also used as gunners on punt coverage teams. This is a difficult job because they have to run down the field full speed and make tackles in space.

Key players on special teams can make a big difference in the outcome of a game. The punt returner is one of the most important players on special teams and must be able to make good decisions and catch the ball cleanly.

Kick returners

One of the key players on special teams is the kick returner. The kick returner is the player who catches the kickoff and tries to return it for a touchdown. The most important thing for a kick returner is to have good vision, as they need to be able to see the holes open up in front of them and make the correct decisions. They also need to be able to make quick cuts and have good speed. Some of the best kick returners in NFL history include Deion Sanders, Devin Hester, and Joshua Cribbs.


In the NFL, special teams is the group of players who are on the field during kicking situations. This includes the kicker, punter, long snapper, and gunners. Special teams also includes the returners, who are the players who catch kicks and punts and attempt to run them back for a touchdown.

Special teams is an important part of the game, and it can often make or break a team’s chances of winning. A good special teams unit can change the momentum of a game and give their team an advantage.

There are many different strategies that teams use on special teams, and it is always evolving. The modern NFL game is faster and more physical than ever before, so special teams coaches have to be creative in order to keep up.

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