Quarterback Height: How Tall is Too Tall?

When it comes to playing quarterback in the NFL, there is no such thing as “too tall.” In fact, the taller the better, according to many experts. But just how tall is too tall? Let’s take a look.

Quarterback Height: How Tall is Too Tall?


In football, the quarterback is the most important position on the field. A quarterback’s primary responsibility is to passing the ball to their team’s receivers and tight ends. However, a quarterback must also be able to run with the ball if necessary. Quarterbacks are often required to make split-second decisions while under pressure from opposing defenders.

The average height of an NFL quarterback is 6’3″. However, there have been several successful quarterbacks who have been shorter than average, such as Drew Brees (6’0″) and Russell Wilson (5’11”). There have also been several successful quarterbacks who have been taller than average, such as Ben Roethlisberger (6’5″) and Cam Newton (6’5″).

The ideal height for a quarterback depends on several factors, such as the team’s offensive scheme and the type of players they have at receiver and tight end. For example, taller quarterbacks may be more successful in a vertical passing attack that utilizes tall receivers and tight ends. Shorter quarterbacks may be more successful in a West Coast offense that emphasizes quick reads and short passes.

Ultimately, the ideal height for a quarterback is whatever height gives them the best chance of success for their particular team.

Quarterback Height in the NFL

The average height of an NFL quarterback is 6 feet 3 inches tall. However, there have been quarterbacks that have been taller, and shorter. For example, Drew Brees is 6 feet tall, and Russell Wilson is 5 feet 11 inches tall. So, how tall is too tall for a quarterback? Let’s take a look.

The Average NFL Quarterback

How tall is the average NFL quarterback? This is a question that often comes up, as there seems to be a trend in the NFL towards taller quarterbacks. The average NFL quarterback is 6’3”, but there are quarterbacks who are significantly taller or shorter than this.

There are a few quarterbacks who are 6’7” or taller, including Drew Brees and Brock Osweiler. On the other side of the spectrum, there are some quarterbacks who are shorter than 6’0”, such as Russell Wilson and Kyler Murray.

So what does this mean for the average NFL quarterback? Height can be an advantage or disadvantage for a quarterback, depending on a number of factors. Taller quarterbacks may have an easier time seeing over the offensive line, while shorter quarterbacks may be more mobile and able to avoid sacks. Ultimately, it is up to each individual quarterback to use his own strengths to his advantage.

The Tallest NFL Quarterbacks

There have been a number of tall quarterbacks to play in the NFL, including Dan McGwire (6’8”), Drew Bledsoe (6’5”), and Ryan Mallett (6’6”). However, the tallest quarterback in NFL history is probably Jay Cutler, who is 6’3”.

The average height of an NFL quarterback is about 6’2”, so Cutler is just an inch above average. However, there have been a number of quarterbacks who have been successful at shorter heights.

One of the shortest quarterbacks to ever play in the NFL was Doug Flutie, who was 5’10”. While Flutie did not have a long career in the NFL, he was successful in college and even won the Heisman Trophy. He also had a successful career in the Canadian Football League.

Another short quarterback is Russell Wilson, who is 5’11”. Wilson has only been in the NFL for a few years, but he has already won a Super Bowl. He has also been named to the Pro Bowl three times.

Even though there have been some successful short quarterbacks, it seems that taller quarterbacks tend to be more successful in the NFL. This could be because they have a longer reach and can see over linemen to make throws. They also may be able to throw the ball further than shorter quarterbacks.

The Shortest NFL Quarterbacks

In the world of NFL quarterbacks, there is a great deal of height variety. The average height of an NFL quarterback is 6’3”, but there are plenty of quarterbacks who are shorter or taller than average. In fact, some of the most successful NFL quarterbacks have been on the shorter side.

