What Is the Third Batter in a Baseball Lineup Called?

The third batter in a baseball lineup is referred to as the cleanup hitter. The cleanup hitter is typically one of the best hitters on the team and is responsible for driving in runs.


The third batter in a baseball lineup is typically called the cleanup hitter. The cleanup hitter is the fourth batter in the batting order, behind the leadoff hitter, the second batter, and the third batter. The cleanup hitter is usually one of the best hitters on the team.

The Third Batter

The third batter in a baseball lineup is typically referred to as the “cleanup hitter.” The cleanup hitter is usually one of the best hitters on the team, and his job is to drive in runs. The term “cleanup hitter” comes from the fact that he hits cleanup, or in other words, he cleans up the bases by driving in runs.

The “Cleanup” Batter

In baseball, the lineup is the arrangement of the batting order of each player for a particular game. A baseball lineup may be set several ways. The most common method is for the manager to put his best hitter fourth (the “cleanup” batter), fifth, or sixth in the order because those are statistically the most productive “slots” in which to bat a run producer.

The “Protection” Batter

The third batter in a baseball lineup is typically the best all-around hitter on the team, and he is usually put in that position to “protect” the cleanup hitter who bats fourth. The idea is that pitchers will be more likely to pitch around (i.e. walk) the cleanup hitter if there is another good hitter behind him.

The term “protection” can also be used to refer to a team’s strategy of putting its best hitters in the first few spots in the batting order, in order to score more runs. This is often done at the expense of having weaker hitters batting later in the game, when the outcome of the game has already been decided.


So, what is the third batter in a baseball lineup called? The answer is the cleanup hitter. The cleanup hitter is the fourth batter in the lineup and is typically one of the best hitters on the team. This is because they have the job of driving in runs, and so they need to be able to hit the ball hard and far.

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