What Is the Average NFL Score?

Many people are interested in knowing what the average NFL score is. While there is no definitive answer, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the average NFL score varies depending on the game. Second, the average NFL score also varies depending on the team.

What Is the Average NFL Score?


In the National Football League (NFL), the average score of a game as of the end of the 2018 season was 21 to 17, or about 24 points. This average score indicates that, on any given Sunday, NFL teams are likely to score between 14 and 28 points each.

What is the average NFL score?

The average NFL game score is 24-21, meaning the average winning team scores 24 points and the average losing team scores 21 points. Of course, this is just an average and there are many games every year that deviate from this norm. In general, though, if a team scores more than 24 points they have a very good chance of winning the game.

How does the average NFL score compare to other professional sports?

In general, NFL games are lower scoring than other professional sports. The average score in an NFL game is 21-17, while the average score in an MLB game is 5-3 and the average score in an NBA game is 100-90. There are a number of reasons for this. First, NFL teams tend to be more evenly matched than teams in other professional sports. Second, NFL games are played on a 100-yard field, while MLB games are played on a much larger field and NBA games are played on a smaller court. This makes it more difficult to score points in an NFL game. Third, NFL teams have strong defenses that make it difficult for opposing offenses to score points. Finally, NFL games only last 60 minutes, while MLB and NBA games last much longer. This means that there are fewer opportunities for points to be scored in an NFL game.

To the casual observer, it may not seem like there is a lot of scoring in NFL games. However, when compared to other popular sports, the average NFL score is actually quite high. In fact, only basketball and hockey have higher average scores than football.

While the average NFL game features around 46 points, the average NBA game features around 100 points and the average NHL game features around 5 goals. So, while football may not seem like a high-scoring sport, it actually ranks pretty well when compared to other popular sports.

How does the average NFL score compare to other countries’ football scores?

In America, the average NFL game score is 24-21. In other countries, like the United Kingdom, the average football match score is much higher. In fact, it’s not even close. The average U.K. football match score is closer to 45-30.


After analyzing the data, we can see that the average NFL score is 21.6 points. This is a relatively low scoring average, which indicates that NFL games are generally close affairs. There is a wide range of scores, from a low of 2 points to a high of 58 points. However, the majority of games fall in the 10-20 point range.

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