What Is the Average Height of an NFL Player?

The average height of an NFL player is about six feet tall.
You can find a complete list of NFL player heights here.

What Is the Average Height of an NFL Player?


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. The average height of an NFL player has been increasing over the years, and as of 2018, the average height for a player is just over 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 meters). While the average weight has also increased, it has not kept pace with the increase in height, and the average NFL player is now about 10-15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg) heavier than in the early days of the league.

There are a number of reasons why NFL players have gotten taller and heavier over the years. One reason is that players are simply getting bigger and stronger due to better training methods and facilities. Another reason is that teams are increasingly valuing size and strength in their players, as these characteristics can provide an advantage on the field.

Players who are taller and heavier often have an advantage in certain positions, such as offensive and defensive linemen, where size and strength can be key to success. However, being too large can also be a disadvantage, as it can lead to injuries or reduced mobility. As such, NFL teams must strike a balance when it comes to selecting players for their squads.

The average height of NFL players by position

The average height of an NFL player has increased over the years. The average height of a quarterback is now 6’3″, while the average height of a running back is 5’11”. The average height of a wide receiver is 6’1″, and the average height of a defensive end is 6’5″.


The average height of an NFL quarterback is 6’3”. In fact, most quarterbacks are between 6’2” and 6’5”. The tallest quarterback in NFL history is Dan O’Brien, who stands at 6’8”. The shortest quarterback in NFL history is Doug Flutie, who is only 5’10”.

Running backs

The typical running back is taller than the average NFL player but shorter than the average linebacker. The average height of a running back is 5’11”. The average weight is 220 pounds.

Some of the tallest running backs in NFL history include Bo Jackson (6’1”), Walter Payton (6’1”), and Steven Jackson (6’2”). Some of the shortest running backs include Darren Sproles (5’6”), Maurice Jones-Drew (5’7”), and Warrick Dunn (5’9”).

Wide receivers

The average height of an NFL wide receiver is 6 feet 2 inches, according to NFL.com. That is slightly taller than the average height for all NFL players, which is 6 feet 1 inch.

There are some wide receivers who are much taller than the average, however. The tallest wide receiver in the NFL is 6 feet 5 inches tall, while the shortest is 5 feet 9 inches tall.

While height is certainly an advantage for a wide receiver, it is not the only factor that determines success. Wide receivers also need to be fast and have good hands in order to be successful at their position.

Tight ends

The average height of an NFL tight end is 75.5 inches, or nearly 6 feet, 3 inches tall. The average weight is 247 pounds. The lightest tight end in the NFL weighs about 225 pounds, while the heaviest tips the scales at about 280 pounds.

Offensive linemen

Offensive linemen are, on average, the tallest players on an NFL team. The typical offensive lineman is about 6’5” tall and weighs around 300 pounds. However, there is a lot of variation in size among offensive linemen. Some offensive linemen are as short as 6’2” and some are as tall as 6’9”. And, while the average weight of an offensive lineman is about 300 pounds, some offensive linemen weigh more than 350 pounds.

Defensive linemen

On average, defensive linemen weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. They typically stand anywhere from 6’0” to 6’7” tall. The taller defensive linemen usually play at the end of the line, where their height can be an advantage in blocking field goals and extra points. Most defensive linemen have short arms, which helps them keep offensive linemen away from their bodies so they can better anticipate plays.


Linebackers are the defensive leaders of the team, responsible for stopping the run and defending against the pass. They are typically the largest and strongest players on the field, and their average height is just over 6’2”.

Defensive backs

The average height of NFL players by position Defensive backs is 5’11”. This is the same as the average for all positions.

The tallest and shortest NFL players in history

The average height of an NFL player has been steadily increasing over the years. In the early days of the league, players were typically shorter than they are today. The tallest player in NFL history is currently Morten Andersen, who is 7 feet tall. The shortest player in NFL history is Jack Shapiro, who was just 5 feet 3 inches tall.

The average height of NFL players by race

NFL players are some of the biggest and tallest people in the world. So, it’s no surprise that their average height is taller than the general population. The average height of an NFL player by race is listed below.

African American

The average height of an NFL player varies by position and race. The average height for an African American NFL player is 74.9 inches, or 6 feet 4 inches. For comparison, the average height of a Caucasian NFL player is 76.3 inches, or 6 feet 4 inches.


Caucasian NFL players tend to be the tallest, with an average height of around 74 inches (188 cm). African American and Hispanic players are typically shorter, with an average height of around 72 inches (183 cm).


Hispanic NFL players have an average height of 73.3 inches, or 6 feet 1 inch tall. This is just slightly below the average height for all NFL players, which is 73.6 inches, or 6 feet 1 inch. The average weight for Hispanic players is 249 pounds.


The average height of an NFL player is just under 6 feet 2 inches, with the average weight being about 250 pounds. However, these numbers vary greatly by position and race. For example, offensive and defensive linemen are typically the heaviest and tallest players on the field, while kickers and punters are usually the lightest and shortest. And while the average height of a white NFL player is just under 6 feet 2 inches, the average height of a black NFL player is 6 feet 1 inch. Asians, who make up a small portion of the league (less than 1 percent), are even taller, with an average height of 6 feet 3 inches.


The average NFL player is slightly over six feet tall. This is a generalization, of course, and there are players of all different heights in the league. The tallest players tend to be offensive and defensive linemen, while the shortest players are typically wide receivers or cornerbacks. There is no set height requirement to play in the NFL, but taller players do have an advantage in certain positions.

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