Here is a list of the shortest quarterbacks in NFL history, all of whom are under 6 feet tall:
-Doug Flutie (5’10”)
-Russell Wilson (5’11”)
-Drew Brees (6’0”)
-Johnny Manziel (6’0”)
– Frankie Albert (6’1”)

Quarterback Height and Performance

The average height of an NFL quarterback is 6 feet 3 inches. The tallest quarterback in NFL history is Dan Pastorini, who was 6 feet 4 inches tall. The shortest quarterback in NFL history is Doug Flutie, who was 5 feet 10 inches tall. There have been many tall quarterbacks who have had great success in the NFL, but there have also been many quarterbacks who have been shorter than average who have had great success.

Does Quarterback Height Affect Performance?

In recent years, the average height of NFL quarterbacks has increased. In fact, out of the 32 starting quarterbacks in the NFL, only 3 are below 6 feet tall. But does this mean that taller quarterbacks are automatically better?

There is some evidence to suggest that taller quarterbacks do have an advantage. They may have a better view of the field and be able to make throws that shorter quarterbacks can’t. Additionally, they may be more difficult for defenses to tackle.

However, there are also some drawbacks to being a tall quarterback. Taller players may have more difficulty with their accuracy, and they may also be more likely to get injured.

So, it seems that while there may be some benefits to being a tall quarterback, it’s not necessarily a guarantee of success. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual player to make the most of their abilities, regardless of their height.

Quarterback Height and Arm Strength

There is a lot of debate over whether or not height matters when it comes to playing quarterback in the NFL. The conventional wisdom has always been that the taller a quarterback is, the better he will be able to see over the offensive line and find his receivers downfield. However, recent studies have shown that there is no correlation between a quarterback’s height and his ability to throw the ball accurately.

One theory is that quarterbacks who are tall often have longer arms, which gives them an advantage when it comes to throwing the ball downfield. Another theory is that taller quarterbacks are simply more athletic, and thus have an easier time eluding defenders and making plays outside of the pocket.

Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that tall quarterbacks have been successful in the NFL. Some of the most successful quarterbacks in history, such as Peyton Manning and Drew Brees, are both over 6’5″. And in the last few years, we’ve seen a number of tall quarterbacks drafted in the first round of the NFL Draft, including Cam Newton (6’5″), Andrew Luck (6’4″), and Blake Bortles (6’5″).

So if you’re looking to become an NFL quarterback, don’t worry if you’re not 6’5″.Height isn’t everything.

Quarterback Height and Accuracy

In the NFL, the average height of a quarterback is 6’2”. The average weight is 221 pounds. Considering those averages, it would stand to reason that teams would want their quarterbacks to be as close to those averages as possible, right? Not necessarily.

While stature certainly plays a role in a quarterback’s abilities, it is not the only factor. In fact, many experts believe that accuracy is more important than height when it comes to quarterbacking. And when you look at some of the most accurate quarterbacks in NFL history, they don’t necessarily fit the mold of the “ prototypical” quarterback.

Here are three examples of quarterbacks who defied the stereotype:

Doug Flutie: Flutie was just 5’10”, making him one of the shortest quarterbacks in NFL history. He was also considered too small to be successful at the professional level. But Flutie proved his doubters wrong, leading the Buffalo Bills to an AFC Championship appearance in 1998. He also won the NFL Comeback Player of the Year Award that season.

Russell Wilson: Wilson is another example of a quarterback who bucks the trend. At just 5’11”, he is one of the shortest quarterbacks currently playing in the NFL. But he has led the Seattle Seahawks to two Super Bowl appearances and has won one championship ring.

Tony Romo: Romo was an undrafted free agent out of Eastern Illinois University who was not expected to amount to much in the NFL. But he went on to have a successful career with the Dallas Cowboys, setting numerous franchise records along the way.


In conclusion, there is no “ideal” height for a quarterback, and tall quarterbacks are not at a disadvantage. While there are some factors that may make it difficult for taller quarterbacks to succeed in the NFL, there is no evidence to suggest that height is a significant factor. In fact, tall quarterbacks have been successful at all levels of football, including the NFL. The main thing that tall quarterbacks need to be aware of is the increased risk of injury, but even this is not a significant factor in most cases.

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