What Is Tanking In Baseball?

Tanking in baseball is when a team intentionally loses games in order to get a higher draft pick.

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What Is Tanking In Baseball?

Tanking Basics

The process of tanking in baseball is somewhat controversial, but it’s basically when a team intentionally loses games in order to get a higher draft pick the following year. In theory, it’s a way for a team to rebuild their roster quickly and efficiently.

There are a few different ways that teams can tank. One way is to trade away all of their good players for prospects or draft picks. This method is often used by teams that are close to the luxury tax threshold, as they can save money by getting rid of expensive veterans. Another way to tank is to simply field a bad team, either by not signing any good free agents or by trading away any good players that they do have.

The term “tanking” is often used in a negative way, as it implies that teams are not trying to win. However, there are some cases where tanking can be beneficial for a team. For example, if a team is close to the luxury tax threshold, trading away expensive veterans can save them money in the long run. Tanking can also be used as a strategy to rebuild a roster quickly and efficiently.

In recent years, the process of tanking has become more prevalent in baseball. This is likely due in part to the fact that there are more incentives for teams to lose games than there used to be. For example, the new collective bargaining agreement gives extra draft picks to teams that lose many of their free agents . Additionally, the new playoff format means that there are more playoff spots available , which gives teams more incentive to try and make the playoffs .

Tanking has become such an issue that MLB commissioner Rob Manfred has said that he would like to see changes made to the draft system in order to discourage teams from losing games intentionally . However, it’s unclear if anything will actually be changed in the near future .

The Process of Tanking

The process of tanking in baseball is when a team purposefully loses games in order to get a higher draft pick.

This often happens when a team is not doing well and they want to start rebuilding by getting new, young players.

Sometimes teams will trade away their best players for prospects, which can also make them worse in the short-term but hopefully better in the long-term.

Tanking can be a controversial topic because it goes against the competitive spirit of baseball and some fans may feel like they are not getting their money’s worth if they are paying to watch a team lose on purpose.

However, many fans understand that it is sometimes necessary for a team to rebuild and they are willing to be patient as long as they see progress being made.

Why Teams Tank

Teams tank for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is to get a high draft pick. In baseball, the team with the worst record gets the first pick in the next year’s draft. This gives them a chance to get a potential superstar who can help them rebuild their franchise.

Sometimes, teams tank because they are trying to save money. If a team knows they are not going to be competitive, they may trade away their best players for cheaper replacements. This can help them save money on salaries and focus on rebuilding for the future.

Other times, teams may tank because they are trying to create a sympathic environment for their fans. If a team is going through a tough season, they may try to “tank” so that their fans will continue to support them through the hard times.

The Pros and Cons of Tanking

The Pros and Cons of Tanking

In baseball, “tanking” refers to rebuilding a team by intentionally losing games in order to get high draft picks. Tanking can be a controversial strategy, as it involves sacrificing short-term success for long-term gain. Some argue that tanking is essential for rebuilding a successful team, while others believe it is unfair to the fans and players. Below are some pros and cons of tanking.


-Tanking can help a team acquire top talent. If a team is terrible, it will have a high draft pick, which gives them a better chance of selecting a franchise player.
-Tanking can also help a team save money. If a team is bad, it is less likely to make the playoffs, which means they will not have to pay players bonuses for postseason performance. In addition, bad teams are often less appealing to free agents, so they can save money by not signing high-priced players.


-Tanking can be emotionally difficult for players and fans. It can be hard to watch your team lose night after night, and players may feel like they are not being put in a position to succeed.
-Tanking can also damage a team’s reputation. Fans may lose interest in the team if they believe the front office is not trying to win games. This can lead to lower attendance and revenue, which could hurt the team in the long run.

Tanking in the MLB

In baseball, tanking is the process a team goes through of intentionally losing games in order to get a higher draft pick the following season. A team that tanks is often referred to as a “seller.”

The practice of tanking has been around for a while, but it gained national attention in 2002 when the Boston Red Sox purposely lost their final game of the season to the New York Yankees. The Red Sox were in last place and needed to lose to guarantee themselves a spot in the playoffs. By losing, they ensured that they would get a better draft pick the following year.

Since then, tanking has become more and more common in baseball. Teams have gotten better at disguising their tanking efforts, but there are still plenty of examples of it happening. In 2017, the Miami Marlins traded away several of their best players mid-season and finished with the worst record in baseball. It was clear that they were trying to lose games on purpose.

There are a few reasons why teams might want to tank. First, it gives them a better chance at getting a high draft pick. The team with the worst record in baseball gets the first overall pick, which gives them a chance to select one of the best players in the country. Second, it saves money. Teams that lose a lot of games don’t usually make much money from attendance or TV revenue, so by tanking they can save on costs. Finally, it can help rebuild a team’s farm system. By stockpiling high draft picks, teams can restock their minor league rosters with top talent and eventually build their way back up to being competitive again.

Tanking has become such a problem in baseball that there have been calls for changes to be made to the system. Some have suggested eliminating draft picks altogether or changing the way player salaries are determined so that teams are less incentivized to lose games on purpose. For now, though, tanking remains a part of baseball and is likely here to stay.

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